{61}{85}Please! {91}{137}This doesn't make sense! {141}{189}It's not logical! It's not- {237}{279}Guess it wasn't the dove. {325}{347}Fire! {487}{535}They blew up Congress! {1065}{1115}Why'd they do that? {1120}{1189}Maybe they don't like the human being. {1620}{1656}Hello, gentlemen. {1660}{1712}Nice of you to come on... {1716}{1760}such short notice. {1782}{1818}General Decker... {1822}{1880}it seems I owe you an apology. {1886}{1950}We all make mistakes, Mr. President. {1954}{2000}Not anymore. {2008}{2084}We're going to take charge of this thing! {2090}{2147}Excellent. I have prepared the order. {2164}{2192}What's this? {2194}{2274}Your executive order for full use|of our nuclear deterrent. {2362}{2424}Are you crazy? I'm not starting a war! {2428}{2526}We're already at war, sir! We have|to nuke them! We must nuke them now! {2556}{2638}General Decker, if you do not shut up... {2648}{2702}I'll relieve you of your command. {2706}{2750}We must strike now, sir! {2754}{2802}Annihilate! Kill! Kill! {2814}{2838}Shut up! {2842}{2896}Shut up! Shut up! {3512}{3540}Now... {3584}{3644}I want the people to know... {3648}{3726}that they still have two out of three|branches of government... {3728}{3792}working for them, and that ain't bad. {3796}{3914}I want the people to know|that the schools will still be open, okay? {3928}{3984}And I want the people to know... {3988}{4062}that the garbage will still be carried out. {4066}{4106}And I want a cop... {4110}{4144}on every corner. {4146}{4190}Which, incidentally... {4194}{4250}we would already have... {4254}{4326}if they had listened to me|in the last election. {4402}{4434}Jerry... {4438}{4490}how soon can we go on the air? {4622}{4682}My fellow Americans. {4694}{4746}It is with a heavy heart... {4750}{4808}that I speak to you this afternoon. {4812}{4842}As you know... {4844}{4962}earlier today the Martian ambassador|and his confederates... {4968}{5010}attacked and killed... {5014}{5114}many of your representatives|on Capitol Hill. {5128}{5240}I will be conferring|with other world leaders as time goes on. {5258}{5352}And rest assured that, working together... {5362}{5426}we will soon come out... {5448}{5518}at a very real outcome. {5572}{5606}Thank you. {6302}{6344}Nathalie, is that you? {6362}{6392}Yes. {6396}{6424}How're you? {6473}{6523}Not terribly good, I'm afraid. {6568}{6610}May I ask you a question? {6678}{6716}Of course you can. {6744}{6802}Were you flirting with me on the show? {6808}{6836}Because... {6842}{6876}if you were... {6878}{6922}I just want you to know... {6924}{6968}that I liked it. {7004}{7034}You did? {7038}{7062}Really? {7064}{7146}Because, you know,|I've watched you on TV quite a bit and... {7148}{7181}well, I've... {7192}{7264}had something of|a schoolboy crush on you for... {7268}{7298}oh, gosh... {7302}{7332}ages. {8318}{8345}Hi, there. {8350}{8408}Are you interested in the White House? {8532}{8592}I work there. I'm the press secretary. {8596}{8624}Jerry Ross. {8642}{8685}Have you ever heard of me? {8724}{8787}You wouldn't believe|the pressure of my job. {8828}{8880}It's nice to see a new face. {9066}{9100}Are you doing anything? {9102}{9152}'Cause if you want, I... {9156}{9205}could give you a personalized tour. {9207}{9244}Would you like that? {9301}{9375}Hey, Mitch, it's me. Can you let me in? {9467}{9521}Hello, Mr. Ross. Sure. {9525}{9585}We're a little nervous here,|after what happened. {9587}{9613}Exactly. {9837}{9907}Many great men and women|have passed through here. {9921}{9973}Now we're passing through here. {9985}{10035}Feels good, don't it? {10115}{10159}You're very graceful. {10177}{10207}I like that. {10391}{10419}Come here. {10911}{10961}We call this the Kennedy Room. {11065}{11105}Pretty nifty, huh? {11903}{11933}So... {11937}{11975}how about a drink? {12697}{12743}Getting more comfortable. {12799}{12833}Outstanding. {13181}{13219}How's my lady doing? {13467}{13517}Oh, missy, you're hot. {13535}{13593}Could we get that gum out of your mouth? {13751}{13783}My finger! {13907}{13975}Hello! Hello, operator?|This is an emergency! {13979}{14005}Help! {16063}{16091}Don't shoot! {16199}{16237}Don't worry, darling. {16449}{16475}Get down! {16723}{16757}Thank you, Mitch. {16761}{16790}It's my job. {18091}{18113}What's happening? {18115}{18197}They appear to be|in a highly agitated state. {18201}{18259}And I, I don't know. {18275}{18313}I honestly don't know. {18317}{18389}I don't know what's going on anymore.|This is frustrating. {18391}{18432}I'm not feeling myself. {18441}{18491}If only I could hold you in my arms! {18493}{18531}Oh, Donald! {18535}{18574}I'm scared! {19393}{19419}Excuse me. {19423}{19491}You said you wanted to know|as soon as possible. {19495}{19521}What is it? {19523}{19553}It's NO2. {19557}{19599}Highly concentrated. {19603}{19635}Nitrogen. {19647}{19679}So... {19685}{19757}that's how it could breathe|in our atmosphere. {19777}{19821}What's that noise? {20588}{20664}But, Theodore,|I simply do not feel that Lincoln... {20674}{20714}It's a full-scale invasion. {20716}{20758}We must get you to safety. {20900}{20930}Not this way? {20932}{20992}I'm sorry, there's a tour going through. {21006}{21102}The Blue Room is often considered|the most beautiful in the White House. {21106}{21182}It is often used by the president|to receive guests. {21202}{21274}It is furnished to represent|the period of James Monroe. {21276}{21305}What's that? {21315}{21347}That... {21351}{21413}is a portrait of James Monroe. {22657}{22693}We lost Taffy! {22803}{22889}Keep moving,|we must get you to the back stairs! {23045}{23091}The Nancy Reagan chandelier! {23546}{23618}What are you gawking at?|Get that president out of here! {23771}{23819}I personally guarantee... {23829}{23912}that you will get a complete return|on your investment... {23915}{23963}within five months. {23967}{24013}Mr. Land, excuse me. {24017}{24095}Just a second, Sheik Rakula. {24143}{24161}Now... {24163}{24263}even in a time of so-called|intergalactic emergency... {24291}{24323}the people... {24327}{24391}still want to roll them bones! {24427}{24463}I believe- {24475}{24519}Just five more minutes. {24541}{24613}What I'd like for you to do is to... {24617}{24697}view our new,|state-of-the-art show room. {24729}{24785}It is out-of-sight! {24823}{24850}Gentlemen. {24947}{24995}There is no way... {24999}{25043}that we can lose. {26127}{26207}"It's not unusual to be loved by anyone {26251}{26337}"It's not unusual to have fun with anyone {26373}{26459}"But when I see you hanging|about with anyone {26504}{26568}"It's not unusual to see me cry {26614}{26662}"I want to die" {26682}{26726}I've called you all day. {26730}{26764}The flight's been canceled. {26766}{26826}Byron, there's Martians everywhere! {26848}{26871}Hello? {26910}{26944}I can't hear you! {27079}{27121}I must get to Washington. {27243}{27286}Do you know anyone who can fly a plane? {27288}{27316}Your husband, Art. {27318}{27344}He's dead. {27348}{27385}I told him this would happen. {27387}{27439}I loaded the plane with supplies. {27446}{27550}I want to go to the Tahoe caves.|It's remote, the Martians won't find it. {27560}{27584}Where's the plane? {27586}{27652}Private airfield. Other side of the freeway. {27656}{27698}Will it fly to Washington? {27702}{27746}I want to go to Tahoe. {27750}{27794}"You find it happens {27798}{27850}"All the time {27864}{27922}"Love will never do {27938}{27986}"What you want it to {28008}{28056}"Why can't this crazy love {28066}{28114}"Be mine" {28328}{28360}Jesus Christ! {28577}{28613}Girls, get out! {28835}{28893}There's a Martian right behind me! {28897}{28961}You're Tom Jones! "It Ain't Unusual." {28989}{29015}Autograph? {29017}{29068}Anybody got a pen? {29503}{29535}Great punch. {29539}{29573}You'll need that gun. {29575}{29617}- I'm Tom Jones.|- Byron Williams. {29619}{29673}I saw you fight in Cardiff, Wales. {29705}{29733}You okay? {29743}{29797}- I need a drink.|- You and me both. {29801}{29849}- We better go.|- Can you fly a plane? {29851}{29873}Sure. Got one? {29875}{29901}She has. {30369}{30435}Don't run, we are your friends. {31179}{31217}Martians blew up the shop! {31219}{31241}You're kidding. {31243}{31269}Should I get Grandma? {31271}{31355}Forget her! She's halfway|to outer space already! Here! {31359}{31435}I'll tell you one thing.|They ain't getting the TV! {31523}{31591}The president of France is on line two. {31683}{31761}Mr. President, the president of France|is on line two. {31765}{31809}He says it's important. {31943}{31995}Hello, Maurice. {32059}{32099}I have good news. {32103}{32139}The Martian ambassador is here. {32141}{32195}We've negotiated a settlement. {32243}{32299}Maurice get out of the room. {32303}{32339}Get out, now! {33433}{33463}Mr. President. {33521}{33563}Mr. President. {33567}{33629}I need you to sign this! {33743}{33779}What is it? {33783}{33841}My last will and testament? {33845}{33941}It is an order to deploy|our nuclear capability, sir. {35663}{35709}What the hell was that? {38162}{38184}Look! {38362}{38392}What was that? {38441}{38467}Where you going? {38469}{38495}To get Grandma. {38497}{38544}Stay and defend this trailer! {38546}{38597}That's what Billy-Glenn would do. {38601}{38639}You're disgracing a hero! {38641}{38701}I don't care. I'm gonna go get grandma. {38717}{38750}Come back here! {39069}{39111}What in the hell is that? {39290}{39322}Cut it out! {39454}{39487}Stop it! {39701}{39728}- This way!|- No, this way! {39730}{39789}It's a short cut! The airfield's- {39793}{39853}Bullshit! The airfield's over there! {39993}{40087}Being dressed like King Tut|doesn't make you our leader! {40090}{40126}Look, this is wrong! {40130}{40222}We're lost! He led us down a maze!|I'm going back to the hotel. {40226}{40258}- This way!|- Wait! {40262}{40306}Where are you going? {40310}{40328}Come on. {40330}{40366}But, I like him. {40521}{40625}Assholes! Why'd I listen to them?|I should have stayed in the hotel. {40639}{40673}Shit! {40738}{40774}I surrender, okay? {40786}{40841}You understand what that means? {40870}{40934}Look! You're intelligent beings. {40949}{41002}Let's cut a deal. I can help. {41006}{41041}I'm a lawyer! {41049}{41131}You want to conquer the world,|you'll need lawyers, right? {41170}{41194}Here. {41215}{41254}You want my watch? {41266}{41330}Take it. Take it. It's a Rolex! {41582}{41617}Nice shot! {41621}{41655}Pity I was too late. {41657}{41702}Can I have the gun back? {41707}{41753}Give me the gun and come on! {43546}{43570}Grandma! {43771}{43802}Oh, my God! {44141}{44198}I think these guys are very sick. {44218}{44283}What's happening to them?|What's killing them? {44318}{44375}I think it must be my music. {44562}{44596}Quiet! {45834}{45896}You think you can do anything you want. {45900}{45934}You can't. {45938}{45958}Because... {45960}{46014}we are human... {46022}{46046}beings. {46048}{46134}And we have the United States Army... {46158}{46196}that'll fight you... {46198}{46296}to the last man!|And we'll never surrender! {46388}{46426}Do you hear me? {46430}{46500}We'll fight you on the beaches.|We'll fight you in the streets. {46502}{46562}We will never, never surrender! {46566}{46622}We will win! {46626}{46670}Democracy will survive! {46676}{46720}We will never, ever... {46724}{46762}surrender! {46766}{46798}We will win! {46802}{46850}The eagle will be triumphant! {47570}{47606}Why... {47612}{47654}are you doing this? {47704}{47732}Why? {47760}{47826}Isn't the universe big enough... {47840}{47880}for both of us? {47974}{48024}What is wrong with you people? {48094}{48134}We could work together. {48162}{48212}Why be enemies? {48236}{48278}Because we're different? {48304}{48344}Is that why? {48444}{48508}Think of the things that we could do. {48542}{48612}Think how strong we would be! {48656}{48692}Earth... {48712}{48758}and Mars... {48784}{48814}together. {48877}{48945}There is nothing|that we could not accomplish. {48970}{49012}Think about it! {49066}{49112}Think about it! {49148}{49188}Why destroy... {49208}{49260}when you can create? {49292}{49340}We can have it all... {49360}{49418}or we can smash it all! {49502}{49538}Why can't we... {49544}{49598}work out our differences? {49628}{49674}Why can't we... {49682}{49734}work things out? {49794}{49846}Little people... {49902}{49952}why can't we all just... {49982}{50024}get along? {50668}{50697}What's this? {51614}{51676}Don't run. We are your friends. {51714}{51776}Don't run. We are your friends. {52099}{52143}Next stop, radio station. {52213}{52249}There it is! {52265}{52303}Let's move it! {52733}{52765}There it is. {52797}{52847}Go start it. Go with him. {52851}{52889}Cindy, come with me. {53303}{53341}Are you sure you can fly this? {53343}{53383}I think so, yeah. {53441}{53475}Who put that on? {53507}{53573}- It's stuck!|- Cindy, over here. {53729}{53757}Shit! {53779}{53835}They haven't seen us yet. Come here. {53885}{53919}Get in the plane. {53929}{53973}I'll distract them. {53977}{54031}The first chance you get, go. {54035}{54087}- I'm not leaving you!|- Just do it! {54089}{54137}I'll draw them away! Go! {54141}{54167}No! {54171}{54205}I said go! {54319}{54357}Oh, my God! {54377}{54409}What's he doing? {54411}{54433}He's flipped! {54435}{54481}He's going to throw them off|so we can escape. {54483}{54519}We can't leave him! {54595}{54621}No weapon! {54629}{54681}No clown outfit! {54685}{54715}Just me! {54729}{54763}Byron Williams... {54779}{54833}heavyweight champion... {54847}{54887}of the world! {56582}{56632}Something's happened. {56639}{56689}Something's happened to Byron. {57082}{57144}"When I'm calling you {57662}{57747}"That means I offer my love to you" {58644}{58678}Good-bye, my darling. {58680}{58727}I wish things were different. {58746}{58786}So do I. {58920}{58952}Good-bye. {58962}{58988}I love you. {58990}{59036}I love you too, Nathalie. {61332}{61370}Florence Norris... {61374}{61450}I present to you|the Congressional Medal of Honor... {61454}{61508}the nation's highest decoration. {61554}{61640}Thank you,|but don't you dare let this happen again! {61676}{61718}Richard Norris... {61722}{61794}on behalf of my parents,|who couldn't be here today... {61796}{61856}for saving the world from the Martians... {61858}{61918}I present to you the Medal of Honor. {61938}{61988}Don't kiss me if you don't want. {61998}{62034}I have to. {62110}{62166}I prepared a speech. Is that okay? {62184}{62234}Sure, that's very appropriate. {62350}{62380}Hi, everybody. {62414}{62444}I want to say- {62446}{62508}Can you speak up? We can't hear you. {62520}{62600}I want to say that there's|a lot of people in the world... {62602}{62672}that have done a lot more|than I have, and... {62676}{62728}they should be here now... {62734}{62770}getting a medal. {62818}{62870}And I want to thank my grandma... {62874}{62926}for always being good to me... {62930}{63000}and for helping save the world|and everything. {63028}{63106}So, I guess, like, now we just have to... {63110}{63206}start over and start rebuilding|everything, like our houses. {63210}{63328}But I was thinking, maybe instead|of houses we could live in tepees. {63336}{63388}Because it's better in many ways. {63474}{63538}That's all I have to say. Thanks. {63584}{63614}Was that okay? {63616}{63642}Yeah. {63662}{63703}Do you got a girlfriend? {63708}{63732}No. {63766}{63840}Give me a break.|Go on in there and clean your room. {63844}{63908}I can't do this all by myself. Look at you.