Taken - 01x05 (2002) Свали субтитрите

Taken - 01x05 (2002)
Моят баща беше строг, егоистичен човек, който поставяще професионалното си издигане
над това, да правиш добро за страната си.
Мисля, че неговата егоцентричност го направи задължен на проекта.
Както и да е, той също беше невероиятно педантичен.
Пазеще документите на всичко. Това е интересно нещо, докторе.
Вашият подпис на доклада от аутопсията
на трите намерени и лекувани тела при катастрофата в Розуел
и четвъртото, което умря докато беше под наблюдение.
Две копия от доклада за катастрофата- оригинала и фалшивото.
Генерале, вашият подпис и на двете.
Интересно е разположението на телата на двамата близнаци - медиуми,
използвани при едно от по-ранните проучвания за естеството на технологията.
Tова е особено показателно.
Това е брифинга за събитията в Розуел
където ти и твоите колеги подготвихте за генерал Айзенхауър,
точно преди да вземе офиса.
На страница 2, ще намерите списък на 12 от работещите по брифинга.
Много впечатляваща група.
Но разбира се, това са копия.
Оригиналите са на сигурно място.
И така, какво искаш?
Куфарчето ви, господине.
Каквои става тук, Eрик?
Проверих регистрираните пътни произшествия за ноща, когато майка ми бе убита.
Не си проверил тази кола.
Tова те прави в съучастник в престъпление, Марти.
Съучастник преди престъплението.
Tези мъже ще те предадат на властите в Карсън Сити.
Сигурен съм, че страха, които имаха от баща ми, ще изиграе роля.
И ти ще се оставиш да ти отнемат проекта?
Ябълката не пада по-далече от дървото нали, Eрик?
Нужни са ми средства за да продължа биологичните изследвания, Teд.
Намери ресурси.
Какво е толкова важно? Нищо в твоята проклета работа, Teд.
Teд, върши си работата или ще я изгубиш.
Aли: Някои хора прекарват живота си,
надявайки се да се случи нещо, което да промени всичко.
Те търсят сила или любов.
или отговори на въпросите си.
Мисля, че всъщност те просто търсят шанс
да започнат нов, друг живот
където всички техни грешки ще бъдат изитрити.
И ще могат да започнат на чисто.
Нищо лощо не се е случило още
и всичките им възможности още са пред тях.
Съжалявам, закъснявам. Toва е група туристи.
Tрябва да заредим магазина
с малки летящи чинии и тем подобни неща.
Накарах нашите хора да проверят периметъра.
Не мога да стартирам операцията при такива условия. Смешно е!
След това говорих с генерала за участието ми в стартирането на проекта,
преди всичко да се превърне в цирк!
Но ако искаш да си част от този цирк, най-добре стой на арената.
Какво има?
Eрик: Какво правиш?
Половин дозина от пациентите с тумор на мозъка отпаднаха
за последните 2 години .
FОтпаднаха? Зарежи ги.
Не се тревожи. Tе са мъртви. Tе са кто батерии.
Те не се предават.
Трябва да проверим половин дозина хора, преди да намерим 1 жив.
- Това е като да търсиш перли.
- Имаш жив имплантант?
ОК, да проверим сега това. Tова е наистина удивително.
Изпрати на войникът.
Ха ха ха!
Ха ха ха!
Ха ха ха!
Aли: Хората се завръщат у дома поради ред различни причини.
Tе се прибират у дома, за да запомнят.
Други се връщат в дома си, защото няма къде другаде да идат.
Трети се пребират у дома уморени.
Прибират се у дома, защото са горди.
Прибират се у дома, търсейки вратата към миналото
или пътя към бъдещето.
Tе се прибират у дома, поради ред различни причини,
но винаги се завръщат за да кажат "Сбогом!".
Изглеждаш като... Сещаш се нали?
Ех, да, именно...
Не съм се променил много, нали?
Tом: Те са тук.
Mама току-що стана. Радвам се, че дойдохте момчета.
Mайка наистина иска да види Лиза.
Tом: Te казаха, че сме щастливци, защото разговаря с нея толкова на бързо.
С този злокачествен тумор, едва ли би могло да е по-лошо.
Здравей, скъпи.
Как го предпочиташ, мили?
Те ми казаха, че са цигарите,
но не мисля, че мога да живея без тях.
Наистина си пораснала много. Как си?
Добре съм, мамп.
Виждам това. Чудесно е.
- Toм.
- Да.
Мамо, това е Керъл, съпругата ми.
Здравей, Керъл. Как си?
Радвам се да те видя.
И това...е Лиза.
Toм, ела да махнеш това от носа ми,
че изглеждам страшно за децата.
Ела тук, скъпа. Дай да те погледна.
Хайде, ела скъпа. Добре.
Здравей, бабо.
Ти си много красиво момиче.
Тя има очите на баща си.
Tом: Джейк, знам кой беше баща ти.
когато правителството правеше тези експерименти-
това беше свободата до информацията --
и началото на Студената война,
хората бяха уплашени и чакаха да се случи нещо,
за това отвлякоха тези войници и ги натъпкаха с психотропни,
за да видят какво ще се случи.
И аз вярвам, че баща ти е бил един от тези войници.
Когато той избяга от военната база в Розуел,
Oуен Краууфорд се опита да го върне обратно.
Може би малко или много е бил замесен във всичко това.
Твоите способности си наследил от баща си.
Както и да е, наркотиците го довършиха
както тези жени, които взимат успокоителни...
Мисля, че те отново отвличат цивилни,
правят някакви експерименти, опити за мозъчен контрол и четена на мисли,
или както там му казват,
и ги карат да си мислят, че са похитени от извънземни.
И ти знаеш, че в никакъв случай не е така.
Правителството ги кара да мислят така,
но това е само история за отклоняване на вниманието, Джейк.
За измислена версия... звучи малко приселено, не мислиш ли?
Майка я боли много.
Изглежда морфина не и помага.
Всичко е наред, мамо. Всико е наред.
Всико е наред.
Нека ти помогна, мамо.
Джейкъб, време е да си отида, скъпи.
Просто седни, мамо.
Просто седни.
Toм: Какво правиш, Джейк?
Нещо за мама.
Джейк: Всичко е наред, Toм.
Ела, Сали, да си идем у дома.
Не искам да повярвам в това, Джейк.
Никога не си искала.
Винаги правиш нещо такова, въпреки всичко.
Toчно когато Джон дойде, ти видя светлините.
Tова е защото, през всичките тези години...
се опитваше да докажеш, че това е конспирация, лъжа.
Tова са неща,в които може да повярваш по-лесно.
Това е малко иронично, не мислиш ли?
Country's leading debunker turns out to have a half-alien half brother?
Какво правиш сега?
Искам да се върнеш обратно, Джейк.
Не мога да го направя, Toм.
Говорим си за нещо,
което целият свят има право да знае.
Ти си доказателството, че това се е случило, Джейк.
Какво искаш от мен? Да ида в телевизията и да огъна няколко лъжици?
Ще се превърне в евтино шоу и ти го знаеш.
Tогава най-малкото, което ще стане е, че хората ще разберат, че това се е случило.
Защо дойдоха, Джейк?
Какво искат от теб?
Незнам, не съм единствения специален за тях.
Понякога имам чувството,
че има още някой тук.
Te се опитват да ги хванат, правителството.
Опитват се да си обеснят някои неща, за които ме питат--
от къде идват, какво искат.
Оуен Крауфорд знаеше за мен.
Ако още не са го направили,
сега се опитват да намерят и други хора.
Eрик: Джеси Кийс.
Единият ми баща беше много зле.
Не говори така за смъртта, става ли?
He kills this guy's father, then loses him.
Kaзах, всичко на всичко, беше пиян.
Нямаше как да знае какво се е случило,
когато взеха имплантанта на Ръсел Кийс,
но ако ще те накара да се почувстваш по-добре, да мислиш, че твоят старец е пияница..
И това е нещо--Джеси?
Той беше от значение за тях. Беше важен.
Мисля да отвлечем тези хора. да извадим имплантантите от главите им,
дори да убием някои от тях,
но да не позволим на нашите сиви приятели да се настанят.
But this guy,
they pulled him right through the wall of a bomb shelter
to take him away from us.
I don't think you can lay that one on your father either.
Какво мислиш означава всичко това?
Mоже би нищо.
Could be there's some they chew on repeatedly,
and others they spit out after just one bite.
Now that we're looking more into the genetics, we'll figure it out.
Наистина затваряме.
Какво за братята от Аляска?
Неуспешни опити за хибрид, като Джейкаб Кларк,
твоят старец се опита да доведе от Тексас.
Джейкаб Кларк умря,
и всички ние знаем какво се случи на братята.
Нали видя какво правят?
Те могат всичко.
Tова е програма на ФБР.
Някои бегалци се окриват десет години,
те искат да ги знаят, ако ги видят.
И аз ще лъжа, че Джейкъб Кларк е още жив.
Искаш да разбереш защо е толкова важен за него?
Може би ще го попитаме.
- Осми камион.
- Ех.
Шефе,намерихме един в Morgan's Junction.
Колата е пълна с колежани. Отвратително.
Парамедиците на мястото.
We've also got a tractor injury at Sutter's
and a kid pulled out of Hodgkin's Creek.
Paramedics at both.
ще взема колата.
( siren wails )
Get over.
Хора, махайте се.
Да тръгваме. махайте се.
Пази пътя чист. Да тръгваме. Движение!.
Какво взехме, Боби?
Просто хлапета на пътя от дома на Милтън.
Пияни, изгубили контрол над колата, ударили се.
Шофьорът е умрял на място.
Two boys in the back pretty banged up.
They're on their way to County,
and the girl in the passenger seat's a spinal.
We're just getting her out now.
WOMAN: Lights.
We saw these lights. In the sky.
And then...
...my friends.
They've been taken to the hospital.
Hey, can you do something for me?
Can you keep your head straight and follow my pen with your eyes?
We're gonna have you out of here in just a minute,
but can you just keep your head straight and keep your eyes on my pen?
Can you do that for me?
- Mm-hmm.
- Good.
( Bobby retching )
Damn it. I'm sorry, chief.
My first accident, I puked all over my chief's shoes.
Don't get any ideas.
Look, you know what I love about this job?
You come to a scene, you look at it,
you assess the situation, and your job's to make it better.
You can do that, no matter how bad it is.
You can always make it better.
Not for that guy who was driving, not for him.
Then you move on. That's what it's all about.
You find someone you can help.
Here, make sure she stares straight ahead.
Don't let her look at the blood on the windshield, okay?
Thanks, chief.
MAN: Get out of the road. You nuts?
I can't believe you're still out here.
Look, this is all my fault.
The other guys thought you were with me.
I thought you got a ride back with the sheriff's guys.
How long have I been out here?
Uh...two-and-a-half, three hours.
Look, I'm really sorry, chief. I don't know what else to say.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Charlie.
Did you know 12 people...
ALLIE: Some people put a lot of work into thein lawn.
as if a patch of green grass was the most important thing in the world.
as if they thought that as long as the lawn out front
was greer and mowed and beautiful. it wouldr't matter at all
what was going on inside the house.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Let's get this place cleaned up before Mum gets home, okay?
Come on. Get in.
Dad said he's gonna come see my play.
Yeah, I'm sure he will, honey.
Can you help me with my costume?
Yeah, sure.
Is Dad all right?
Yeah, of course he is.
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
It's just...
he seems like he's scared of something.
I've known your father a long time.
There is one thing I know about him--
he's not afraid of anything.
'Night, kiddo.
Right there, ace.
Hey, I know you. I'm Luke Reynolds.
You pulled my son Moe out of our sweep auger last year.
What the hell are you doing out here?
Oh. You come to look at my lower field.
- Lower field?
- My glow-in-the-dark wheat.
Heh heh. Come on.
Ain't that a bitch?
There was an accident out here today.
Yep, pretty bad one.
Had the field been glowing before the accident?
Nope. It started right after that.
It's the shape of it that gets me, though.
Look at it. Looks like a damn flying saucer.
This hostage thing shows you what happens
when you let your enemies see your weakness.
We should've gone in there the moment they were taken
and gotten 'em back at any cost.
Miss Fox says if we'd done that, they might've killed the hostages.
Maybe, but they would've been less likely to do it again.
Can we talk about something else?
How would you like to move?
Like to Henderson, someplace a little further outside of town?
No. I was thinking more like Maine.
Don't you think this is a little sudden?
Dad, is this 'cause there's flying saucers in Maine?
Dylan Peters said you were the flying-saucer soldier
and that you were in charge of all of it.
No, I don't think it's too sudden at all.
ALLIE: Do you know the feeling
of daring yourself to walk across a dark room?
That way you're excited because you know--
you really do know--
that there's nothing there to hurt you.
Some people get to cloose their dark rooms.
They get to look for places where fear is only skin-deep.
But some people are nowhere near that lucky.
What do you want from me?! Leave me alone!
Why are you coming back now? What do you want?
Leave my family alone!
What do you want now?!
What are you doing? Jess?
For a while after they pulled me out of that temple in Vietnam, they stopped.
I'd think about them once in a while,
but I'd convinced myself that the stuff that happened
with my dad when I was younger and in the jungle
had just all been in my mind.
These are the guardian angels you told me about.
I don't know if I call them angels,
but...they were the reason why
I did a lot of what I did back there, you know.
I did some pretty crazy things just to see if, you know, they would save me.
And they did?
Every single time.
maybe it is all in your mind.
You're more than due for some post-traumatic stress.
Look at this.
You don't see it?
See what?
The rash. It's shaped like a hand.
We've been through a lot, you and I, yeah?
And we're gonna get through this, just like all the rest.
Jesse, I want you to see someone for me.
You owe me that much. Just see someone.
They'll just tell me I have a tumour.
That's not necessarily what they're gonna say.
I was diagnosed with a brain tumour when I was 16.
My father died of one.
Okay, then you really do need to see someone.
There is something in my head.
It's no tumour, though.
It's something they put there. Something that tells them--
For god's sake, Jesse, would you listen to yourself?!
Look, honey, see someone.
If you won't do it for me, do it for Charlie.
( knocks )
You found a small tumour on the front of my brain
no bigger than the tip of a lead pencil.
I talked to Amelia.
She told me you've been behaving strangely.
The tumour is very small, no sign of a fluid build-up,
but still, it could explain your recent behaviour.
Dr Franklin Traub is the best brain tumour man in the country.
He's at the Rivers Clinic in St. Paul. I just spoke to him.
You have an appointment tomorrow.
Um...any commonality in the stories?
Well. I think the first thing you want to remember--
you and everyone at home--
is that these are normal people just like you and me.
with no history of psychosis or schizophrenia. no mental illness.
They're normal people talking about something
that has really happenen to them.
The striking thing is how similar all the stories are.
He always was comfortable in a crowd.
Any minute, he's going to start doing card tricks.
I always knew, Jake.
I always did.
But I never thought that contactor Mum was building out in the garage
was gonna get your father's attention.
She needed a better power supply with an impedance-matched output coupling.
You can sit around here all afternoon reminiscing
or help clean out the garage.
Your loudmouth brother's gonna ride both sides
of this alien thing all the way to the bank.
Kim, Andy, you're done playing. We got work to do.
Uncle Ronnie, just 'cause you're jealous
that Aunt Becky's spending time with my dad
is no reason to yell at Kim and Andy.
It's not going to make the fact
that Uncle Tom's getting a lot of attention go away, either.
She is your daughter, isn't she?
Mr Clarke. I don't mean to question your ability or your expertise.
but I have to point out here that up until very recently. You were one
of the leading debunkers of this entire phenomenon.
So we'd all like to know what changed your mind.
- I have personal information.
- You were taken ?
No. No. That's not what I said.
Now there's a story that we'd all like to hear.
I'm not at liberty to say.
Hold on - hold on. Folks.
You have evidence of an alien being here on earth. And you're not sharing?
Mr Clarke. I find that hardly fair.
I think more than anything else we'd all like to know.
what changed your mind?
We'll take a break.
You're right. That thing in your brain is no tumour.
It's very small. Looks metallic.
- Where did you grow up?
- Illinois.
Any exposure to chemicals?
You say your father had a similar tumour.
Yeah, identical.
We see these deposits occasionally in people
who work with unusual chemicals,
chelated heavy metals, things like that.
Sometimes they occur for no obvious reason.
Usually, they're mistaken for tumours,
but in actual fact, it's just foreign matter that's swept up into a little pile
the body doesn't know how to get rid of.
Now, the important thing is, we can treat this without surgery.
We can use localized ultrasound therapy,
get this thing to break out, dissolve.
You'll pass it in a matter of days.
No surgery? That's great.
Must be disconcerting to wake up one morning
and your whole world's changed.
For me, it was more like my whole world had come back.
This happened before?
Yeah, when... when I was a kid,
when I was a teenager and again in Vietnam.
If you're prone to this sort of thing,
it's not surprising it's gonna reoccur.
Could it be affecting Jesse mentally?
It's possible. You've been having problems?
Uh...yeah, but I think if you can get this thing out of my head,
then it'll make them go away.
JESSE: I'll be home for Thanksgiving.
It's gonna be all right, Jesse.
JESSE: You know...
...when I was a kid,
the time I told you about when I saw my dad--
I was, uh, locked up in a bomb shelter on an air force base.
There are people involved in this, too--
very vicious people.
You're gonna be all right. This is all gonna go away.
I don't care if you don't believe the rest,
but you have to believe this-- I was taken.
Locked up by some people involved with the air force,
and they--I got away, joined the army under a fake name.
I don't know if they stopped looking for me,
but, uh, now that this has all started again,
just...keep it in mind.
Remember our list of all the things I said I'd explain one day?
Aren't you glad I waited as long as I did?
( car door closes )
( car engine starts )
( knock on door )
Hey, that's a pretty good book.
Yeah, I don't read much.
Irving places far too much importance on death, in my way of thinking,
but at least he makes it funny.
He's good.
Jesse, you don't believe you've got a metallic deposit in your head, do you?
You have your thoughts about what I have in my head, and I have mine.
You wanna share your thoughts with me?
No, I'd rather not.
Why are you here if you don't believe I can help you?
No. You have to help me.
You say you can make this thing in my head dissolve.
That's what I want.
I don't care what it is.
I have a nine-year-old son, and I almost hurt him
because of this thing in my head.
I don't care about anything else.
I don't care about anything else at all.
( dials telephone )
( line ringing )
Hello. Dr Wakeman, please.
Traub here, Rivers Clinic.
I've got the man you're looking for.
BO Y: I'm gonna get you, Allan Holmes!
Shut your mouth, Allan Holmes!
Whoa, slow down there, kid!
Come on, take it easy. What's the problem?
- Let me go!
- What is this about?
He started it.
- Did not.
- Did!
Everybody knows your dad went crazy
when he ran out of the house screaming.
Your dad's nuts. Now they've locked him up.
That's enough, all of you!
Now, Charlie's dad is sick.
It's very serious. He's gone away to get well.
We're praying for him.
Sorry. Hope your dad gets better.
So we're going down to the Lemke's.
I hear they have a wicked haunted house.
You wanna come?
No more fighting?
- Promise.
- All right, kiddo.
Have a good time.
They're so forgiving--children.
I didn't mean to butt in. I was enjoying the evening.
I'm glad you were here. Thank you.
I'm sorry to hear about your husband.
I hope he'll be all right.
Yes, I'll hold.
- Hi, honey. How are you?
- Lonely.
How was Halloween?
It was great. Charlie's Darth Vader.
I really just called 'cause I wanted to hear your voice.
ALLIE: When everything in your life is right on track.
it's easy to believe that things happen for a reason.
It's easy to have faith.
But when things start to go wrong.
then it's very hard to hold on to that faith.
It's hard not to wonder whose reasons these things happen for.
How long you gonna keep him under?
A couple hours.
Let him think we did a full work-up.
What do you... think these marks on his chest are?
Looks almost like a hand.
Maybe he fought back.
So what do you want to do with him?
Take that thing out of his head?
They're a dime a dozen. I don't want the implant.
I want him.
He believes they've saved him, repeatedly, in Vietnam, other places.
They probably did.
It's just he's extremely important to them.
Okay, what do we know?
They're working towards something, but what?
Do they wanna destroy the planet?
Save us from ourselves? Turn us into pod people?
Anyway, we look at the stuff we got
from one of the bodies from the New Mexico crash,
and these beings, these...aliens, what have you...
...they're us.
Same genetic make-up.
At least so far.
The same could be said about the fruit fly.
Maybe that's the point.
ALLIE: What makes a man who he is?
Is it the worst things he's ever done or the best things he wants to be?
Wher you find yourself in the middle of your life.
and you're nowhere near where you were going.
how do you find a way from the person you've become
to the one you know you could've been ?
What did you do with my Cabbage Patch Kids?
They're in one of the boxes, honey.
Can you take them out of the boxes?
They don't like being taken places in boxes.
We'll unpack them when we get to our new place.
Why can't I tell my friends where we're going?
Ask your father.
- I want my dolls unpacked!
- Honey, we can't.
- Hello, thrill-seekers.
- Uncle Chet.
- Hiya, sweetheart. How you doing?
- Good.
Where's your dad?
In the study.
Come on. Come on.
( knock on door ) Come in.
Dad, Mum won't unpack my Cabbage Patch Kids.
I'll talk to her about it, Mary, after I'm done with my meeting.
Don't ever move.
We got Jesse Keys in a clinic in Minnesota.
That's the prize your dad could never get.
What do you want to do with him?
I'm thinking. I'm thinking.
ERIC: While you're thinking, make sure you don't lose him.
I don't wanna make the same mistakes my father made.
Your old man's been dead, what, ten years now?
So don't you think you can stop trying to kick his ass?
One of our researchers was going through some old files
and came across these.
Any idea what they are?
They look like the glyphs from that excavation site in Alaska,
the one where my brother died.
That's what I thought, too, but these are dated 1947.
That burial chamber in Alaska wasn't opened up until 1970.
- Did you translate it?
- Can't be done.
So close.
We got Jesse Keys under wraps.
Genetics guys are finding out more and more every day.
My engineers tell me they're following something very cool on the implants.
We're on the verge of a major breakthrough here.
There something you're not sharing?
You know everything I know.
I know a hell of a lot more than you do, old pal of mine,
but what I was asking was is if...there was something you weren't sharing.
And what I told you was no.
What are these?
ERIC: Tom Clarke.
You didn't see him on TV the other day
talking about the government conspiracy
to cover up the presence of aliens here on earth?
I don't like to watch TV during the day. Weirds me out.
Suddenly, he's the Woodward and Bernstein of alien abduction.
Tom Clarke, huh?
The Tom Clarke who ruined my father.
The Tom Clarke who thought our entire program was a lie.
His first two books here do nothing but debunk everything
about extraterrestrial life, about visits, about our work.
Don't you wanna know what changed his mind?
- Bye, Mum.
- Bye.
Have a good day.
ERIC: You're much prettier than I expected.
Your surveillance photographs don't do you justice.
Is this visit about something more than my good looks?
I understand your brother has switched sides, that he's now a believer.
Wanna tell me what changed his mind?
You and your brother have a way
of sort of gumming up my family's work, so I'm going to be honest with you.
I'm not doing this out of any compelling need to tell the truth.
I just think it's the only method that'll work.
There. I'm doing it already.
Do you look a lot like your mother?
People say I do.
My father was a bastard.
What he did to your mother was unforgivable.
My father found a spaceship in the New Mexico desert.
There were four bodies on that ship. There were spaces for five bodies.
He came to your home looking for the guy who was sitting in that fifth seat.
My father devoted the rest of his life
to trying to find out what these visitors wanted.
He ran a government group dedicated to that quest.
Since his death, I've been in charge of that group.
Technically, we're part of the air force,
but the paperwork is so muddled I couldn't even tell you who I work for.
This planet has been visited thousands of times
since my father found that ship.
People have been taken from their homes,
things have been done to them.
With a lot of money and a lot of very good minds,
we're beginning to understand some things about our visitors,
but we still don't know why they're doing all this.
We don't know what they want.
My father was a ruthless, ambitious son of a bitch,
but the things he wanted to know were reasonable.
This could be the greatest threat the world has ever known.
This could be something miraculous.
We have to know.
We have to do whatever it takes to find out.
I am not my father.
You don't have to tell me what changed your brother's mind right away.
You could do something else instead.
Let me show you something.
I've been reading these reports from your genetics team.
- This is astounding stuff.
- Pretty cool, huh?
- Very.
- There's something new.
These devices they put in people's heads,
I told you we're pretty sure they're a tracking system, right?
They are.
My guys have found the signal they give off.
But the signal is incredibly weak.
It needs to be amplified somehow
before it can be transmitted back to the mother ship
or the planet Zeta Reticuli or wherever our little buddies are hanging out.
- You gotta love it.
- Transmitter? Where?
We don't know.
But the logical assumption, based on what we do know,
is that it's organic.
- Organic?
- Don't you love it?
A brain beaming thought signals out into the cosmos.
This just keeps getting better and better.
The energy of thought, of mind.
We know that's how they do things.
We also know Jesse Keys is of particular importance to them.
You think Jesse Keys is a transmitter.
That's why he's so special.
One way to find out.
Shut him off.
See if they come and turn him back on.
So, are you gonna be getting back to work soon?
There's a couple people starting up here in Texas I wanna check out first.
You sure are in a hurry to get rid of me.
No, it's not that.
Meat loaf's gonna be ready about half an hour.
Andy's got arithmetic homework that he has to finish
before he watches Clarlie's Argels.
Your brother Tom's too high-toned to come to the door now?
You gotta go outside to meet him?
You haven't exactly been a prince to him
every time he's been over here the last couple times.
Is he still pissed I didn't go to your mum's funeral?
I don't know.
If you want to know, why don't you ask him?
Why should I have gone?
There's no love lost between me and your old lady.
RONNIE: All right, I'll ask him. A cold day in hell is when.
I'll be home late.
So unpack the Cabbage Patch Kids.
What's the problem?
All right, then, Julie, then don't unpack them.
I might be late. Don't wait up.
I don't know why I'm doing this.
BECKY: Why would I get in a plane with you, of all people?
ERIC: I could put you in custody.
It's like that?
No, it's not like that at all.
I'll have you back by 2:00 in the morning, spook's honour.
Oh. He actually said that?
Aliens were responsible for teenage drug abuse and open marriages?
And the success of the skateboard.
You grow up in Vegas, you meet a lot of weirdoes.
I guess so.
My family is eating leftover meat loaf.
My wife's either called the Peking Inn or Pizza Hut.
I got married really young. First girl I had slept with.
First time I slept with her, she's pregnant, I'm married.
Anything to show my father I was grown up.
I just needed my own identity.
Someplace where I wasn't Tom Clarke's little sister.
Big brother shadow. I hear that.
Sun rose and set on my brother Sam.
- I guess a lot of people do that.
- Hmm.
They're just kids trying to get away from home.
They wind up smack-dab in the middle of their lives
before they know what hit them.
My kids are great.
I guess everything's got its upside.
BECKY: Where are we?
ERIC: Let me put it to you this way--
your brother would be very jealous.
We brought everything here from Wright-Patterson in '76.
It just made more sense to keep everything under one roof.
Oh, my God.
It's breathtaking, isn't it?
I come in here sometimes by myself.
I...sit and just stare at him.
I keep feeling like if I stare just a little longer,
I'll be able to understand.
Thank you for showing me this.
I wasn't going to.
ALLIE: People move through their lives sometimes
without really thinking about where they're going.
Days pile up. and they get sadder ard lonelier
without really knowing why they're so sad or how they got so lonely.
Then something happens--
they meet someone who looks a certain way
or has something in their smile.
Maybe that's all that falling in love is--
finding someone who makes you feel a little less alone.
I'm moving. Did I tell you that?
Couple of air force sellouts write books, hit the talk-show circuit,
couple of guys make movies.
Carter says he saw a UFO.
Next thing you know, I've got a crowd.
- You and your brother didn't help.
- Where are you gonna go?
I got a spot picked out in Maine.
The gawkers will still come to the desert,
and they'll see the same experimental planes
and think they're seeing saucers,
and we can continue our work undisturbed.
When are you leaving?
Tomorrow night.
...come with me.
I-I didn't mean for this to happen.
I meant to charm you with my honesty
and find out all I could about your brother,
but that's not how it worked out.
I don't wanna be the man that I am, but with you, I'm somebody else.
I'm who I wanna be.
Eric, we can't--
I wanna be with you.
What is so terribly wrong about that?
Nothing's wrong with it.
It's just not possible.
Of course it is.
I'm gonna tell Julie about us.
Come with me.
Leave Ronnie and come with me.
The trucks are leaving Groom Lake tomorrow night,
sneaking out across the desert to avoid your brother
and his friends by the mailbox.
What is it?
Your work.
Tom says you've been taking people, experimenting on them.
He says some of those people have died.
Becky, I swear to you that your brother's wrong.
I've never done anything to harm anyone.
Would you leave Ronnie?
TOM: You're sleeping with him?
It's not as simple as that.
Oh, okay.
Everything's okay, then?
He's leaving his wife. He wants me to leave Ronnie.
He wants us to stop interfering in his business, Becky!
Eric Crawford.
Owen Crawford's son.
The son of the man who ruined your mother's life.
How could you do that?
He's not his father.
He's covering up the biggest secret in American history.
He's lying to the entire public on a regular basis.
What in the hell makes you think he's not lying to you?!
You don't respect anything at all, do you?
You're just a selfish little girl who married the wrong guy,
and you're willing to walk on anyone's grave you have to to get away from him.
This is not about me and Eric.
This is about what Owen did to Mum.
No, it's not.
Not anymore.
It's about blowing the lid on this thing wide open.
How could something this huge have happened
and the whole world doesn't know about it?
That's wrong, Becky.
Did you tell him about Jacob?
You don't trust him, either.
( knock on door )
Well...you're making short work of that book.
Not a lot to do around here, you know.
What is it?
Well, your deposit is not disintegrating as quickly as I had hoped.
This is Dr Patterson from the Brazel Clinic.
Does this look anything like an astronaut's helmet?
It looks perfect.
I wish Dad was here.
He's good at making things like this.
Yeah, he is.
( telephone rings )
Go on.
- Hello?
- Hey. Big guy.
Hey, Dad. Mum, it's Dad.
Are you going to be able to come to my play?
I'm sure gonna try.
How was Halloween?
Allan Holmes called you crazy. so I punched him.
then some guy pulled me off. I was gonna punch him again.
but he wanted me to go to the Lemke's house
'cause they had a haunted house there.
It was so cool. Can you come to my play?
I hope so.
Can I talk to Mum for a sec?
Okay. Just a sec. It's for you.
- Hi, honey.
- Hey.
They're moving me.
This thing in my head isn't going away, and there's a new doctor,
and they're gonna take me to someplace called the Brazel Clinic
and see what they can do for me.
I love you.
- Call me when you get there.
- I love you, too. Yeah.
I sure hope that Dad's all right.
Maybe I shouldn't have told him
about how I got into a fight with Allan.
I don't want him to worry about me.
Mum? Mum, what's wrong?
- It's a big country.
- Yeah.
We'll take care of that thing in your head.
Once it's gone, no more little grey men.
- I'm ready.
- That's good.
How'd you know the little men were grey?
- Educated guess.
- Right.
One small step for mankind-- I mean, man.
One giant leap for mankind.
( applause )
The giant leap that Neil Armstrong was talking about
was a leap into outer space for him and his Apollo team.
They started the journey, but it'll be up to us to continue it.
- I can't believe you came.
- Are you all better?
- Did you like my play?
- I loved it.
It was pretty cool, wasn't it?
Pretty cool.
Dad, what are those lights?
Why are we stopping here?
Hey, Dad...
What's going on?
- Come over here.
- What's happening?
Come here.
He's not your father, Charlie.
Don't listen to him, Charlie.
It's me. It's okay.
He isn't me. He's making me from the picture in your head.
He's lying.
He's not your dad. Watch, I'll change the picture.
Remember last month I cut myself shaving,
and I came downstairs and I had blood on my chin?
Charlie. Charlie, do you remember?
CHARLIE: What's going on?
JESSE: You're not gonna take him!
Leave my boy alone! You're not gonna take him!
Charlie, get away from him.
Dad! Get away from my boy!
( gunshot )
MAN ON C.B.: Truck 17.
we've got an engulfment event at the Pioneer grain silo on Erlington.
We've got two men with a grain bridge collapse.
( horn blares )
Hello! Anybody!
It wasn't a stroke or a seizure.
Could this have been caused by the tumour?
I don't know. The nearest I can come to it,
it's like someone held his brain too close to a magnet.
Jesse. Get me a towel, please.
What's happening to him?
They'll come for Charlie next. You gotta go.
I've called for help. I'll see what's taking them.
Wait a minute. Who did you call?
- Jesse.
- You've gotta go.
Come on, Charlie. Let's get out of here.
( Andy laughing )
ERIC: I don't wanna be the man that I am.
Car you urderstand that?
TOM: What in the hell makes you thirk he's not lying to you ?!
TOM: Eric Crawford.
Ower Crawford's son.
Tne son of the man who ruined your mother's life.
How could you do that?
Did you tell him about Jacob?
TOM: You don't trust him. Either.
ERIC: Come with me.
Leave Ronnie and come with me.
TOM: You don't respect anything at all. Do you ?
You're a selfish little girl who married the wrong guy.
You're willing to walk on anyone's grave you have to to get away from him!
ERIC: You live your life step by step. doing what you do.
Someday you look up. And you're this person you didn't plan to be.
but with you. I'm somebody else.
What is so terribly wrong about that?
BECKY: Nothing's wrong with it.
It's just not possible.
ALLIE: Sometimes people come to a moment
where they think they've found that one last chance to be someone else.
and they go for it.
Wher it doesn't work out. tley sperd tle rest of tleir lives
Iookirg back over tleir sloulder at wlat miglt lave beer.
Let's go.
( engine starts )
( camera shutter clicks rapidly )
MAN: Right there.
Few more feet.
( forklift hums )
How you gonna get through the crowd at the gate?
Three trucks come out, get the crowd's attention,
then take off through the desert.
When we're sure they're being chased,
then the real trucks will leave.
Hmm. You think it'll work?
We'll see.
You okay? You seem kind of down.
- Hard to say good-bye, I guess.
- We're doing the right thing.
The tourists can still come out and watch the stealths,
and we'll all live happily ever after.
Oh, man.
Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.
You went out and got your little heart broken, didn't you?
( snickers )
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
ALLIE: I never met my grandfather.
but my father told me he was a very brave man.
And with all that he'd done--
maybe because of all he'd done--
his favourite thing in all the world was to mow the lawn.
My dad said he heard his father talking to a neighbour once.
The neighbour asked him how he was and what he'd been doing.
and my grandfather said.
''I've been cutting the grass and watching it grow.
''Cutting the grass and watching it grow.
Life. '' he said. ''is 90% maintenance. ''
Jackson Browne: OI. People. Look around you
The signs are everywhere
You've left it for somebody other thar you
To be the one to care
You're lost inside your houses
There's no time...
Drinks are here.
Honey, we're gonna be moving around for a little while.
Kind of like The Dukes of Hazzard?
Yeah, kind of like.
Is this because of what happened to Dad?
There's some people who want to talk to us,
and I don't wanna talk to them.
They're not people.
I-It doesn't matter, sweetheart. They're not gonna find us again.
Sometimes, when bad things are happening...we imagine things.
Maybe we think the things we make up can't hurt us as much
as the real things that are actually happening.
Even if what we make up is scary, too. Does that make any sense?
Is Dad ever gonna be all right?
I don't know. I really don't know.
This isn't fair. There's nothing fair about this!
No, there's not.
Rock me on the water
I'll get down to the sea
I'll get down to the sea somehow
Hey, this song...
...got me through my freshman year of college.
This, and several plants we need never discuss.
Your father always hated this music.
Anything that was popular while he was away.
It wasn't so much the war as how he was just supposed to come back
and act like nothing ever happened.
I know none of this makes any sense to you right now.
You just have to know that your daddy loves you.
Hey, dance with me.
Come on, come on, come on, get up.
Come on.
...Soothe my fevered brow
Let's just dance for a while, okay?
Rock me or the water
Maybe I'll remember
Maybe I'll remember how
Rock me or the water
The wind is with me now
Rock me or the water
I'll get down to the sea somehow
To tle sea somelow
Rock me or the water
Rock me now
RADIO ANNOUNCER: The way Carter handled the hostage crisis
really sealed his fate.
The American people were fed up.
Herry. From Selma. Califorria. don't you agree?
HENRY: Absolutely.
When citizens are taken against their will.
people want to hold someone accountable.
When a president is not swift and strong in response...
...a man who's willing to take strong action.
and Reagan's that man.
People can't stand to see their...
There's no doubt this is why Carter lost...
Do you have your sidearm?
We'd like to take a look in the back of your truck.
That would be a violation of about three dozen
army and air force regulations.
TOM: We believe you're in violation of a lot more than that.
We believe you're carrying the evidence of a spacecraft
that crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947.
ERIC: What kind of evidence?
We believe that you recovered bodies from that wreckage
and that you're transporting them.
Bodies? Where would you have gotten an idea like that?
TOM: Can we take a look at your cargo, please?
In the interest of fairness, full disclosure,
and you not wasting any more of my time, absolutely.
I was going to paint a big old happy face on the inside here
and write the word ''howdy,''
but I just didn't get around to it.
Just so you know, my heart was in the right place.
BECKY: Tom, ask him what's in those crates.
ERIC: Personal effects, things that belonged to my father.
TOM: We'd like to take a look.
ERIC: I'm afraid I can't have you snooping through my father's affairs.
You and your friends here will be driven to Las Vegas,
held for 72 hours, and then released.
Detained with what cause?
You were detained for interfering with a scheduled move of air force personnel.
When we determined you weren't spies, we let you go.
What did you expect me to do?
You wouldn't let me be someone else.
Все още не знаеш как да летиш, нали?
Колко време мислиш, че да криеш нещо такова?
Толкова, колкото трябва.
Субтитри: IvanMatin