1 00:00:07,184 --> 00:00:11,456 Моят баща беше строг, егоистичен човек, който поставяще професионалното си издигане 2 00:00:11,638 --> 00:00:13,335 над това, да правиш добро за страната си. 3 00:00:13,482 --> 00:00:17,754 Мисля, че неговата егоцентричност го направи задължен на проекта. 4 00:00:17,902 --> 00:00:20,856 Както и да е, той също беше невероиятно педантичен. 5 00:00:20,999 --> 00:00:24,155 Пазеще документите на всичко. Това е интересно нещо, докторе. 6 00:00:24,478 --> 00:00:26,139 Вашият подпис на доклада от аутопсията 7 00:00:26,462 --> 00:00:28,859 на трите намерени и лекувани тела при катастрофата в Розуел 8 00:00:29,003 --> 00:00:32,301 и четвъртото, което умря докато беше под наблюдение. 9 00:00:32,447 --> 00:00:36,517 Две копия от доклада за катастрофата- оригинала и фалшивото. 10 00:00:36,832 --> 00:00:39,750 Генерале, вашият подпис и на двете. 11 00:00:40,069 --> 00:00:43,509 Интересно е разположението на телата на двамата близнаци - медиуми, 12 00:00:43,688 --> 00:00:47,887 използвани при едно от по-ранните проучвания за естеството на технологията. 13 00:00:48,038 --> 00:00:50,611 Tова е особено показателно. 14 00:00:50,786 --> 00:00:52,245 Това е брифинга за събитията в Розуел 15 00:00:52,596 --> 00:00:55,170 където ти и твоите колеги подготвихте за генерал Айзенхауър, 16 00:00:55,275 --> 00:00:56,770 точно преди да вземе офиса. 17 00:00:56,911 --> 00:01:00,552 На страница 2, ще намерите списък на 12 от работещите по брифинга. 18 00:01:00,878 --> 00:01:03,132 Много впечатляваща група. 19 00:01:03,313 --> 00:01:04,772 Но разбира се, това са копия. 20 00:01:05,123 --> 00:01:07,176 Оригиналите са на сигурно място. 21 00:01:09,682 --> 00:01:11,592 И така, какво искаш? 22 00:01:21,374 --> 00:01:22,382 Командир. 23 00:01:24,506 --> 00:01:25,894 Куфарчето ви, господине. 24 00:01:28,125 --> 00:01:29,785 Каквои става тук, Eрик? 25 00:01:30,143 --> 00:01:33,441 Проверих регистрираните пътни произшествия за ноща, когато майка ми бе убита. 26 00:01:33,587 --> 00:01:35,569 Не си проверил тази кола. 27 00:01:35,745 --> 00:01:37,798 Tова те прави в съучастник в престъпление, Марти. 28 00:01:37,973 --> 00:01:39,741 Съучастник преди престъплението. 29 00:01:39,887 --> 00:01:43,042 Tези мъже ще те предадат на властите в Карсън Сити. 30 00:01:43,193 --> 00:01:46,147 Сигурен съм, че страха, които имаха от баща ми, ще изиграе роля. 31 00:01:46,289 --> 00:01:48,959 И ти ще се оставиш да ти отнемат проекта? 32 00:01:54,258 --> 00:01:57,283 Ябълката не пада по-далече от дървото нали, Eрик? 33 00:02:19,591 --> 00:02:24,313 Нужни са ми средства за да продължа биологичните изследвания, Teд. 34 00:02:24,463 --> 00:02:26,575 Намери ресурси. 35 00:02:28,047 --> 00:02:32,045 Какво е толкова важно? Нищо в твоята проклета работа, Teд. 36 00:02:32,188 --> 00:02:34,170 Teд, върши си работата или ще я изгубиш. 37 00:02:41,166 --> 00:02:43,278 Aли: Някои хора прекарват живота си, 38 00:02:43,463 --> 00:02:46,833 надявайки се да се случи нещо, което да промени всичко. 39 00:02:47,186 --> 00:02:49,298 Те търсят сила или любов. 40 00:02:49,448 --> 00:02:52,675 или отговори на въпросите си. 41 00:02:52,823 --> 00:02:56,821 Мисля, че всъщност те просто търсят шанс 42 00:02:56,964 --> 00:02:58,661 да започнат нов, друг живот 43 00:02:58,844 --> 00:03:01,097 където всички техни грешки ще бъдат изитрити. 44 00:03:01,244 --> 00:03:03,878 И ще могат да започнат на чисто. 45 00:03:04,028 --> 00:03:05,760 Нищо лощо не се е случило още 46 00:03:06,081 --> 00:03:09,237 и всичките им възможности още са пред тях. 47 00:03:27,656 --> 00:03:30,230 Съжалявам, закъснявам. Toва е група туристи. 48 00:03:30,371 --> 00:03:31,616 Tрябва да заредим магазина 49 00:03:31,763 --> 00:03:33,744 с малки летящи чинии и тем подобни неща. 50 00:03:33,920 --> 00:03:36,945 Накарах нашите хора да проверят периметъра. 51 00:03:37,295 --> 00:03:40,736 Не мога да стартирам операцията при такива условия. Смешно е! 52 00:03:40,880 --> 00:03:44,107 След това говорих с генерала за участието ми в стартирането на проекта, 53 00:03:44,290 --> 00:03:45,820 преди всичко да се превърне в цирк! 54 00:03:45,960 --> 00:03:49,994 Но ако искаш да си част от този цирк, най-добре стой на арената. 55 00:03:50,136 --> 00:03:51,345 Какво има? 56 00:03:54,207 --> 00:03:55,275 Eрик: Какво правиш? 57 00:03:55,425 --> 00:03:58,237 Половин дозина от пациентите с тумор на мозъка отпаднаха 58 00:03:58,383 --> 00:04:00,495 за последните 2 години . 59 00:04:00,645 --> 00:04:01,653 FОтпаднаха? Зарежи ги. 60 00:04:01,793 --> 00:04:04,119 Не се тревожи. Tе са мъртви. Tе са кто батерии. 61 00:04:04,438 --> 00:04:05,648 Те не се предават. 62 00:04:08,231 --> 00:04:11,909 Трябва да проверим половин дозина хора, преди да намерим 1 жив. 63 00:04:12,094 --> 00:04:16,258 - Това е като да търсиш перли. - Имаш жив имплантант? 64 00:04:16,408 --> 00:04:20,300 ОК, да проверим сега това. Tова е наистина удивително. 65 00:04:22,151 --> 00:04:24,203 Изпрати на войникът. 66 00:04:48,458 --> 00:04:50,570 Ха ха ха! 67 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:53,947 Ха ха ха! 68 00:04:58,897 --> 00:05:00,950 Ха ха ха! 69 00:06:29,581 --> 00:06:32,499 Aли: Хората се завръщат у дома поради ред различни причини. 70 00:06:32,644 --> 00:06:34,103 Tе се прибират у дома, за да запомнят. 71 00:06:34,279 --> 00:06:37,885 Други се връщат в дома си, защото няма къде другаде да идат. 72 00:06:38,072 --> 00:06:39,911 Трети се пребират у дома уморени. 73 00:06:40,090 --> 00:06:42,202 Прибират се у дома, защото са горди. 74 00:06:42,352 --> 00:06:45,449 Прибират се у дома, търсейки вратата към миналото 75 00:06:45,623 --> 00:06:48,197 или пътя към бъдещето. 76 00:06:48,372 --> 00:06:50,768 Tе се прибират у дома, поради ред различни причини, 77 00:06:50,912 --> 00:06:54,009 но винаги се завръщат за да кажат "Сбогом!". 78 00:07:00,378 --> 00:07:02,145 Изглеждаш като... Сещаш се нали? 79 00:07:02,326 --> 00:07:05,280 Ех, да, именно... 80 00:07:05,458 --> 00:07:07,154 Не съм се променил много, нали? 81 00:07:10,747 --> 00:07:12,301 Tом: Те са тук. 82 00:07:15,306 --> 00:07:16,374 Хей. 83 00:07:19,377 --> 00:07:22,604 Mама току-що стана. Радвам се, че дойдохте момчета. 84 00:07:22,788 --> 00:07:24,697 Mайка наистина иска да види Лиза. 85 00:07:24,875 --> 00:07:25,943 Ела. 86 00:07:47,912 --> 00:07:51,732 Tом: Te казаха, че сме щастливци, защото разговаря с нея толкова на бързо. 87 00:07:51,914 --> 00:07:54,310 С този злокачествен тумор, едва ли би могло да е по-лошо. 88 00:08:03,884 --> 00:08:05,937 Здравей, скъпи. 89 00:08:09,557 --> 00:08:11,289 Как го предпочиташ, мили? 90 00:08:14,672 --> 00:08:16,404 Те ми казаха, че са цигарите, 91 00:08:16,760 --> 00:08:20,474 но не мисля, че мога да живея без тях. 92 00:08:26,642 --> 00:08:28,968 Наистина си пораснала много. Как си? 93 00:08:30,296 --> 00:08:32,099 Добре съм, мамп. 94 00:08:32,453 --> 00:08:34,850 Виждам това. Чудесно е. 95 00:08:34,994 --> 00:08:36,062 96 00:08:36,212 --> 00:08:38,395 - Toм. - Да. 97 00:08:38,752 --> 00:08:39,688 Ела. 98 00:08:40,909 --> 00:08:45,109 Мамо, това е Керъл, съпругата ми. 99 00:08:47,660 --> 00:08:49,843 Здравей, Керъл. Как си? 100 00:08:50,166 --> 00:08:51,969 Радвам се да те видя. 101 00:08:52,288 --> 00:08:56,073 И това...е Лиза. 102 00:09:00,223 --> 00:09:02,964 Toм, ела да махнеш това от носа ми, 103 00:09:03,111 --> 00:09:05,780 че изглеждам страшно за децата. 104 00:09:07,913 --> 00:09:09,443 105 00:09:12,576 --> 00:09:15,459 Ела тук, скъпа. Дай да те погледна. 106 00:09:17,900 --> 00:09:19,882 Хайде, ела скъпа. Добре. 107 00:09:21,902 --> 00:09:23,954 Здравей, бабо. 108 00:09:27,852 --> 00:09:29,133 Ти си много красиво момиче. 109 00:09:33,107 --> 00:09:35,432 Тя има очите на баща си. 110 00:09:42,850 --> 00:09:44,689 Tом: Джейк, знам кой беше баща ти. 111 00:09:46,782 --> 00:09:49,285 когато правителството правеше тези експерименти- 112 00:09:49,427 --> 00:09:51,337 това беше свободата до информацията -- 113 00:09:51,515 --> 00:09:54,148 и началото на Студената война, 114 00:09:54,298 --> 00:09:56,481 хората бяха уплашени и чакаха да се случи нещо, 115 00:09:56,630 --> 00:09:59,727 за това отвлякоха тези войници и ги натъпкаха с психотропни, 116 00:10:00,075 --> 00:10:01,285 за да видят какво ще се случи. 117 00:10:01,433 --> 00:10:04,387 И аз вярвам, че баща ти е бил един от тези войници. 118 00:10:04,529 --> 00:10:06,997 Когато той избяга от военната база в Розуел, 119 00:10:07,314 --> 00:10:08,974 Oуен Краууфорд се опита да го върне обратно. 120 00:10:10,967 --> 00:10:14,408 Може би малко или много е бил замесен във всичко това. 121 00:10:14,760 --> 00:10:18,272 Твоите способности си наследил от баща си. 122 00:10:18,449 --> 00:10:20,146 Както и да е, наркотиците го довършиха 123 00:10:20,328 --> 00:10:22,654 както тези жени, които взимат успокоителни... 124 00:10:26,452 --> 00:10:28,564 Мисля, че те отново отвличат цивилни, 125 00:10:28,749 --> 00:10:32,640 правят някакви експерименти, опити за мозъчен контрол и четена на мисли, 126 00:10:32,820 --> 00:10:34,445 или както там му казват, 127 00:10:34,595 --> 00:10:37,621 и ги карат да си мислят, че са похитени от извънземни. 128 00:10:39,710 --> 00:10:42,807 И ти знаеш, че в никакъв случай не е така. 129 00:10:42,947 --> 00:10:44,477 Правителството ги кара да мислят така, 130 00:10:44,652 --> 00:10:47,226 но това е само история за отклоняване на вниманието, Джейк. 131 00:10:48,549 --> 00:10:52,963 За измислена версия... звучи малко приселено, не мислиш ли? 132 00:10:54,743 --> 00:10:56,024 Майка я боли много. 133 00:10:56,170 --> 00:10:58,531 Изглежда морфина не и помага. 134 00:11:03,094 --> 00:11:06,049 Всичко е наред, мамо. Всико е наред. 135 00:11:06,192 --> 00:11:07,473 Всико е наред. 136 00:11:07,793 --> 00:11:08,932 Нека ти помогна, мамо. 137 00:11:09,080 --> 00:11:10,289 Добре. 138 00:11:14,543 --> 00:11:17,426 Джейкъб, време е да си отида, скъпи. 139 00:11:17,571 --> 00:11:19,030 Скоро. 140 00:11:23,243 --> 00:11:24,252 Toм... 141 00:11:27,209 --> 00:11:28,906 Просто седни, мамо. 142 00:11:31,072 --> 00:11:32,602 Просто седни. 143 00:11:34,727 --> 00:11:36,779 Toм: Какво правиш, Джейк? 144 00:11:39,320 --> 00:11:40,909 Нещо за мама. 145 00:11:48,715 --> 00:11:50,969 Джейк: Всичко е наред, Toм. 146 00:12:18,990 --> 00:12:21,101 Ела, Сали, да си идем у дома. 147 00:12:48,220 --> 00:12:50,546 Не искам да повярвам в това, Джейк. 148 00:12:52,848 --> 00:12:54,438 Никога не си искала. 149 00:12:54,588 --> 00:12:56,570 Винаги правиш нещо такова, въпреки всичко. 150 00:12:58,033 --> 00:13:01,058 Toчно когато Джон дойде, ти видя светлините. 151 00:13:03,845 --> 00:13:05,683 Tова е защото, през всичките тези години... 152 00:13:05,863 --> 00:13:11,664 се опитваше да докажеш, че това е конспирация, лъжа. 153 00:13:12,962 --> 00:13:15,216 Tова са неща,в които може да повярваш по-лесно. 154 00:13:16,894 --> 00:13:19,634 Това е малко иронично, не мислиш ли? 155 00:13:21,278 --> 00:13:25,621 Country's leading debunker turns out to have a half-alien half brother? 156 00:13:30,048 --> 00:13:31,507 Какво правиш сега? 157 00:13:35,128 --> 00:13:38,010 Искам да се върнеш обратно, Джейк. 158 00:13:38,155 --> 00:13:39,816 Не мога да го направя, Toм. 159 00:13:40,139 --> 00:13:41,491 Говорим си за нещо, 160 00:13:41,635 --> 00:13:45,005 което целият свят има право да знае. 161 00:13:45,324 --> 00:13:47,127 Ти си доказателството, че това се е случило, Джейк. 162 00:13:48,490 --> 00:13:53,639 Какво искаш от мен? Да ида в телевизията и да огъна няколко лъжици? 163 00:13:53,780 --> 00:13:58,264 Ще се превърне в евтино шоу и ти го знаеш. 164 00:13:58,408 --> 00:14:01,635 Tогава най-малкото, което ще стане е, че хората ще разберат, че това се е случило. 165 00:14:03,140 --> 00:14:04,564 Дали? 166 00:14:10,726 --> 00:14:12,636 Защо дойдоха, Джейк? 167 00:14:14,241 --> 00:14:15,866 Какво искат от теб? 168 00:14:17,338 --> 00:14:19,450 Незнам. 169 00:14:21,514 --> 00:14:25,678 Незнам, не съм единствения специален за тях. 170 00:14:26,003 --> 00:14:29,823 Понякога имам чувството, 171 00:14:30,144 --> 00:14:31,674 че има още някой тук. 172 00:14:34,494 --> 00:14:36,546 Te се опитват да ги хванат, правителството. 173 00:14:36,720 --> 00:14:39,876 Опитват се да си обеснят някои неща, за които ме питат-- 174 00:14:40,062 --> 00:14:43,668 от къде идват, какво искат. 175 00:14:43,854 --> 00:14:45,966 Оуен Крауфорд знаеше за мен. 176 00:14:50,570 --> 00:14:54,177 Ако още не са го направили, 177 00:14:54,329 --> 00:14:57,247 сега се опитват да намерят и други хора. 178 00:14:58,400 --> 00:15:00,382 Eрик: Джеси Кийс. 179 00:15:00,557 --> 00:15:02,811 Единият ми баща беше много зле. 180 00:15:02,993 --> 00:15:05,911 Не говори така за смъртта, става ли? 181 00:15:07,099 --> 00:15:10,540 He kills this guy's father, then loses him. 182 00:15:10,858 --> 00:15:12,518 Kaзах, всичко на всичко, беше пиян. 183 00:15:12,841 --> 00:15:14,431 Нямаше как да знае какво се е случило, 184 00:15:14,581 --> 00:15:16,420 когато взеха имплантанта на Ръсел Кийс, 185 00:15:16,600 --> 00:15:20,669 но ако ще те накара да се почувстваш по-добре, да мислиш, че твоят старец е пияница.. 186 00:15:20,810 --> 00:15:22,792 И това е нещо--Джеси? 187 00:15:22,968 --> 00:15:26,788 Той беше от значение за тях. Беше важен. 188 00:15:28,953 --> 00:15:32,394 Мисля да отвлечем тези хора. да извадим имплантантите от главите им, 189 00:15:32,711 --> 00:15:34,443 дори да убием някои от тях, 190 00:15:34,799 --> 00:15:37,373 но да не позволим на нашите сиви приятели да се настанят. 191 00:15:37,479 --> 00:15:39,068 But this guy, 192 00:15:39,218 --> 00:15:42,374 they pulled him right through the wall of a bomb shelter 193 00:15:42,559 --> 00:15:44,468 to take him away from us. 194 00:15:44,647 --> 00:15:47,945 I don't think you can lay that one on your father either. 195 00:15:48,091 --> 00:15:50,144 Какво мислиш означава всичко това? 196 00:15:53,277 --> 00:15:54,807 Mоже би нищо. 197 00:15:54,948 --> 00:15:57,902 Could be there's some they chew on repeatedly, 198 00:15:58,079 --> 00:16:01,663 and others they spit out after just one bite. 199 00:16:01,977 --> 00:16:07,185 Now that we're looking more into the genetics, we'll figure it out. 200 00:16:07,335 --> 00:16:08,925 Наистина затваряме. 201 00:16:09,249 --> 00:16:12,025 Какво за братята от Аляска? 202 00:16:12,312 --> 00:16:16,725 Неуспешни опити за хибрид, като Джейкаб Кларк, 203 00:16:16,870 --> 00:16:18,982 твоят старец се опита да доведе от Тексас. 204 00:16:19,131 --> 00:16:20,899 Джейкаб Кларк умря, 205 00:16:21,046 --> 00:16:24,795 и всички ние знаем какво се случи на братята. 206 00:16:27,379 --> 00:16:30,012 Нали видя какво правят? 207 00:16:30,163 --> 00:16:32,417 Те могат всичко. 208 00:16:38,828 --> 00:16:40,524 Tова е програма на ФБР. 209 00:16:40,707 --> 00:16:42,890 Някои бегалци се окриват десет години, 210 00:16:43,073 --> 00:16:44,770 те искат да ги знаят, ако ги видят. 211 00:16:44,917 --> 00:16:49,117 И аз ще лъжа, че Джейкъб Кларк е още жив. 212 00:16:49,267 --> 00:16:52,708 Искаш да разбереш защо е толкова важен за него? 213 00:16:53,026 --> 00:16:54,485 Може би ще го попитаме. 214 00:16:57,479 --> 00:17:00,053 - Осми камион. - Ех. 215 00:17:00,368 --> 00:17:02,621 Шефе,намерихме един в Morgan's Junction. 216 00:17:02,769 --> 00:17:04,821 Колата е пълна с колежани. Отвратително. 217 00:17:04,961 --> 00:17:06,550 Парамедиците на мястото. 218 00:17:06,701 --> 00:17:08,434 We've also got a tractor injury at Sutter's 219 00:17:08,789 --> 00:17:10,842 and a kid pulled out of Hodgkin's Creek. 220 00:17:10,981 --> 00:17:12,262 Paramedics at both. 221 00:17:12,408 --> 00:17:14,176 ще взема колата. 222 00:17:14,356 --> 00:17:17,132 ( siren wails ) 223 00:17:18,254 --> 00:17:19,843 Get over. 224 00:17:20,168 --> 00:17:21,592 Хора, махайте се. 225 00:17:21,734 --> 00:17:23,786 Да тръгваме. махайте се. 226 00:17:36,245 --> 00:17:38,154 Пази пътя чист. Да тръгваме. Движение!. 227 00:17:38,298 --> 00:17:39,307 Какво взехме, Боби? 228 00:17:39,446 --> 00:17:41,700 Просто хлапета на пътя от дома на Милтън. 229 00:17:42,056 --> 00:17:44,168 Пияни, изгубили контрол над колата, ударили се. 230 00:17:44,352 --> 00:17:45,811 Шофьорът е умрял на място. 231 00:17:45,953 --> 00:17:48,242 Two boys in the back pretty banged up. 232 00:17:48,424 --> 00:17:49,776 They're on their way to County, 233 00:17:49,920 --> 00:17:52,767 and the girl in the passenger seat's a spinal. 234 00:17:52,913 --> 00:17:54,752 We're just getting her out now. 235 00:17:54,931 --> 00:17:56,141 WOMAN: Lights. 236 00:17:56,288 --> 00:17:58,270 We saw these lights. In the sky. 237 00:17:58,446 --> 00:18:00,035 And then... 238 00:18:02,900 --> 00:18:03,909 ...my friends. 239 00:18:04,048 --> 00:18:06,030 They've been taken to the hospital. 240 00:18:06,171 --> 00:18:07,701 Kevin. 241 00:18:07,841 --> 00:18:09,953 Hey, can you do something for me? 242 00:18:10,278 --> 00:18:13,576 Can you keep your head straight and follow my pen with your eyes? 243 00:18:13,757 --> 00:18:14,896 Good. 244 00:18:15,045 --> 00:18:17,856 We're gonna have you out of here in just a minute, 245 00:18:18,002 --> 00:18:21,099 but can you just keep your head straight and keep your eyes on my pen? 246 00:18:21,273 --> 00:18:22,661 Can you do that for me? 247 00:18:22,805 --> 00:18:24,193 - Mm-hmm. - Good. 248 00:18:25,276 --> 00:18:28,016 ( Bobby retching ) 249 00:18:33,836 --> 00:18:35,366 Bobby? 250 00:18:39,995 --> 00:18:42,498 Damn it. I'm sorry, chief. 251 00:18:42,674 --> 00:18:47,231 My first accident, I puked all over my chief's shoes. 252 00:18:49,181 --> 00:18:50,806 Don't get any ideas. 253 00:18:52,661 --> 00:18:55,616 Look, you know what I love about this job? 254 00:18:55,759 --> 00:18:57,811 You come to a scene, you look at it, 255 00:18:58,159 --> 00:19:00,829 you assess the situation, and your job's to make it better. 256 00:19:00,978 --> 00:19:03,339 You can do that, no matter how bad it is. 257 00:19:03,519 --> 00:19:05,500 You can always make it better. 258 00:19:05,641 --> 00:19:07,895 Not for that guy who was driving, not for him. 259 00:19:08,077 --> 00:19:11,103 Then you move on. That's what it's all about. 260 00:19:11,278 --> 00:19:13,117 You find someone you can help. 261 00:19:13,262 --> 00:19:15,587 Here, make sure she stares straight ahead. 262 00:19:15,906 --> 00:19:18,303 Don't let her look at the blood on the windshield, okay? 263 00:19:19,421 --> 00:19:20,358 Thanks, chief. 264 00:20:17,778 --> 00:20:20,174 MAN: Get out of the road. You nuts? 265 00:21:02,319 --> 00:21:03,979 I can't believe you're still out here. 266 00:21:04,128 --> 00:21:05,825 Look, this is all my fault. 267 00:21:06,008 --> 00:21:07,775 The other guys thought you were with me. 268 00:21:07,921 --> 00:21:10,104 I thought you got a ride back with the sheriff's guys. 269 00:21:10,253 --> 00:21:12,092 How long have I been out here? 270 00:21:12,271 --> 00:21:15,154 Uh...two-and-a-half, three hours. 271 00:21:15,299 --> 00:21:18,598 Look, I'm really sorry, chief. I don't know what else to say. 272 00:21:27,478 --> 00:21:29,459 - Hey, Dad. - Hey, Charlie. 273 00:21:29,601 --> 00:21:30,847 Did you know 12 people... 274 00:21:30,993 --> 00:21:34,018 ALLIE: Some people put a lot of work into thein lawn. 275 00:21:34,160 --> 00:21:38,051 as if a patch of green grass was the most important thing in the world. 276 00:21:38,231 --> 00:21:41,008 as if they thought that as long as the lawn out front 277 00:21:41,155 --> 00:21:44,453 was greer and mowed and beautiful. it wouldr't matter at all 278 00:21:44,599 --> 00:21:47,269 what was going on inside the house. 279 00:21:48,497 --> 00:21:50,027 Are you all right? 280 00:21:51,280 --> 00:21:52,039 Yeah, I'm fine. 281 00:21:52,394 --> 00:21:54,791 Let's get this place cleaned up before Mum gets home, okay? 282 00:21:54,969 --> 00:21:55,905 Okay. 283 00:22:12,299 --> 00:22:14,624 Come on. Get in. 284 00:22:17,936 --> 00:22:19,845 Dad said he's gonna come see my play. 285 00:22:20,024 --> 00:22:21,553 Yeah, I'm sure he will, honey. 286 00:22:22,703 --> 00:22:24,233 Can you help me with my costume? 287 00:22:24,408 --> 00:22:25,416 Yeah, sure. 288 00:22:27,610 --> 00:22:28,475 Mum... 289 00:22:30,289 --> 00:22:32,472 Is Dad all right? 290 00:22:34,360 --> 00:22:36,270 Yeah, of course he is. 291 00:22:41,808 --> 00:22:43,920 - What do you mean? - I don't know. 292 00:22:44,104 --> 00:22:45,658 It's just... 293 00:22:45,809 --> 00:22:48,206 he seems like he's scared of something. 294 00:22:51,412 --> 00:22:53,595 I've known your father a long time. 295 00:22:53,952 --> 00:22:56,729 There is one thing I know about him-- 296 00:22:57,084 --> 00:22:59,196 he's not afraid of anything. 297 00:23:03,731 --> 00:23:04,869 'Night, kiddo. 298 00:24:41,374 --> 00:24:42,833 Right there, ace. 299 00:24:45,028 --> 00:24:48,777 Hey, I know you. I'm Luke Reynolds. 300 00:24:48,925 --> 00:24:52,816 You pulled my son Moe out of our sweep auger last year. 301 00:24:52,996 --> 00:24:55,049 What the hell are you doing out here? 302 00:24:55,223 --> 00:24:59,257 Oh. You come to look at my lower field. 303 00:24:59,399 --> 00:25:02,495 - Lower field? - My glow-in-the-dark wheat. 304 00:25:02,636 --> 00:25:04,618 Heh heh. Come on. 305 00:25:20,105 --> 00:25:21,350 Ain't that a bitch? 306 00:25:21,496 --> 00:25:23,548 There was an accident out here today. 307 00:25:23,688 --> 00:25:25,598 Yep, pretty bad one. 308 00:25:25,776 --> 00:25:28,279 Had the field been glowing before the accident? 309 00:25:28,421 --> 00:25:30,674 Nope. It started right after that. 310 00:25:30,857 --> 00:25:32,909 It's the shape of it that gets me, though. 311 00:25:33,049 --> 00:25:37,154 Look at it. Looks like a damn flying saucer. 312 00:25:53,301 --> 00:25:54,962 This hostage thing shows you what happens 313 00:25:55,285 --> 00:25:57,017 when you let your enemies see your weakness. 314 00:25:57,164 --> 00:25:59,525 We should've gone in there the moment they were taken 315 00:25:59,670 --> 00:26:00,915 and gotten 'em back at any cost. 316 00:26:01,061 --> 00:26:04,360 Miss Fox says if we'd done that, they might've killed the hostages. 317 00:26:04,680 --> 00:26:07,421 Maybe, but they would've been less likely to do it again. 318 00:26:07,569 --> 00:26:09,408 Can we talk about something else? 319 00:26:11,258 --> 00:26:13,026 How would you like to move? 320 00:26:13,206 --> 00:26:15,876 Like to Henderson, someplace a little further outside of town? 321 00:26:16,199 --> 00:26:19,569 No. I was thinking more like Maine. 322 00:26:23,890 --> 00:26:26,072 Don't you think this is a little sudden? 323 00:26:26,220 --> 00:26:29,175 Dad, is this 'cause there's flying saucers in Maine? 324 00:26:29,352 --> 00:26:32,307 Dylan Peters said you were the flying-saucer soldier 325 00:26:32,450 --> 00:26:34,953 and that you were in charge of all of it. 326 00:26:36,208 --> 00:26:39,305 No, I don't think it's too sudden at all. 327 00:26:49,013 --> 00:26:50,638 ALLIE: Do you know the feeling 328 00:26:50,824 --> 00:26:53,397 of daring yourself to walk across a dark room? 329 00:26:53,711 --> 00:26:56,558 That way you're excited because you know-- 330 00:26:56,913 --> 00:26:58,301 you really do know-- 331 00:26:58,444 --> 00:27:00,698 that there's nothing there to hurt you. 332 00:27:01,019 --> 00:27:03,617 Some people get to cloose their dark rooms. 333 00:27:03,768 --> 00:27:07,659 They get to look for places where fear is only skin-deep. 334 00:27:07,804 --> 00:27:11,767 But some people are nowhere near that lucky. 335 00:27:29,971 --> 00:27:34,005 What do you want from me?! Leave me alone! 336 00:27:34,147 --> 00:27:37,172 Why are you coming back now? What do you want? 337 00:27:37,313 --> 00:27:39,674 Leave my family alone! 338 00:27:40,723 --> 00:27:42,384 What do you want now?! 339 00:27:42,742 --> 00:27:44,546 Jesse! 340 00:27:44,865 --> 00:27:47,047 What are you doing? Jess? 341 00:28:09,014 --> 00:28:12,526 For a while after they pulled me out of that temple in Vietnam, they stopped. 342 00:28:12,668 --> 00:28:14,507 I'd think about them once in a while, 343 00:28:14,686 --> 00:28:17,569 but I'd convinced myself that the stuff that happened 344 00:28:17,714 --> 00:28:20,526 with my dad when I was younger and in the jungle 345 00:28:20,672 --> 00:28:22,024 had just all been in my mind. 346 00:28:22,342 --> 00:28:25,012 These are the guardian angels you told me about. 347 00:28:25,161 --> 00:28:27,214 I don't know if I call them angels, 348 00:28:27,562 --> 00:28:29,959 but...they were the reason why 349 00:28:30,103 --> 00:28:32,914 I did a lot of what I did back there, you know. 350 00:28:34,661 --> 00:28:40,332 I did some pretty crazy things just to see if, you know, they would save me. 351 00:28:40,472 --> 00:28:42,525 And they did? 352 00:28:44,300 --> 00:28:45,960 Every single time. 353 00:28:51,643 --> 00:28:53,624 Honey... 354 00:28:53,799 --> 00:28:56,125 maybe it is all in your mind. 355 00:28:56,306 --> 00:28:58,809 You're more than due for some post-traumatic stress. 356 00:28:58,985 --> 00:29:00,444 Look at this. 357 00:29:06,118 --> 00:29:07,708 You don't see it? 358 00:29:09,946 --> 00:29:11,500 See what? 359 00:29:11,651 --> 00:29:13,110 The rash. It's shaped like a hand. 360 00:29:20,246 --> 00:29:22,572 We've been through a lot, you and I, yeah? 361 00:29:24,561 --> 00:29:27,194 And we're gonna get through this, just like all the rest. 362 00:29:27,345 --> 00:29:29,599 Jesse, I want you to see someone for me. 363 00:29:29,746 --> 00:29:33,293 You owe me that much. Just see someone. 364 00:29:33,469 --> 00:29:35,059 They'll just tell me I have a tumour. 365 00:29:35,383 --> 00:29:37,851 That's not necessarily what they're gonna say. 366 00:29:37,994 --> 00:29:40,805 I was diagnosed with a brain tumour when I was 16. 367 00:29:40,951 --> 00:29:42,375 My father died of one. 368 00:29:44,466 --> 00:29:47,384 Okay, then you really do need to see someone. 369 00:29:51,495 --> 00:29:53,678 There is something in my head. 370 00:29:53,827 --> 00:29:56,781 It's no tumour, though. 371 00:29:56,959 --> 00:29:59,806 It's something they put there. Something that tells them-- 372 00:29:59,951 --> 00:30:02,976 For god's sake, Jesse, would you listen to yourself?! 373 00:30:08,094 --> 00:30:10,419 Look, honey, see someone. 374 00:30:12,131 --> 00:30:15,156 If you won't do it for me, do it for Charlie. 375 00:30:19,925 --> 00:30:21,385 Okay. 376 00:30:28,347 --> 00:30:29,735 ( knocks ) 377 00:30:33,880 --> 00:30:36,133 You found a small tumour on the front of my brain 378 00:30:36,316 --> 00:30:38,641 no bigger than the tip of a lead pencil. 379 00:30:38,786 --> 00:30:40,210 I talked to Amelia. 380 00:30:40,352 --> 00:30:42,464 She told me you've been behaving strangely. 381 00:30:42,648 --> 00:30:45,674 The tumour is very small, no sign of a fluid build-up, 382 00:30:45,816 --> 00:30:48,912 but still, it could explain your recent behaviour. 383 00:30:49,052 --> 00:30:53,774 Dr Franklin Traub is the best brain tumour man in the country. 384 00:30:53,957 --> 00:30:56,460 He's at the Rivers Clinic in St. Paul. I just spoke to him. 385 00:30:56,776 --> 00:30:58,509 You have an appointment tomorrow. 386 00:31:01,057 --> 00:31:02,373 Thanks. 387 00:31:05,094 --> 00:31:09,222 Um...any commonality in the stories? 388 00:31:09,374 --> 00:31:11,486 Well. I think the first thing you want to remember-- 389 00:31:11,670 --> 00:31:12,809 you and everyone at home-- 390 00:31:12,958 --> 00:31:16,185 is that these are normal people just like you and me. 391 00:31:16,333 --> 00:31:20,462 with no history of psychosis or schizophrenia. no mental illness. 392 00:31:20,787 --> 00:31:22,970 They're normal people talking about something 393 00:31:23,154 --> 00:31:24,613 that has really happenen to them. 394 00:31:24,929 --> 00:31:27,598 The striking thing is how similar all the stories are. 395 00:31:27,746 --> 00:31:30,843 He always was comfortable in a crowd. 396 00:31:31,192 --> 00:31:34,039 Any minute, he's going to start doing card tricks. 397 00:31:34,358 --> 00:31:36,470 I always knew, Jake. 398 00:31:38,013 --> 00:31:39,638 I always did. 399 00:31:42,223 --> 00:31:46,387 But I never thought that contactor Mum was building out in the garage 400 00:31:46,537 --> 00:31:48,519 was gonna get your father's attention. 401 00:31:48,661 --> 00:31:53,181 She needed a better power supply with an impedance-matched output coupling. 402 00:31:57,395 --> 00:31:59,792 You can sit around here all afternoon reminiscing 403 00:31:59,936 --> 00:32:01,074 or help clean out the garage. 404 00:32:01,431 --> 00:32:03,543 Your loudmouth brother's gonna ride both sides 405 00:32:03,693 --> 00:32:06,161 of this alien thing all the way to the bank. 406 00:32:06,304 --> 00:32:09,044 Kim, Andy, you're done playing. We got work to do. 407 00:32:11,558 --> 00:32:14,334 Uncle Ronnie, just 'cause you're jealous 408 00:32:14,481 --> 00:32:16,593 that Aunt Becky's spending time with my dad 409 00:32:16,743 --> 00:32:18,368 is no reason to yell at Kim and Andy. 410 00:32:18,517 --> 00:32:19,833 It's not going to make the fact 411 00:32:20,153 --> 00:32:23,309 that Uncle Tom's getting a lot of attention go away, either. 412 00:32:30,593 --> 00:32:33,369 She is your daughter, isn't she? 413 00:32:33,515 --> 00:32:37,264 Mr Clarke. I don't mean to question your ability or your expertise. 414 00:32:37,413 --> 00:32:40,640 but I have to point out here that up until very recently. You were one 415 00:32:40,823 --> 00:32:43,670 of the leading debunkers of this entire phenomenon. 416 00:32:43,816 --> 00:32:47,494 So we'd all like to know what changed your mind. 417 00:32:48,791 --> 00:32:52,018 - I have personal information. - You were taken ? 418 00:32:52,167 --> 00:32:53,792 No. No. That's not what I said. 419 00:32:53,942 --> 00:32:56,410 Now there's a story that we'd all like to hear. 420 00:33:00,171 --> 00:33:01,179 Well... 421 00:33:02,398 --> 00:33:04,095 I'm not at liberty to say. 422 00:33:04,277 --> 00:33:06,259 Hold on - hold on. Folks. 423 00:33:06,400 --> 00:33:09,769 You have evidence of an alien being here on earth. And you're not sharing? 424 00:33:09,949 --> 00:33:12,582 Mr Clarke. I find that hardly fair. 425 00:33:12,733 --> 00:33:15,889 I think more than anything else we'd all like to know. 426 00:33:16,074 --> 00:33:17,841 what changed your mind? 427 00:33:21,049 --> 00:33:22,402 We'll take a break. 428 00:33:32,847 --> 00:33:35,480 You're right. That thing in your brain is no tumour. 429 00:33:35,630 --> 00:33:38,406 It's very small. Looks metallic. 430 00:33:38,554 --> 00:33:40,807 - Where did you grow up? - Illinois. 431 00:33:40,954 --> 00:33:43,007 Any exposure to chemicals? 432 00:33:44,121 --> 00:33:45,188 Heroin. 433 00:33:45,374 --> 00:33:47,486 You say your father had a similar tumour. 434 00:33:47,809 --> 00:33:49,612 Yeah, identical. 435 00:33:49,967 --> 00:33:52,079 We see these deposits occasionally in people 436 00:33:52,264 --> 00:33:54,173 who work with unusual chemicals, 437 00:33:54,317 --> 00:33:56,085 chelated heavy metals, things like that. 438 00:33:56,265 --> 00:33:58,175 Sometimes they occur for no obvious reason. 439 00:33:58,319 --> 00:33:59,908 Usually, they're mistaken for tumours, 440 00:34:00,232 --> 00:34:03,816 but in actual fact, it's just foreign matter that's swept up into a little pile 441 00:34:03,955 --> 00:34:05,865 the body doesn't know how to get rid of. 442 00:34:06,009 --> 00:34:09,829 Now, the important thing is, we can treat this without surgery. 443 00:34:11,020 --> 00:34:13,274 We can use localized ultrasound therapy, 444 00:34:13,421 --> 00:34:16,268 get this thing to break out, dissolve. 445 00:34:16,414 --> 00:34:18,111 You'll pass it in a matter of days. 446 00:34:18,292 --> 00:34:21,519 No surgery? That's great. 447 00:34:21,668 --> 00:34:23,994 Must be disconcerting to wake up one morning 448 00:34:24,313 --> 00:34:25,843 and your whole world's changed. 449 00:34:25,984 --> 00:34:30,255 For me, it was more like my whole world had come back. 450 00:34:30,577 --> 00:34:31,585 This happened before? 451 00:34:31,725 --> 00:34:34,679 Yeah, when... when I was a kid, 452 00:34:34,857 --> 00:34:37,953 when I was a teenager and again in Vietnam. 453 00:34:38,093 --> 00:34:40,205 If you're prone to this sort of thing, 454 00:34:40,389 --> 00:34:42,157 it's not surprising it's gonna reoccur. 455 00:34:42,338 --> 00:34:44,521 Could it be affecting Jesse mentally? 456 00:34:44,705 --> 00:34:46,888 It's possible. You've been having problems? 457 00:34:47,245 --> 00:34:52,632 Uh...yeah, but I think if you can get this thing out of my head, 458 00:34:52,778 --> 00:34:55,104 then it'll make them go away. 459 00:35:03,182 --> 00:35:05,091 JESSE: I'll be home for Thanksgiving. 460 00:35:05,235 --> 00:35:06,765 It's gonna be all right, Jesse. 461 00:35:08,507 --> 00:35:09,575 JESSE: You know... 462 00:35:11,151 --> 00:35:12,883 ...when I was a kid, 463 00:35:13,030 --> 00:35:16,850 the time I told you about when I saw my dad-- 464 00:35:17,032 --> 00:35:21,374 I was, uh, locked up in a bomb shelter on an air force base. 465 00:35:22,948 --> 00:35:26,389 There are people involved in this, too-- 466 00:35:26,532 --> 00:35:29,106 very vicious people. 467 00:35:29,246 --> 00:35:31,358 You're gonna be all right. This is all gonna go away. 468 00:35:31,543 --> 00:35:33,381 I don't care if you don't believe the rest, 469 00:35:33,526 --> 00:35:35,780 but you have to believe this-- I was taken. 470 00:35:35,928 --> 00:35:39,677 Locked up by some people involved with the air force, 471 00:35:39,860 --> 00:35:46,113 and they--I got away, joined the army under a fake name. 472 00:35:46,262 --> 00:35:49,003 I don't know if they stopped looking for me, 473 00:35:49,151 --> 00:35:52,521 but, uh, now that this has all started again, 474 00:35:52,666 --> 00:35:55,548 just...keep it in mind. 475 00:35:58,407 --> 00:35:59,415 Okay. 476 00:36:03,905 --> 00:36:04,973 Hey. 477 00:36:06,167 --> 00:36:09,323 Remember our list of all the things I said I'd explain one day? 478 00:36:09,682 --> 00:36:10,618 Mm-hmm. 479 00:36:10,795 --> 00:36:13,393 Aren't you glad I waited as long as I did? 480 00:36:25,236 --> 00:36:26,517 ( car door closes ) 481 00:36:26,663 --> 00:36:28,431 ( car engine starts ) 482 00:36:34,005 --> 00:36:35,215 ( knock on door ) 483 00:36:35,363 --> 00:36:37,345 Hey, that's a pretty good book. 484 00:36:38,842 --> 00:36:39,981 Yeah, I don't read much. 485 00:36:40,130 --> 00:36:43,286 Irving places far too much importance on death, in my way of thinking, 486 00:36:43,436 --> 00:36:45,204 but at least he makes it funny. 487 00:36:45,384 --> 00:36:46,629 He's good. 488 00:36:46,777 --> 00:36:52,092 Jesse, you don't believe you've got a metallic deposit in your head, do you? 489 00:36:54,745 --> 00:36:59,373 You have your thoughts about what I have in my head, and I have mine. 490 00:36:59,721 --> 00:37:01,833 You wanna share your thoughts with me? 491 00:37:04,454 --> 00:37:06,957 No, I'd rather not. 492 00:37:08,455 --> 00:37:10,781 Why are you here if you don't believe I can help you? 493 00:37:14,929 --> 00:37:18,820 No. You have to help me. 494 00:37:19,000 --> 00:37:21,254 You say you can make this thing in my head dissolve. 495 00:37:21,609 --> 00:37:23,721 That's what I want. 496 00:37:23,872 --> 00:37:25,710 I don't care what it is. 497 00:37:25,890 --> 00:37:28,808 I have a nine-year-old son, and I almost hurt him 498 00:37:28,951 --> 00:37:32,250 because of this thing in my head. 499 00:37:32,397 --> 00:37:34,379 I don't care about anything else. 500 00:37:34,520 --> 00:37:37,818 I don't care about anything else at all. 501 00:37:48,682 --> 00:37:51,150 ( dials telephone ) 502 00:37:51,293 --> 00:37:53,962 ( line ringing ) 503 00:37:54,112 --> 00:37:55,950 Hello. Dr Wakeman, please. 504 00:37:58,287 --> 00:38:00,399 Traub here, Rivers Clinic. 505 00:38:00,584 --> 00:38:02,909 I've got the man you're looking for. 506 00:38:10,849 --> 00:38:12,379 BO Y: I'm gonna get you, Allan Holmes! 507 00:38:15,477 --> 00:38:17,459 Shut your mouth, Allan Holmes! 508 00:38:17,600 --> 00:38:19,189 Whoa, slow down there, kid! 509 00:38:19,339 --> 00:38:21,321 Come on, take it easy. What's the problem? 510 00:38:21,497 --> 00:38:23,550 - Let me go! - What is this about? 511 00:38:23,725 --> 00:38:24,661 He started it. 512 00:38:24,838 --> 00:38:26,462 - Did not. - Did! 513 00:38:26,613 --> 00:38:28,309 Everybody knows your dad went crazy 514 00:38:28,492 --> 00:38:30,022 when he ran out of the house screaming. 515 00:38:30,371 --> 00:38:32,103 Your dad's nuts. Now they've locked him up. 516 00:38:32,424 --> 00:38:34,227 That's enough, all of you! 517 00:38:34,547 --> 00:38:36,801 Now, Charlie's dad is sick. 518 00:38:36,982 --> 00:38:39,723 It's very serious. He's gone away to get well. 519 00:38:39,835 --> 00:38:41,224 We're praying for him. 520 00:38:43,664 --> 00:38:47,211 Sorry. Hope your dad gets better. 521 00:38:49,858 --> 00:38:52,041 So we're going down to the Lemke's. 522 00:38:52,398 --> 00:38:54,059 I hear they have a wicked haunted house. 523 00:38:54,416 --> 00:38:55,484 You wanna come? 524 00:38:56,748 --> 00:38:58,136 No more fighting? 525 00:38:58,279 --> 00:39:00,640 - Promise. - All right, kiddo. 526 00:39:00,819 --> 00:39:02,099 Have a good time. 527 00:39:04,195 --> 00:39:06,104 They're so forgiving--children. 528 00:39:06,282 --> 00:39:08,880 I didn't mean to butt in. I was enjoying the evening. 529 00:39:09,032 --> 00:39:11,428 I'm glad you were here. Thank you. 530 00:39:11,606 --> 00:39:13,374 I'm sorry to hear about your husband. 531 00:39:13,556 --> 00:39:15,145 I hope he'll be all right. 532 00:39:16,652 --> 00:39:17,720 Thanks. 533 00:39:33,251 --> 00:39:34,781 Yes, I'll hold. 534 00:39:37,740 --> 00:39:41,286 - Hi, honey. How are you? - Lonely. 535 00:39:41,428 --> 00:39:42,852 How was Halloween? 536 00:39:42,995 --> 00:39:46,221 It was great. Charlie's Darth Vader. 537 00:39:46,579 --> 00:39:50,993 I really just called 'cause I wanted to hear your voice. 538 00:40:00,359 --> 00:40:02,827 ALLIE: When everything in your life is right on track. 539 00:40:02,968 --> 00:40:06,444 it's easy to believe that things happen for a reason. 540 00:40:06,623 --> 00:40:08,735 It's easy to have faith. 541 00:40:08,919 --> 00:40:11,173 But when things start to go wrong. 542 00:40:11,320 --> 00:40:14,796 then it's very hard to hold on to that faith. 543 00:40:14,974 --> 00:40:19,317 It's hard not to wonder whose reasons these things happen for. 544 00:40:20,507 --> 00:40:22,416 How long you gonna keep him under? 545 00:40:22,595 --> 00:40:23,663 A couple hours. 546 00:40:23,847 --> 00:40:26,659 Let him think we did a full work-up. 547 00:40:26,805 --> 00:40:30,910 What do you... think these marks on his chest are? 548 00:40:31,051 --> 00:40:32,818 Looks almost like a hand. 549 00:40:33,000 --> 00:40:35,325 Maybe he fought back. 550 00:40:37,837 --> 00:40:39,426 So what do you want to do with him? 551 00:40:39,750 --> 00:40:41,174 Take that thing out of his head? 552 00:40:41,316 --> 00:40:44,128 They're a dime a dozen. I don't want the implant. 553 00:40:44,275 --> 00:40:45,663 I want him. 554 00:40:47,337 --> 00:40:51,893 He believes they've saved him, repeatedly, in Vietnam, other places. 555 00:40:53,287 --> 00:40:54,877 They probably did. 556 00:40:57,532 --> 00:41:01,804 It's just he's extremely important to them. 557 00:41:01,986 --> 00:41:04,039 Okay, what do we know? 558 00:41:04,214 --> 00:41:06,610 They're working towards something, but what? 559 00:41:06,927 --> 00:41:09,561 Do they wanna destroy the planet? 560 00:41:09,712 --> 00:41:14,719 Save us from ourselves? Turn us into pod people? 561 00:41:14,862 --> 00:41:16,630 Anyway, we look at the stuff we got 562 00:41:16,810 --> 00:41:19,551 from one of the bodies from the New Mexico crash, 563 00:41:19,699 --> 00:41:25,228 and these beings, these...aliens, what have you... 564 00:41:27,876 --> 00:41:29,858 ...they're us. 565 00:41:32,086 --> 00:41:35,385 Same genetic make-up. 566 00:41:37,829 --> 00:41:39,217 At least so far. 567 00:41:39,360 --> 00:41:41,613 The same could be said about the fruit fly. 568 00:41:45,762 --> 00:41:47,874 Maybe that's the point. 569 00:41:56,063 --> 00:41:58,696 ALLIE: What makes a man who he is? 570 00:41:59,020 --> 00:42:03,992 Is it the worst things he's ever done or the best things he wants to be? 571 00:42:04,344 --> 00:42:06,741 Wher you find yourself in the middle of your life. 572 00:42:06,919 --> 00:42:09,173 and you're nowhere near where you were going. 573 00:42:09,530 --> 00:42:12,128 how do you find a way from the person you've become 574 00:42:12,279 --> 00:42:14,711 to the one you know you could've been ? 575 00:42:18,160 --> 00:42:20,272 What did you do with my Cabbage Patch Kids? 576 00:42:20,422 --> 00:42:22,011 They're in one of the boxes, honey. 577 00:42:22,161 --> 00:42:24,071 Can you take them out of the boxes? 578 00:42:24,249 --> 00:42:26,159 They don't like being taken places in boxes. 579 00:42:26,303 --> 00:42:28,415 We'll unpack them when we get to our new place. 580 00:42:28,564 --> 00:42:31,305 Why can't I tell my friends where we're going? 581 00:42:31,418 --> 00:42:32,877 Ask your father. 582 00:42:33,053 --> 00:42:37,016 - I want my dolls unpacked! - Honey, we can't. 583 00:42:37,159 --> 00:42:40,706 - Hello, thrill-seekers. - Uncle Chet. 584 00:42:40,848 --> 00:42:43,102 - Hiya, sweetheart. How you doing? - Good. 585 00:42:43,284 --> 00:42:44,494 Where's your dad? 586 00:42:46,555 --> 00:42:47,978 In the study. 587 00:42:48,121 --> 00:42:49,782 Come on. Come on. 588 00:42:55,081 --> 00:42:56,777 ( knock on door ) Come in. 589 00:42:56,960 --> 00:43:00,116 Dad, Mum won't unpack my Cabbage Patch Kids. 590 00:43:00,265 --> 00:43:03,290 I'll talk to her about it, Mary, after I'm done with my meeting. 591 00:43:07,155 --> 00:43:09,065 Don't ever move. 592 00:43:13,349 --> 00:43:15,746 We got Jesse Keys in a clinic in Minnesota. 593 00:43:15,924 --> 00:43:18,665 That's the prize your dad could never get. 594 00:43:20,378 --> 00:43:21,908 What do you want to do with him? 595 00:43:22,083 --> 00:43:24,657 I'm thinking. I'm thinking. 596 00:43:24,833 --> 00:43:27,988 ERIC: While you're thinking, make sure you don't lose him. 597 00:43:28,139 --> 00:43:31,093 I don't wanna make the same mistakes my father made. 598 00:43:31,270 --> 00:43:34,188 Your old man's been dead, what, ten years now? 599 00:43:34,332 --> 00:43:35,648 Yes. 600 00:43:35,969 --> 00:43:38,745 So don't you think you can stop trying to kick his ass? 601 00:43:42,301 --> 00:43:44,627 One of our researchers was going through some old files 602 00:43:44,772 --> 00:43:46,017 and came across these. 603 00:43:50,827 --> 00:43:52,416 Any idea what they are? 604 00:43:52,741 --> 00:43:55,517 They look like the glyphs from that excavation site in Alaska, 605 00:43:55,872 --> 00:43:57,331 the one where my brother died. 606 00:43:57,473 --> 00:44:01,152 That's what I thought, too, but these are dated 1947. 607 00:44:01,336 --> 00:44:06,200 That burial chamber in Alaska wasn't opened up until 1970. 608 00:44:06,347 --> 00:44:09,444 - Did you translate it? - Can't be done. 609 00:44:13,689 --> 00:44:15,219 So close. 610 00:44:18,213 --> 00:44:20,396 We got Jesse Keys under wraps. 611 00:44:20,580 --> 00:44:23,534 Genetics guys are finding out more and more every day. 612 00:44:25,103 --> 00:44:29,446 My engineers tell me they're following something very cool on the implants. 613 00:44:29,593 --> 00:44:32,369 We're on the verge of a major breakthrough here. 614 00:44:35,542 --> 00:44:36,823 Eric? 615 00:44:38,674 --> 00:44:40,786 There something you're not sharing? 616 00:44:41,946 --> 00:44:44,199 You know everything I know. 617 00:44:51,307 --> 00:44:54,261 I know a hell of a lot more than you do, old pal of mine, 618 00:44:54,403 --> 00:45:00,134 but what I was asking was is if...there was something you weren't sharing. 619 00:45:01,641 --> 00:45:03,065 And what I told you was no. 620 00:45:05,817 --> 00:45:07,929 What are these? 621 00:45:08,079 --> 00:45:09,917 ERIC: Tom Clarke. 622 00:45:15,352 --> 00:45:17,464 You didn't see him on TV the other day 623 00:45:17,614 --> 00:45:20,247 talking about the government conspiracy 624 00:45:20,398 --> 00:45:23,494 to cover up the presence of aliens here on earth? 625 00:45:23,634 --> 00:45:26,588 I don't like to watch TV during the day. Weirds me out. 626 00:45:26,731 --> 00:45:30,694 Suddenly, he's the Woodward and Bernstein of alien abduction. 627 00:45:30,837 --> 00:45:32,819 Tom Clarke, huh? 628 00:45:32,995 --> 00:45:36,020 The Tom Clarke who ruined my father. 629 00:45:38,040 --> 00:45:41,196 The Tom Clarke who thought our entire program was a lie. 630 00:45:41,346 --> 00:45:44,573 His first two books here do nothing but debunk everything 631 00:45:44,757 --> 00:45:49,550 about extraterrestrial life, about visits, about our work. 632 00:45:51,577 --> 00:45:54,283 Don't you wanna know what changed his mind? 633 00:46:08,836 --> 00:46:10,604 - Bye, Mum. - Bye. 634 00:46:10,785 --> 00:46:12,553 Good-bye. 635 00:46:12,735 --> 00:46:13,803 Bye. 636 00:46:13,987 --> 00:46:15,541 Have a good day. 637 00:46:34,831 --> 00:46:37,084 ERIC: You're much prettier than I expected. 638 00:46:37,441 --> 00:46:39,838 Your surveillance photographs don't do you justice. 639 00:46:40,016 --> 00:46:42,757 Is this visit about something more than my good looks? 640 00:46:42,904 --> 00:46:47,531 I understand your brother has switched sides, that he's now a believer. 641 00:46:47,845 --> 00:46:50,028 Wanna tell me what changed his mind? 642 00:46:52,369 --> 00:46:54,066 You and your brother have a way 643 00:46:54,214 --> 00:46:57,999 of sort of gumming up my family's work, so I'm going to be honest with you. 644 00:46:58,320 --> 00:47:01,167 I'm not doing this out of any compelling need to tell the truth. 645 00:47:01,486 --> 00:47:03,669 I just think it's the only method that'll work. 646 00:47:04,932 --> 00:47:06,391 There. I'm doing it already. 647 00:47:08,377 --> 00:47:10,073 Do you look a lot like your mother? 648 00:47:10,256 --> 00:47:11,845 People say I do. 649 00:47:15,093 --> 00:47:17,667 My father was a bastard. 650 00:47:17,772 --> 00:47:20,928 What he did to your mother was unforgivable. 651 00:47:24,731 --> 00:47:27,686 My father found a spaceship in the New Mexico desert. 652 00:47:27,863 --> 00:47:31,612 There were four bodies on that ship. There were spaces for five bodies. 653 00:47:31,760 --> 00:47:35,794 He came to your home looking for the guy who was sitting in that fifth seat. 654 00:47:35,936 --> 00:47:38,262 My father devoted the rest of his life 655 00:47:38,407 --> 00:47:40,733 to trying to find out what these visitors wanted. 656 00:47:41,052 --> 00:47:43,305 He ran a government group dedicated to that quest. 657 00:47:43,488 --> 00:47:45,671 Since his death, I've been in charge of that group. 658 00:47:45,819 --> 00:47:47,657 Technically, we're part of the air force, 659 00:47:47,802 --> 00:47:50,828 but the paperwork is so muddled I couldn't even tell you who I work for. 660 00:47:52,222 --> 00:47:54,583 This planet has been visited thousands of times 661 00:47:54,727 --> 00:47:56,388 since my father found that ship. 662 00:47:56,711 --> 00:47:59,107 People have been taken from their homes, 663 00:47:59,286 --> 00:48:01,124 things have been done to them. 664 00:48:01,269 --> 00:48:03,322 With a lot of money and a lot of very good minds, 665 00:48:03,497 --> 00:48:06,238 we're beginning to understand some things about our visitors, 666 00:48:06,385 --> 00:48:08,497 but we still don't know why they're doing all this. 667 00:48:08,647 --> 00:48:10,272 We don't know what they want. 668 00:48:11,813 --> 00:48:13,996 My father was a ruthless, ambitious son of a bitch, 669 00:48:14,145 --> 00:48:16,577 but the things he wanted to know were reasonable. 670 00:48:16,754 --> 00:48:19,151 This could be the greatest threat the world has ever known. 671 00:48:19,295 --> 00:48:20,920 This could be something miraculous. 672 00:48:21,104 --> 00:48:22,421 We have to know. 673 00:48:22,740 --> 00:48:26,595 We have to do whatever it takes to find out. 674 00:48:26,915 --> 00:48:29,489 I am not my father. 675 00:48:33,458 --> 00:48:37,278 You don't have to tell me what changed your brother's mind right away. 676 00:48:37,459 --> 00:48:39,642 You could do something else instead. 677 00:48:39,826 --> 00:48:41,450 What? 678 00:48:41,635 --> 00:48:43,165 Let me show you something. 679 00:48:50,300 --> 00:48:53,112 I've been reading these reports from your genetics team. 680 00:48:53,258 --> 00:48:55,441 - This is astounding stuff. - Pretty cool, huh? 681 00:48:55,590 --> 00:48:57,429 - Very. - There's something new. 682 00:48:59,974 --> 00:49:02,086 These devices they put in people's heads, 683 00:49:02,445 --> 00:49:05,815 I told you we're pretty sure they're a tracking system, right? 684 00:49:07,178 --> 00:49:08,875 They are. 685 00:49:09,022 --> 00:49:11,976 My guys have found the signal they give off. 686 00:49:12,153 --> 00:49:13,612 But the signal is incredibly weak. 687 00:49:13,928 --> 00:49:15,518 It needs to be amplified somehow 688 00:49:15,702 --> 00:49:18,134 before it can be transmitted back to the mother ship 689 00:49:18,313 --> 00:49:21,611 or the planet Zeta Reticuli or wherever our little buddies are hanging out. 690 00:49:21,793 --> 00:49:24,676 - You gotta love it. - Transmitter? Where? 691 00:49:24,820 --> 00:49:25,888 We don't know. 692 00:49:26,038 --> 00:49:28,470 But the logical assumption, based on what we do know, 693 00:49:28,612 --> 00:49:29,751 is that it's organic. 694 00:49:29,935 --> 00:49:33,091 - Organic? - Don't you love it? 695 00:49:33,276 --> 00:49:37,026 A brain beaming thought signals out into the cosmos. 696 00:49:37,208 --> 00:49:39,047 This just keeps getting better and better. 697 00:49:39,226 --> 00:49:43,046 The energy of thought, of mind. 698 00:49:45,211 --> 00:49:47,394 We know that's how they do things. 699 00:49:47,578 --> 00:49:51,089 We also know Jesse Keys is of particular importance to them. 700 00:49:51,406 --> 00:49:53,138 You think Jesse Keys is a transmitter. 701 00:49:53,459 --> 00:49:54,739 That's why he's so special. 702 00:49:56,347 --> 00:49:57,593 One way to find out. 703 00:50:00,870 --> 00:50:03,124 Shut him off. 704 00:50:03,272 --> 00:50:06,713 See if they come and turn him back on. 705 00:50:09,326 --> 00:50:11,794 So, are you gonna be getting back to work soon? 706 00:50:11,937 --> 00:50:15,686 There's a couple people starting up here in Texas I wanna check out first. 707 00:50:15,868 --> 00:50:18,502 You sure are in a hurry to get rid of me. 708 00:50:18,653 --> 00:50:21,227 No, it's not that. 709 00:50:26,239 --> 00:50:28,221 Meat loaf's gonna be ready about half an hour. 710 00:50:28,361 --> 00:50:30,544 Andy's got arithmetic homework that he has to finish 711 00:50:30,693 --> 00:50:32,390 before he watches Clarlie's Argels. 712 00:50:32,572 --> 00:50:34,968 Your brother Tom's too high-toned to come to the door now? 713 00:50:35,321 --> 00:50:36,709 You gotta go outside to meet him? 714 00:50:36,853 --> 00:50:38,965 You haven't exactly been a prince to him 715 00:50:39,114 --> 00:50:41,475 every time he's been over here the last couple times. 716 00:50:41,654 --> 00:50:44,157 Is he still pissed I didn't go to your mum's funeral? 717 00:50:44,299 --> 00:50:45,758 I don't know. 718 00:50:45,900 --> 00:50:48,083 If you want to know, why don't you ask him? 719 00:50:48,266 --> 00:50:49,963 Why should I have gone? 720 00:50:50,110 --> 00:50:52,222 There's no love lost between me and your old lady. 721 00:50:52,407 --> 00:50:57,343 RONNIE: All right, I'll ask him. A cold day in hell is when. 722 00:50:57,522 --> 00:50:59,219 I'll be home late. 723 00:51:07,614 --> 00:51:09,204 So unpack the Cabbage Patch Kids. 724 00:51:09,354 --> 00:51:11,406 What's the problem? 725 00:51:11,754 --> 00:51:14,151 All right, then, Julie, then don't unpack them. 726 00:51:16,417 --> 00:51:18,743 I might be late. Don't wait up. 727 00:51:26,822 --> 00:51:29,848 I don't know why I'm doing this. 728 00:51:31,346 --> 00:51:33,114 Curiosity. 729 00:51:50,763 --> 00:51:53,789 BECKY: Why would I get in a plane with you, of all people? 730 00:51:53,965 --> 00:51:56,539 ERIC: I could put you in custody. 731 00:51:56,680 --> 00:51:58,032 It's like that? 732 00:51:58,175 --> 00:52:00,501 No, it's not like that at all. 733 00:52:00,820 --> 00:52:04,047 I'll have you back by 2:00 in the morning, spook's honour. 734 00:52:11,921 --> 00:52:14,661 Oh. He actually said that? 735 00:52:14,809 --> 00:52:19,532 Aliens were responsible for teenage drug abuse and open marriages? 736 00:52:19,715 --> 00:52:21,827 And the success of the skateboard. 737 00:52:22,013 --> 00:52:24,125 You grow up in Vegas, you meet a lot of weirdoes. 738 00:52:24,309 --> 00:52:25,318 I guess so. 739 00:52:27,197 --> 00:52:30,708 My family is eating leftover meat loaf. 740 00:52:31,025 --> 00:52:33,599 My wife's either called the Peking Inn or Pizza Hut. 741 00:52:40,038 --> 00:52:44,630 I got married really young. First girl I had slept with. 742 00:52:44,805 --> 00:52:46,988 First time I slept with her, she's pregnant, I'm married. 743 00:52:47,172 --> 00:52:50,019 Anything to show my father I was grown up. 744 00:52:50,164 --> 00:52:52,073 I just needed my own identity. 745 00:52:52,252 --> 00:52:55,348 Someplace where I wasn't Tom Clarke's little sister. 746 00:52:55,488 --> 00:52:57,540 Big brother shadow. I hear that. 747 00:52:57,715 --> 00:52:59,768 Sun rose and set on my brother Sam. 748 00:52:59,942 --> 00:53:04,106 - I guess a lot of people do that. - Hmm. 749 00:53:04,432 --> 00:53:06,615 They're just kids trying to get away from home. 750 00:53:06,763 --> 00:53:09,016 They wind up smack-dab in the middle of their lives 751 00:53:09,163 --> 00:53:11,073 before they know what hit them. 752 00:53:15,950 --> 00:53:17,409 My kids are great. 753 00:53:19,777 --> 00:53:22,138 I guess everything's got its upside. 754 00:53:49,356 --> 00:53:50,495 BECKY: Where are we? 755 00:53:50,678 --> 00:53:52,303 ERIC: Let me put it to you this way-- 756 00:53:52,453 --> 00:53:54,435 your brother would be very jealous. 757 00:53:54,576 --> 00:53:58,159 We brought everything here from Wright-Patterson in '76. 758 00:53:58,334 --> 00:54:02,083 It just made more sense to keep everything under one roof. 759 00:54:17,751 --> 00:54:19,104 Oh, my God. 760 00:54:25,720 --> 00:54:27,772 It's breathtaking, isn't it? 761 00:54:35,776 --> 00:54:38,350 I come in here sometimes by myself. 762 00:54:39,813 --> 00:54:42,910 I...sit and just stare at him. 763 00:54:44,859 --> 00:54:48,229 I keep feeling like if I stare just a little longer, 764 00:54:48,582 --> 00:54:50,041 I'll be able to understand. 765 00:54:58,326 --> 00:55:00,723 Thank you for showing me this. 766 00:55:00,901 --> 00:55:02,669 I wasn't going to. 767 00:56:01,310 --> 00:56:03,943 ALLIE: People move through their lives sometimes 768 00:56:04,095 --> 00:56:07,464 without really thinking about where they're going. 769 00:56:07,644 --> 00:56:11,713 Days pile up. and they get sadder ard lonelier 770 00:56:12,028 --> 00:56:16,442 without really knowing why they're so sad or how they got so lonely. 771 00:56:16,586 --> 00:56:18,840 Then something happens-- 772 00:56:19,023 --> 00:56:21,977 they meet someone who looks a certain way 773 00:56:22,155 --> 00:56:24,266 or has something in their smile. 774 00:56:24,591 --> 00:56:27,687 Maybe that's all that falling in love is-- 775 00:56:27,827 --> 00:56:30,923 finding someone who makes you feel a little less alone. 776 00:56:50,794 --> 00:56:53,047 I'm moving. Did I tell you that? 777 00:56:53,229 --> 00:56:54,854 No. 778 00:56:56,396 --> 00:57:01,332 Couple of air force sellouts write books, hit the talk-show circuit, 779 00:57:01,476 --> 00:57:04,703 couple of guys make movies. 780 00:57:04,886 --> 00:57:09,051 Carter says he saw a UFO. 781 00:57:09,376 --> 00:57:11,179 Next thing you know, I've got a crowd. 782 00:57:12,925 --> 00:57:15,701 - You and your brother didn't help. - Where are you gonna go? 783 00:57:15,848 --> 00:57:17,378 I got a spot picked out in Maine. 784 00:57:17,728 --> 00:57:19,840 The gawkers will still come to the desert, 785 00:57:19,989 --> 00:57:22,171 and they'll see the same experimental planes 786 00:57:22,321 --> 00:57:25,203 and think they're seeing saucers, 787 00:57:25,348 --> 00:57:27,258 and we can continue our work undisturbed. 788 00:57:28,933 --> 00:57:30,557 When are you leaving? 789 00:57:30,707 --> 00:57:32,616 Tomorrow night. 790 00:57:36,796 --> 00:57:37,864 Becky... 791 00:57:40,033 --> 00:57:41,386 ...come with me. 792 00:57:48,628 --> 00:57:51,855 I-I didn't mean for this to happen. 793 00:57:52,178 --> 00:57:54,681 I meant to charm you with my honesty 794 00:57:54,822 --> 00:57:57,075 and find out all I could about your brother, 795 00:57:57,398 --> 00:57:59,580 but that's not how it worked out. 796 00:58:01,016 --> 00:58:08,455 I don't wanna be the man that I am, but with you, I'm somebody else. 797 00:58:08,811 --> 00:58:10,270 I'm who I wanna be. 798 00:58:10,446 --> 00:58:12,214 Eric, we can't-- 799 00:58:12,360 --> 00:58:14,614 I wanna be with you. 800 00:58:14,761 --> 00:58:16,742 What is so terribly wrong about that? 801 00:58:18,972 --> 00:58:20,882 Nothing's wrong with it. 802 00:58:22,730 --> 00:58:25,197 It's just not possible. 803 00:58:25,514 --> 00:58:28,088 Of course it is. 804 00:58:28,228 --> 00:58:31,075 I'm gonna tell Julie about us. 805 00:58:33,343 --> 00:58:34,696 Come with me. 806 00:58:35,014 --> 00:58:37,790 Leave Ronnie and come with me. 807 00:58:41,452 --> 00:58:43,564 Maine? 808 00:58:43,748 --> 00:58:46,418 The trucks are leaving Groom Lake tomorrow night, 809 00:58:46,567 --> 00:58:49,794 sneaking out across the desert to avoid your brother 810 00:58:49,978 --> 00:58:51,816 and his friends by the mailbox. 811 00:58:57,424 --> 00:58:58,918 What is it? 812 00:59:01,391 --> 00:59:02,744 Your work. 813 00:59:04,419 --> 00:59:09,841 Tom says you've been taking people, experimenting on them. 814 00:59:11,030 --> 00:59:13,770 He says some of those people have died. 815 00:59:13,918 --> 00:59:18,118 Becky, I swear to you that your brother's wrong. 816 00:59:19,381 --> 00:59:22,336 I've never done anything to harm anyone. 817 00:59:25,298 --> 00:59:27,207 Would you leave Ronnie? 818 00:59:33,928 --> 00:59:35,458 Yes. 819 01:00:14,780 --> 01:00:16,548 TOM: You're sleeping with him? 820 01:00:24,001 --> 01:00:26,575 It's not as simple as that. 821 01:00:26,716 --> 01:00:29,599 Oh, okay. 822 01:00:29,744 --> 01:00:31,856 Everything's okay, then? 823 01:00:32,040 --> 01:00:35,931 He's leaving his wife. He wants me to leave Ronnie. 824 01:00:36,112 --> 01:00:39,338 He wants us to stop interfering in his business, Becky! 825 01:00:44,289 --> 01:00:45,499 Eric Crawford. 826 01:00:47,142 --> 01:00:48,839 Owen Crawford's son. 827 01:00:48,987 --> 01:00:52,286 The son of the man who ruined your mother's life. 828 01:00:52,641 --> 01:00:54,171 How could you do that? 829 01:00:54,346 --> 01:00:55,900 He's not his father. 830 01:00:56,051 --> 01:00:58,969 He's covering up the biggest secret in American history. 831 01:00:59,113 --> 01:01:01,995 He's lying to the entire public on a regular basis. 832 01:01:02,140 --> 01:01:04,643 What in the hell makes you think he's not lying to you?! 833 01:01:07,186 --> 01:01:09,060 You don't respect anything at all, do you? 834 01:01:10,632 --> 01:01:13,930 You're just a selfish little girl who married the wrong guy, 835 01:01:14,076 --> 01:01:17,683 and you're willing to walk on anyone's grave you have to to get away from him. 836 01:01:19,749 --> 01:01:22,002 This is not about me and Eric. 837 01:01:22,150 --> 01:01:25,733 This is about what Owen did to Mum. 838 01:01:27,752 --> 01:01:29,864 No, it's not. 839 01:01:31,789 --> 01:01:33,034 Not anymore. 840 01:01:35,408 --> 01:01:38,149 It's about blowing the lid on this thing wide open. 841 01:01:39,862 --> 01:01:42,259 How could something this huge have happened 842 01:01:42,437 --> 01:01:44,490 and the whole world doesn't know about it? 843 01:01:44,803 --> 01:01:46,536 That's wrong, Becky. 844 01:01:49,362 --> 01:01:51,272 Did you tell him about Jacob? 845 01:01:52,390 --> 01:01:53,457 No. 846 01:01:56,808 --> 01:01:58,790 You don't trust him, either. 847 01:02:08,431 --> 01:02:09,748 ( knock on door ) 848 01:02:09,893 --> 01:02:13,048 Well...you're making short work of that book. 849 01:02:13,199 --> 01:02:15,381 Not a lot to do around here, you know. 850 01:02:18,627 --> 01:02:19,943 What is it? 851 01:02:20,262 --> 01:02:24,949 Well, your deposit is not disintegrating as quickly as I had hoped. 852 01:02:25,135 --> 01:02:28,813 This is Dr Patterson from the Brazel Clinic. 853 01:02:39,123 --> 01:02:41,520 Does this look anything like an astronaut's helmet? 854 01:02:41,698 --> 01:02:43,395 It looks perfect. 855 01:02:43,577 --> 01:02:45,001 I wish Dad was here. 856 01:02:45,317 --> 01:02:46,847 He's good at making things like this. 857 01:02:47,022 --> 01:02:48,719 Yeah, he is. 858 01:02:48,901 --> 01:02:50,182 ( telephone rings ) 859 01:02:50,502 --> 01:02:51,712 Go on. 860 01:02:55,026 --> 01:02:56,936 - Hello? - Hey. Big guy. 861 01:02:57,079 --> 01:02:59,261 Hey, Dad. Mum, it's Dad. 862 01:02:59,411 --> 01:03:01,984 Are you going to be able to come to my play? 863 01:03:02,160 --> 01:03:03,619 I'm sure gonna try. 864 01:03:03,795 --> 01:03:05,907 How was Halloween? 865 01:03:06,231 --> 01:03:08,936 Allan Holmes called you crazy. so I punched him. 866 01:03:09,293 --> 01:03:13,565 then some guy pulled me off. I was gonna punch him again. 867 01:03:13,713 --> 01:03:15,172 but he wanted me to go to the Lemke's house 868 01:03:15,522 --> 01:03:17,052 'cause they had a haunted house there. 869 01:03:17,228 --> 01:03:21,191 It was so cool. Can you come to my play? 870 01:03:21,333 --> 01:03:22,828 I hope so. 871 01:03:22,969 --> 01:03:25,081 Can I talk to Mum for a sec? 872 01:03:25,231 --> 01:03:28,078 Okay. Just a sec. It's for you. 873 01:03:30,694 --> 01:03:32,805 - Hi, honey. - Hey. 874 01:03:35,357 --> 01:03:36,638 They're moving me. 875 01:03:36,784 --> 01:03:42,314 This thing in my head isn't going away, and there's a new doctor, 876 01:03:42,665 --> 01:03:45,964 and they're gonna take me to someplace called the Brazel Clinic 877 01:03:46,144 --> 01:03:48,256 and see what they can do for me. 878 01:03:48,441 --> 01:03:50,065 Okay. 879 01:03:51,608 --> 01:03:53,305 I love you. 880 01:03:53,452 --> 01:03:56,963 - Call me when you get there. - I love you, too. Yeah. 881 01:04:02,709 --> 01:04:04,618 I sure hope that Dad's all right. 882 01:04:06,153 --> 01:04:07,434 Maybe I shouldn't have told him 883 01:04:07,754 --> 01:04:09,486 about how I got into a fight with Allan. 884 01:04:10,990 --> 01:04:12,900 I don't want him to worry about me. 885 01:04:15,027 --> 01:04:17,803 Mum? Mum, what's wrong? 886 01:04:26,371 --> 01:04:28,945 - It's a big country. - Yeah. 887 01:04:30,825 --> 01:04:33,151 We'll take care of that thing in your head. 888 01:04:33,296 --> 01:04:35,134 Once it's gone, no more little grey men. 889 01:04:35,314 --> 01:04:38,410 - I'm ready. - That's good. 890 01:04:42,239 --> 01:04:44,872 How'd you know the little men were grey? 891 01:04:45,963 --> 01:04:48,917 - Educated guess. - Right. 892 01:05:01,065 --> 01:05:05,408 One small step for mankind-- I mean, man. 893 01:05:05,554 --> 01:05:08,436 One giant leap for mankind. 894 01:05:08,581 --> 01:05:10,978 ( applause ) 895 01:05:16,132 --> 01:05:19,157 The giant leap that Neil Armstrong was talking about 896 01:05:19,299 --> 01:05:22,182 was a leap into outer space for him and his Apollo team. 897 01:05:22,327 --> 01:05:27,263 They started the journey, but it'll be up to us to continue it. 898 01:05:33,845 --> 01:05:37,736 - I can't believe you came. - Are you all better? 899 01:05:37,882 --> 01:05:38,950 Yeah. 900 01:05:40,491 --> 01:05:43,338 - Did you like my play? - I loved it. 901 01:05:43,657 --> 01:05:45,390 It was pretty cool, wasn't it? 902 01:05:47,103 --> 01:05:49,357 Pretty cool. 903 01:05:55,072 --> 01:05:56,531 Dad, what are those lights? 904 01:05:58,204 --> 01:05:59,734 Why are we stopping here? 905 01:06:07,703 --> 01:06:09,293 Hey, Dad... 906 01:06:11,044 --> 01:06:12,883 Dad? 907 01:06:14,071 --> 01:06:16,610 What's going on? 908 01:06:29,801 --> 01:06:30,939 Dad! 909 01:06:31,087 --> 01:06:33,270 - Come over here. - What's happening? 910 01:06:33,594 --> 01:06:35,254 Come here. 911 01:06:35,403 --> 01:06:37,028 Dad? 912 01:06:38,152 --> 01:06:41,178 He's not your father, Charlie. 913 01:06:41,353 --> 01:06:43,465 Don't listen to him, Charlie. 914 01:06:45,668 --> 01:06:47,851 It's me. It's okay. 915 01:06:50,958 --> 01:06:54,114 He isn't me. He's making me from the picture in your head. 916 01:06:54,263 --> 01:06:55,271 He's lying. 917 01:06:55,585 --> 01:06:58,884 He's not your dad. Watch, I'll change the picture. 918 01:06:59,031 --> 01:07:01,428 Remember last month I cut myself shaving, 919 01:07:01,570 --> 01:07:03,409 and I came downstairs and I had blood on my chin? 920 01:07:03,590 --> 01:07:05,642 Charlie. Charlie, do you remember? 921 01:07:09,401 --> 01:07:11,168 CHARLIE: What's going on? 922 01:07:11,314 --> 01:07:13,367 JESSE: You're not gonna take him! 923 01:07:17,612 --> 01:07:20,839 Leave my boy alone! You're not gonna take him! 924 01:07:20,988 --> 01:07:23,729 Charlie, get away from him. 925 01:07:24,851 --> 01:07:28,221 Dad! Get away from my boy! 926 01:07:28,366 --> 01:07:29,374 No! 927 01:07:29,548 --> 01:07:32,289 ( gunshot ) 928 01:07:42,633 --> 01:07:44,056 MAN ON C.B.: Truck 17. 929 01:07:44,199 --> 01:07:47,805 we've got an engulfment event at the Pioneer grain silo on Erlington. 930 01:07:47,957 --> 01:07:50,353 We've got two men with a grain bridge collapse. 931 01:07:50,497 --> 01:07:52,336 ( horn blares ) 932 01:07:52,515 --> 01:07:55,398 Hello! Anybody! 933 01:07:58,153 --> 01:08:00,265 It wasn't a stroke or a seizure. 934 01:08:00,450 --> 01:08:02,288 Could this have been caused by the tumour? 935 01:08:02,468 --> 01:08:04,721 I don't know. The nearest I can come to it, 936 01:08:04,904 --> 01:08:07,158 it's like someone held his brain too close to a magnet. 937 01:08:07,513 --> 01:08:08,652 Mum? 938 01:08:09,810 --> 01:08:12,135 Jesse. Get me a towel, please. 939 01:08:12,281 --> 01:08:13,290 What's happening to him? 940 01:08:16,143 --> 01:08:20,415 They'll come for Charlie next. You gotta go. 941 01:08:23,695 --> 01:08:26,922 I've called for help. I'll see what's taking them. 942 01:08:27,279 --> 01:08:29,985 Wait a minute. Who did you call? 943 01:08:30,133 --> 01:08:31,201 Help. 944 01:08:43,043 --> 01:08:45,368 - Jesse. - You've gotta go. 945 01:08:46,870 --> 01:08:49,717 Come on, Charlie. Let's get out of here. 946 01:10:33,004 --> 01:10:36,303 ( Andy laughing ) 947 01:10:39,338 --> 01:10:41,319 ERIC: I don't wanna be the man that I am. 948 01:10:41,460 --> 01:10:43,370 Car you urderstand that? 949 01:10:43,548 --> 01:10:46,431 TOM: What in the hell makes you thirk he's not lying to you ?! 950 01:10:57,050 --> 01:10:58,960 TOM: Eric Crawford. 951 01:11:00,808 --> 01:11:03,205 Ower Crawford's son. 952 01:11:03,349 --> 01:11:06,125 Tne son of the man who ruined your mother's life. 953 01:11:06,272 --> 01:11:08,181 How could you do that? 954 01:11:10,448 --> 01:11:12,144 Did you tell him about Jacob? 955 01:11:12,327 --> 01:11:13,335 BECKY: No . 956 01:11:13,475 --> 01:11:15,385 TOM: You don't trust him. Either. 957 01:11:34,771 --> 01:11:36,610 ERIC: Come with me. 958 01:11:36,789 --> 01:11:38,972 Leave Ronnie and come with me. 959 01:11:42,427 --> 01:11:45,132 TOM: You don't respect anything at all. Do you ? 960 01:11:45,455 --> 01:11:48,302 You're a selfish little girl who married the wrong guy. 961 01:11:48,621 --> 01:11:53,248 You're willing to walk on anyone's grave you have to to get away from him! 962 01:12:05,777 --> 01:12:11,092 ERIC: You live your life step by step. doing what you do. 963 01:12:11,239 --> 01:12:15,831 Someday you look up. And you're this person you didn't plan to be. 964 01:12:15,972 --> 01:12:20,244 but with you. I'm somebody else. 965 01:12:26,899 --> 01:12:29,402 What is so terribly wrong about that? 966 01:12:30,553 --> 01:12:32,142 BECKY: Nothing's wrong with it. 967 01:12:32,501 --> 01:12:34,684 It's just not possible. 968 01:12:42,976 --> 01:12:45,373 ALLIE: Sometimes people come to a moment 969 01:12:45,551 --> 01:12:49,442 where they think they've found that one last chance to be someone else. 970 01:12:49,587 --> 01:12:51,212 and they go for it. 971 01:12:52,754 --> 01:12:56,053 Wher it doesn't work out. tley sperd tle rest of tleir lives 972 01:12:56,373 --> 01:12:58,947 Iookirg back over tleir sloulder at wlat miglt lave beer. 973 01:12:59,088 --> 01:13:00,227 Let's go. 974 01:13:01,384 --> 01:13:03,745 ( engine starts ) 975 01:13:26,403 --> 01:13:28,242 ( camera shutter clicks rapidly ) 976 01:14:13,904 --> 01:14:15,113 MAN: Right there. 977 01:14:18,810 --> 01:14:20,091 Few more feet. 978 01:14:20,237 --> 01:14:21,518 ( forklift hums ) 979 01:14:21,664 --> 01:14:22,732 Perfect. 980 01:14:26,291 --> 01:14:28,617 How you gonna get through the crowd at the gate? 981 01:14:29,841 --> 01:14:32,024 Three trucks come out, get the crowd's attention, 982 01:14:32,346 --> 01:14:33,805 then take off through the desert. 983 01:14:33,981 --> 01:14:35,678 When we're sure they're being chased, 984 01:14:35,826 --> 01:14:37,594 then the real trucks will leave. 985 01:14:37,774 --> 01:14:39,684 Hmm. You think it'll work? 986 01:14:40,942 --> 01:14:42,081 We'll see. 987 01:14:46,092 --> 01:14:48,001 You okay? You seem kind of down. 988 01:14:49,119 --> 01:14:52,560 - Hard to say good-bye, I guess. - We're doing the right thing. 989 01:14:52,738 --> 01:14:55,479 The tourists can still come out and watch the stealths, 990 01:14:55,591 --> 01:14:58,617 and we'll all live happily ever after. 991 01:14:58,759 --> 01:14:59,827 Right. 992 01:15:05,684 --> 01:15:07,143 Oh, man. 993 01:15:10,137 --> 01:15:15,345 Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man. 994 01:15:16,400 --> 01:15:17,409 Ahem. 995 01:15:19,359 --> 01:15:22,135 You went out and got your little heart broken, didn't you? 996 01:15:24,543 --> 01:15:26,655 ( snickers ) 997 01:15:27,849 --> 01:15:30,732 Ha ha ha! 998 01:15:30,877 --> 01:15:32,407 Ha ha ha! 999 01:15:32,582 --> 01:15:34,041 Ohh! 1000 01:15:34,183 --> 01:15:36,165 ALLIE: I never met my grandfather. 1001 01:15:36,341 --> 01:15:39,497 but my father told me he was a very brave man. 1002 01:15:40,864 --> 01:15:42,561 And with all that he'd done-- 1003 01:15:42,743 --> 01:15:44,855 maybe because of all he'd done-- 1004 01:15:45,040 --> 01:15:49,762 his favourite thing in all the world was to mow the lawn. 1005 01:15:49,946 --> 01:15:53,245 My dad said he heard his father talking to a neighbour once. 1006 01:15:53,391 --> 01:15:56,998 The neighbour asked him how he was and what he'd been doing. 1007 01:15:57,150 --> 01:15:59,546 and my grandfather said. 1008 01:15:59,899 --> 01:16:02,746 ''I've been cutting the grass and watching it grow. 1009 01:16:03,065 --> 01:16:05,319 ''Cutting the grass and watching it grow. 1010 01:16:05,501 --> 01:16:09,666 Life. '' he said. ''is 90% maintenance. '' 1011 01:16:09,816 --> 01:16:13,850 Jackson Browne: OI. People. Look around you 1012 01:16:13,992 --> 01:16:17,290 The signs are everywhere 1013 01:16:17,437 --> 01:16:23,073 You've left it for somebody other thar you 1014 01:16:23,213 --> 01:16:26,583 To be the one to care 1015 01:16:29,408 --> 01:16:32,919 You're lost inside your houses 1016 01:16:33,097 --> 01:16:34,591 There's no time... 1017 01:16:34,732 --> 01:16:36,048 Drinks are here. 1018 01:16:36,193 --> 01:16:39,942 Honey, we're gonna be moving around for a little while. 1019 01:16:41,343 --> 01:16:42,873 Kind of like The Dukes of Hazzard? 1020 01:16:43,014 --> 01:16:44,473 Yeah, kind of like. 1021 01:16:46,180 --> 01:16:48,018 Is this because of what happened to Dad? 1022 01:16:48,199 --> 01:16:50,453 There's some people who want to talk to us, 1023 01:16:50,634 --> 01:16:52,093 and I don't wanna talk to them. 1024 01:16:52,235 --> 01:16:54,144 They're not people. 1025 01:16:57,699 --> 01:17:01,662 I-It doesn't matter, sweetheart. They're not gonna find us again. 1026 01:17:07,477 --> 01:17:08,865 Hey. 1027 01:17:12,244 --> 01:17:17,773 Sometimes, when bad things are happening...we imagine things. 1028 01:17:19,447 --> 01:17:22,544 Maybe we think the things we make up can't hurt us as much 1029 01:17:22,718 --> 01:17:24,830 as the real things that are actually happening. 1030 01:17:26,198 --> 01:17:30,232 Even if what we make up is scary, too. Does that make any sense? 1031 01:17:30,374 --> 01:17:32,877 Is Dad ever gonna be all right? 1032 01:17:34,411 --> 01:17:38,017 I don't know. I really don't know. 1033 01:17:38,168 --> 01:17:41,609 This isn't fair. There's nothing fair about this! 1034 01:17:41,753 --> 01:17:43,521 No, there's not. 1035 01:17:43,702 --> 01:17:48,566 Rock me on the water 1036 01:17:48,748 --> 01:17:50,860 I'll get down to the sea 1037 01:17:51,044 --> 01:17:53,298 I'll get down to the sea somehow 1038 01:17:53,653 --> 01:17:55,243 Hey, this song... 1039 01:17:56,821 --> 01:17:59,324 ...got me through my freshman year of college. 1040 01:18:00,614 --> 01:18:03,461 This, and several plants we need never discuss. 1041 01:18:07,607 --> 01:18:10,419 Your father always hated this music. 1042 01:18:12,062 --> 01:18:14,114 Anything that was popular while he was away. 1043 01:18:21,875 --> 01:18:25,316 It wasn't so much the war as how he was just supposed to come back 1044 01:18:25,460 --> 01:18:27,512 and act like nothing ever happened. 1045 01:18:36,561 --> 01:18:39,063 I know none of this makes any sense to you right now. 1046 01:18:40,701 --> 01:18:43,204 You just have to know that your daddy loves you. 1047 01:18:45,190 --> 01:18:46,257 Okay? 1048 01:18:49,018 --> 01:18:50,928 Hey, dance with me. 1049 01:18:53,194 --> 01:18:55,377 Come on, come on, come on, get up. 1050 01:18:56,500 --> 01:18:57,639 Come on. 1051 01:18:57,822 --> 01:18:59,804 ...Soothe my fevered brow 1052 01:18:59,944 --> 01:19:01,783 Let's just dance for a while, okay? 1053 01:19:01,963 --> 01:19:06,234 Rock me or the water 1054 01:19:06,591 --> 01:19:08,121 Maybe I'll remember 1055 01:19:08,296 --> 01:19:12,187 Maybe I'll remember how 1056 01:19:12,332 --> 01:19:15,073 Rock me or the water 1057 01:19:15,221 --> 01:19:18,863 The wind is with me now 1058 01:19:20,162 --> 01:19:24,719 Rock me or the water 1059 01:19:24,859 --> 01:19:28,158 I'll get down to the sea somehow 1060 01:19:28,479 --> 01:19:30,009 To tle sea somelow 1061 01:19:30,184 --> 01:19:33,411 Rock me or the water 1062 01:19:33,768 --> 01:19:35,084 Ool 1063 01:19:35,230 --> 01:19:37,140 Rock me now 1064 01:19:41,007 --> 01:19:43,510 RADIO ANNOUNCER: The way Carter handled the hostage crisis 1065 01:19:43,650 --> 01:19:44,718 really sealed his fate. 1066 01:19:44,869 --> 01:19:46,707 The American people were fed up. 1067 01:19:46,888 --> 01:19:49,557 Herry. From Selma. Califorria. don't you agree? 1068 01:19:49,706 --> 01:19:50,986 HENRY: Absolutely. 1069 01:19:51,132 --> 01:19:53,564 When citizens are taken against their will. 1070 01:19:53,743 --> 01:19:55,581 people want to hold someone accountable. 1071 01:19:55,761 --> 01:20:00,032 When a president is not swift and strong in response... 1072 01:20:29,028 --> 01:20:31,140 ...a man who's willing to take strong action. 1073 01:20:31,289 --> 01:20:33,342 and Reagan's that man. 1074 01:20:33,482 --> 01:20:34,941 People can't stand to see their... 1075 01:20:37,380 --> 01:20:38,910 ...response. 1076 01:20:39,085 --> 01:20:40,710 There's no doubt this is why Carter lost... 1077 01:20:40,894 --> 01:20:42,282 Do you have your sidearm? 1078 01:21:04,801 --> 01:21:07,683 We'd like to take a look in the back of your truck. 1079 01:21:07,827 --> 01:21:10,425 That would be a violation of about three dozen 1080 01:21:10,751 --> 01:21:12,411 army and air force regulations. 1081 01:21:12,734 --> 01:21:15,890 TOM: We believe you're in violation of a lot more than that. 1082 01:21:16,040 --> 01:21:18,366 We believe you're carrying the evidence of a spacecraft 1083 01:21:18,511 --> 01:21:20,492 that crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947. 1084 01:21:20,633 --> 01:21:22,222 ERIC: What kind of evidence? 1085 01:21:22,374 --> 01:21:24,627 We believe that you recovered bodies from that wreckage 1086 01:21:24,809 --> 01:21:26,434 and that you're transporting them. 1087 01:21:26,584 --> 01:21:30,095 Bodies? Where would you have gotten an idea like that? 1088 01:21:31,282 --> 01:21:34,129 TOM: Can we take a look at your cargo, please? 1089 01:21:35,284 --> 01:21:37,467 In the interest of fairness, full disclosure, 1090 01:21:37,789 --> 01:21:40,459 and you not wasting any more of my time, absolutely. 1091 01:22:03,122 --> 01:22:06,421 I was going to paint a big old happy face on the inside here 1092 01:22:06,567 --> 01:22:07,847 and write the word ''howdy,'' 1093 01:22:08,167 --> 01:22:09,828 but I just didn't get around to it. 1094 01:22:10,186 --> 01:22:12,653 Just so you know, my heart was in the right place. 1095 01:22:12,796 --> 01:22:15,537 BECKY: Tom, ask him what's in those crates. 1096 01:22:15,649 --> 01:22:18,046 ERIC: Personal effects, things that belonged to my father. 1097 01:22:18,224 --> 01:22:19,921 TOM: We'd like to take a look. 1098 01:22:20,069 --> 01:22:23,095 ERIC: I'm afraid I can't have you snooping through my father's affairs. 1099 01:22:23,235 --> 01:22:27,126 You and your friends here will be driven to Las Vegas, 1100 01:22:27,307 --> 01:22:29,703 held for 72 hours, and then released. 1101 01:22:30,056 --> 01:22:31,337 Detained with what cause? 1102 01:22:31,483 --> 01:22:34,923 You were detained for interfering with a scheduled move of air force personnel. 1103 01:22:35,240 --> 01:22:37,352 When we determined you weren't spies, we let you go. 1104 01:22:37,538 --> 01:22:38,606 Bastard. 1105 01:22:41,261 --> 01:22:43,170 What did you expect me to do? 1106 01:22:44,880 --> 01:22:46,932 You wouldn't let me be someone else. 1107 01:22:52,083 --> 01:22:54,065 Погледни. 1108 01:22:54,241 --> 01:22:55,309 Погледни! 1109 01:23:23,297 --> 01:23:25,623 Все още не знаеш как да летиш, нали? 1110 01:23:33,597 --> 01:23:36,896 Колко време мислиш, че да криеш нещо такова? 1111 01:23:37,077 --> 01:23:39,403 Толкова, колкото трябва. 1112 01:23:59,945 --> 01:24:15,588 Субтитри: IvanMatin