Mars Attacks (1996) (Mars.Attacks.1996.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-ACE.CD2.en.sub) Свали субтитрите

Mars Attacks (1996) (Mars.Attacks.1996.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-ACE.CD2.en.sub)
This doesn't make sense!
It's not logical! It's not-
Guess it wasn't the dove.
They blew up Congress!
Why'd they do that?
Maybe they don't like the human being.
Hello, gentlemen.
Nice of you to come on...
such short notice.
General Decker...
it seems I owe you an apology.
We all make mistakes, Mr. President.
Not anymore.
We're going to take charge of this thing!
Excellent. I have prepared the order.
What's this?
Your executive order for full use of our nuclear deterrent.
Are you crazy? I'm not starting a war!
We're already at war, sir! We have to nuke them! We must nuke them now!
General Decker, if you do not shut up...
I'll relieve you of your command.
We must strike now, sir!
Annihilate! Kill! Kill!
Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up!
I want the people to know...
that they still have two out of three branches of government...
working for them, and that ain't bad.
I want the people to know that the schools will still be open, okay?
And I want the people to know...
that the garbage will still be carried out.
And I want a cop...
on every corner.
Which, incidentally...
we would already have...
if they had listened to me in the last election.
how soon can we go on the air?
My fellow Americans.
It is with a heavy heart...
that I speak to you this afternoon.
As you know...
earlier today the Martian ambassador and his confederates...
attacked and killed...
many of your representatives on Capitol Hill.
I will be conferring with other world leaders as time goes on.
And rest assured that, working together...
we will soon come out...
at a very real outcome.
Thank you.
Nathalie, is that you?
How're you?
Not terribly good, I'm afraid.
May I ask you a question?
Of course you can.
Were you flirting with me on the show?
if you were...
I just want you to know...
that I liked it.
You did?
Because, you know, I've watched you on TV quite a bit and...
well, I've...
had something of a schoolboy crush on you for...
oh, gosh...
Hi, there.
Are you interested in the White House?
I work there. I'm the press secretary.
Jerry Ross.
Have you ever heard of me?
You wouldn't believe the pressure of my job.
It's nice to see a new face.
Are you doing anything?
'Cause if you want, I...
could give you a personalized tour.
Would you like that?
Hey, Mitch, it's me. Can you let me in?
Hello, Mr. Ross. Sure.
We're a little nervous here, after what happened.
Many great men and women have passed through here.
Now we're passing through here.
Feels good, don't it?
You're very graceful.
I like that.
Come here.
We call this the Kennedy Room.
Pretty nifty, huh?
how about a drink?
Getting more comfortable.
How's my lady doing?
Oh, missy, you're hot.
Could we get that gum out of your mouth?
My finger!
Hello! Hello, operator? This is an emergency!
Don't shoot!
Don't worry, darling.
Get down!
Thank you, Mitch.
It's my job.
What's happening?
They appear to be in a highly agitated state.
And I, I don't know.
I honestly don't know.
I don't know what's going on anymore. This is frustrating.
I'm not feeling myself.
If only I could hold you in my arms!
Oh, Donald!
I'm scared!
Excuse me.
You said you wanted to know as soon as possible.
What is it?
It's NO2.
Highly concentrated.
that's how it could breathe in our atmosphere.
What's that noise?
But, Theodore, I simply do not feel that Lincoln...
It's a full-scale invasion.
We must get you to safety.
Not this way?
I'm sorry, there's a tour going through.
The Blue Room is often considered the most beautiful in the White House.
It is often used by the president to receive guests.
It is furnished to represent the period of James Monroe.
What's that?
is a portrait of James Monroe.
We lost Taffy!
Keep moving, we must get you to the back stairs!
The Nancy Reagan chandelier!
What are you gawking at? Get that president out of here!
I personally guarantee...
that you will get a complete return on your investment...
within five months.
Mr. Land, excuse me.
Just a second, Sheik Rakula.
even in a time of so-called intergalactic emergency...
the people...
still want to roll them bones!
I believe-
Just five more minutes.
What I'd like for you to do is to...
view our new, state-of-the-art show room.
It is out-of-sight!
There is no way...
that we can lose.
"It's not unusual to be loved by anyone
"It's not unusual to have fun with anyone
"But when I see you hanging about with anyone
"It's not unusual to see me cry
"I want to die"
I've called you all day.
The flight's been canceled.
Byron, there's Martians everywhere!
I can't hear you!
I must get to Washington.
Do you know anyone who can fly a plane?
Your husband, Art.
He's dead.
I told him this would happen.
I loaded the plane with supplies.
I want to go to the Tahoe caves. It's remote, the Martians won't find it.
Where's the plane?
Private airfield. Other side of the freeway.
Will it fly to Washington?
I want to go to Tahoe.
"You find it happens
"All the time
"Love will never do
"What you want it to
"Why can't this crazy love
"Be mine"
Jesus Christ!
Girls, get out!
There's a Martian right behind me!
You're Tom Jones! "It Ain't Unusual."
Anybody got a pen?
Great punch.
You'll need that gun.
- I'm Tom Jones.
- Byron Williams.
I saw you fight in Cardiff, Wales.
You okay?
- I need a drink.
- You and me both.
- We better go.
- Can you fly a plane?
Sure. Got one?
She has.
Don't run, we are your friends.
Martians blew up the shop!
You're kidding.
Should I get Grandma?
Forget her! She's halfway to outer space already! Here!
I'll tell you one thing. They ain't getting the TV!
The president of France is on line two.
Mr. President, the president of France is on line two.
He says it's important.
Hello, Maurice.
I have good news.
The Martian ambassador is here.
We've negotiated a settlement.
Maurice get out of the room.
Get out, now!
Mr. President.
Mr. President.
I need you to sign this!
What is it?
My last will and testament?
It is an order to deploy our nuclear capability, sir.
What the hell was that?
What was that?
Where you going?
To get Grandma.
Stay and defend this trailer!
That's what Billy-Glenn would do.
You're disgracing a hero!
I don't care. I'm gonna go get grandma.
Come back here!
What in the hell is that?
Cut it out!
Stop it!
- This way!
- No, this way!
It's a short cut! The airfield's-
Bullshit! The airfield's over there!
Being dressed like King Tut doesn't make you our leader!
Look, this is wrong!
We're lost! He led us down a maze! I'm going back to the hotel.
- This way!
- Wait!
Where are you going?
Come on.
But, I like him.
Assholes! Why'd I listen to them? I should have stayed in the hotel.
I surrender, okay?
You understand what that means?
Look! You're intelligent beings.
Let's cut a deal. I can help.
I'm a lawyer!
You want to conquer the world, you'll need lawyers, right?
You want my watch?
Take it. Take it. It's a Rolex!
Nice shot!
Pity I was too late.
Can I have the gun back?
Give me the gun and come on!
Oh, my God!
I think these guys are very sick.
What's happening to them? What's killing them?
I think it must be my music.
You think you can do anything you want.
You can't.
we are human...
And we have the United States Army...
that'll fight you...
to the last man! And we'll never surrender!
Do you hear me?
We'll fight you on the beaches. We'll fight you in the streets.
We will never, never surrender!
We will win!
Democracy will survive!
We will never, ever...
We will win!
The eagle will be triumphant!
are you doing this?
Isn't the universe big enough...
for both of us?
What is wrong with you people?
We could work together.
Why be enemies?
Because we're different?
Is that why?
Think of the things that we could do.
Think how strong we would be!
and Mars...
There is nothing that we could not accomplish.
Think about it!
Think about it!
Why destroy...
when you can create?
We can have it all...
or we can smash it all!
Why can't we...
work out our differences?
Why can't we...
work things out?
Little people...
why can't we all just...
get along?
What's this?
Don't run. We are your friends.
Don't run. We are your friends.
Next stop, radio station.
There it is!
Let's move it!
There it is.
Go start it. Go with him.
Cindy, come with me.
Are you sure you can fly this?
I think so, yeah.
Who put that on?
- It's stuck!
- Cindy, over here.
They haven't seen us yet. Come here.
Get in the plane.
I'll distract them.
The first chance you get, go.
- I'm not leaving you!
- Just do it!
I'll draw them away! Go!
I said go!
Oh, my God!
What's he doing?
He's flipped!
He's going to throw them off so we can escape.
We can't leave him!
No weapon!
No clown outfit!
Just me!
Byron Williams...
heavyweight champion...
of the world!
Something's happened.
Something's happened to Byron.
"When I'm calling you
"That means I offer my love to you"
Good-bye, my darling.
I wish things were different.
So do I.
I love you.
I love you too, Nathalie.
Florence Norris...
I present to you the Congressional Medal of Honor...
the nation's highest decoration.
Thank you, but don't you dare let this happen again!
Richard Norris...
on behalf of my parents, who couldn't be here today...
for saving the world from the Martians...
I present to you the Medal of Honor.
Don't kiss me if you don't want.
I have to.
I prepared a speech. Is that okay?
Sure, that's very appropriate.
Hi, everybody.
I want to say-
Can you speak up? We can't hear you.
I want to say that there's a lot of people in the world...
that have done a lot more than I have, and...
they should be here now...
getting a medal.
And I want to thank my grandma...
for always being good to me...
and for helping save the world and everything.
So, I guess, like, now we just have to...
start over and start rebuilding everything, like our houses.
But I was thinking, maybe instead of houses we could live in tepees.
Because it's better in many ways.
That's all I have to say. Thanks.
Was that okay?
Do you got a girlfriend?
Give me a break. Go on in there and clean your room.
I can't do this all by myself. Look at you.