{705}{759}Howdy there, Mr. Lee. {763}{817}What's this? Filipino New Year's? {831}{869}No. Why you say that? {871}{915}'Cause you're cooking a feast. {917}{977}I can smell it from the interstate. {985}{1039}What is that? Barbecue? {1044}{1104}Yeah. But it not coming from here. {1125}{1164}What is that noise? {6232}{6294}What is your take on this, Jerry? {6307}{6367}The people will love it, Mr. President. {6375}{6485}Our conflict is whether we ambush|the 6:00 news or hold out for prime time. {6489}{6545}Screw the press.|This is a need-to-know situation. {6547}{6643}We should make it top secret,|and should move in with Defcon Four. {6648}{6693}We can't sit on this. {6733}{6792}General Casey, do you have an opinion? {6825}{6855}Well, sir... {6859}{6895}do we know they are hostile? {6897}{6943}What do you mean? {6953}{7015}They have the planet surrounded|by thousands of warships! {7017}{7063}Do we know they're warships? {7147}{7221}Professor, what do we know about them? {7261}{7313}They're very advanced technologically. {7315}{7393}Which suggests, rightfully so,|that they're peaceful. {7407}{7512}An advanced civilization is,|by definition, not barbaric. {7515}{7551}Mr. President... {7560}{7597}this is a great day. {7599}{7647}I and all my colleagues... {7651}{7693}are extremely excited. {7704}{7726}Good. {7755}{7812}Extraterrestrial life. {7839}{7879}You're right, Jerry. {7884}{7944}The people are going to love it. {7947}{8004}This is a momentous occasion. {8025}{8045}Mr. President- {8047}{8091}We'll go all media on this. {8095}{8137}I'll wear my Cerruti suit. {8141}{8181}I'll need a good speech. {8205}{8239}Statesman-like... {8247}{8288}historical and yet... {8293}{8341}warm, neighborly. {8345}{8436}Abraham Lincoln meets|Leave it to Beaver, kind of thing. {8472}{8511}Are they too old-fashioned? {8513}{8551}No, I don't think so. {8557}{8640}This has got the colors but, no.|I don't think so. {8643}{8676}Not vivid enough. {8681}{8729}Nancy had this in the library. {8733}{8751}Yes, indeed. {8753}{8783}I don't think so. {8785}{8866}I thought perhaps the watered silk.|This week it's on sale. {8875}{8940}I hardly think I need worry about that. {8943}{9007}My husband is the leader of the free world. {9036}{9071}What do you think? {9087}{9184}Why don't you leave the Roosevelt Room|the way the Roosevelts wanted it. {9201}{9303}Because Eleanor Roosevelt was|too fond of chintz. That's why. {9313}{9363}Mother, this isn't your house. {9367}{9441}If you're going to be a pest, I'll ignore you! {9447}{9474}Mrs. Dale? {10012}{10076}I saw you fight Sonny Liston in '69. {10080}{10106}Really? {10110}{10162}You were a nun back then? {10166}{10242}We've always been fight fans,|haven't we sisters? {10250}{10304}Byron Williams, telephone. {10308}{10334}I must go. {10338}{10398}You ladies have a nice time. {10533}{10565}Oh, Louise. {10578}{10630}Sorry to call you at work, but... {10642}{10742}the boys haven't been home|in two nights. I don't know what to do. {10746}{10796}You're doing the best you can. {10802}{10844}They're just at that age. {10894}{10977}The casino manager's giving me|the evil eye. I've gotta go. {10980}{11022}I'll call you later, okay? {11042}{11118}Are you still cool on me|coming to Washington? {11122}{11162}'Course I am. {11174}{11236}You take care, okay? Bye. {11618}{11662}Must you drink in front of me? {11664}{11714}You're an adult. Just cope. {11718}{11794}It doesn't help me|that all we ever do is sit in bars. {11798}{11842}This is work, baby, okay? {11846}{11934}I'm checking the decor,|the lighting, the traffic flow. {11938}{12010}If I'd known you'd turn into a crook,|I wouldn't have married you. {12012}{12058}I'm not a crook. {12062}{12114}I'm ambitious. There's a difference. {12116}{12182}If you think you can make|a nickel in this town... {12184}{12274}without knowing how to dally|around a few curves, well... {12282}{12346}you know nothing|of the gambling industry. {12382}{12480}The Galaxy's going to be|the best hotel in Vegas. {12484}{12524}The best! {12529}{12550}I promise. {12552}{12614}But don't you realize what you're doing?|You're destroying the Earth! {12616}{12686}All this greed! This money system! {12690}{12742}You're destroying everything! {12760}{12806}Okay, Barbara, okay. {12814}{12864}Keep your voice down. {12882}{12930}I got friends here. {12962}{12985}Sugar! {12994}{13028}Hit me one more time. {13030}{13064}Stop flirting with the waitress. {13066}{13098}God. Here. {13136}{13178}Go over to the roulette... {13216}{13258}play our anniversary... {13260}{13310}and stay off of black. {13386}{13406}Thanks. {13611}{13675}Make it quick,|we go out live in ten minutes. {13695}{13752}What? The actual president? {13757}{13785}Cutting in? {13887}{13963}Budget negotiations may be dead|in the water after this week. {13965}{14004}Hair looks good. {14037}{14063}I like the hair. {14065}{14117}quote, "factually-challenged." {14137}{14179}Yeah, Stone. Speak. {14183}{14219}Jason, hi, it's me. {14247}{14282}You wearing a bra? {14293}{14384}Listen, this is big. President Dale|is cutting into my show today. {14423}{14492}That's absurd. Why would he stoop|to being on "Today in Fashion"? {14494}{14529}He's interrupting everybody. {14531}{14613}I don't know, it's some sort of|an emergency announcement. {14617}{14682}This doesn't make sense.|He should talk to us. {14707}{14756}White House is coming out live. {14779}{14847}Good evening, my fellow Americans. {14855}{14943}I apologize for interrupting|your regular programs... {14947}{15019}but I have a very important|announcement to make. {15031}{15105}Many important things have happened|to me in my life: {15117}{15171}My graduation from Princeton... {15183}{15267}the day that Marsha said|she would be my wife... {15271}{15325}the birth of our daughter Taffy. {15329}{15353}Thanks, Dad. {15355}{15467}And the news that I have heard today|ranks right up there. {15473}{15527}A powerful memory is in the making. {15543}{15585}Not just for me... {15589}{15633}but for all mankind. {15640}{15664}Today... {15665}{15751}an extraordinary discovery|was made by the Hubble telescope. {15802}{15872}The data from the Hubble was decoded... {15892}{16003}then analyzed by the most|powerful computers at MIT. {16018}{16072}The images are undeniable. {16084}{16160}We are entering the dawn of a new era. {16188}{16280}Frame enlargements provide|an astonishing sight. {16286}{16396}A fleet of vehicles,|which can best be described as... {16402}{16440}flying saucers. {16444}{16520}Come on! Come on!|Papa needs a new pair of shoes! {16592}{16656}Hey, am I the only one|shooting craps here? {16660}{16749}We hope we will have the chance|to meet with them. {16753}{16819}This is the perfect summation|to the 20th Century... {16821}{16855}Martians. {16869}{16915}This is great. {16925}{16991}Please, come to Earth. Please. {17007}{17039}We need you. {17139}{17189}I got people coming in! {17193}{17261}Everybody wants to be part of this. {17263}{17331}Galaxy's going to be world class. {17357}{17389}And soon... {17393}{17465}we will become one solar system. {17477}{17509}What the hell's he talking about? {17511}{17573}These flying saucers|have come from Mars... {17615}{17677}and at their current course and speed... {17685}{17725}will enter Earth's orbit in 16 hours. {17727}{17821}I've been thinking about Martians|when there weren't any. {17831}{17941}It is profoundly moving to know|there is intelligent life out there. {17945}{17981}Glad it's somewhere. {17983}{18075}Our world|will never feel quite the same again. {18113}{18143}Good night... {18167}{18212}and God bless you all. {18465}{18497}This... {18519}{18557}is intense. {18621}{18671}Shut up, Poppy. Shut up. {18697}{18729}Shut up! {18745}{18774}Jason Stone. {18843}{18873}It's for you. {18917}{18977}Poppy, honey. No, sweetie. {19017}{19069}That's right. Good girl. {19163}{19202}I could be there at... {19217}{19265}I don't know, 11:00. {19635}{19719}They want me to interview|the professor from the White House. {19735}{19760}Kessler? {19799}{19825}Donald Kessler? {19827}{19876}Yeah, I think that was his name. {19896}{19929}You know, the science guy. {19931}{19975}This is nuts, this is... {19983}{20029}We should have got that guy. {20039}{20091}Your people are too slow. {20123}{20153}Right, Poppy? {20725}{20749}Finished! {20751}{20795}One minute, 57 seconds. {20831}{20885}- Didn't I tell you under two minutes?|- You did! {20887}{20911}You did! {20913}{20939}Hot damn. {20957}{20990}Want a doughnut? {20997}{21023}How old are they? {21025}{21059}Fresh baked, Monday. {21061}{21125}Richie, that's six days ago! {21137}{21171}Give me a couple. {21261}{21319}This Martian thing is pretty awesome. {21323}{21413}Did one of you traitors see my Muffy? {21417}{21459}Your brother's volunteering. {21461}{21513}As soon as I get back to the base. {21515}{21545}Volunteer for what? {21547}{21583}Martian detail. {21609}{21629}Cool. {21631}{21717}If any Martians come around here,|I'll kick their butts! {22015}{22039}Jump! {22268}{22328}Folks,|we must make an unscheduled stop! {22409}{22437}It's Mama. {22455}{22533}Why are you here?|If you ain't home, why ain't you in class? {22535}{22561}Class was cancelled. {22563}{22597}It was not! {22601}{22625}- Come here!|- Why? {22627}{22670}I'm not going to hurt you. {22681}{22711}Let go of him. {22749}{22807}Okay. Now just come here. {22815}{22845}Come here. {22875}{22915}Think it's smart to cut school? {22917}{22963}- What are you doing?|- Do you? {22987}{23015}No, it's dumb. {23017}{23061}You'll flunk! Go to jail! {23065}{23109}Get on the bus! {23113}{23139}Get on! {23145}{23205}I'll be tripping on you. Get back there. {23209}{23247}I don't want to hear anymore. {23249}{23275}I hate school. {23277}{23307}I heard that! {23879}{23905}Hi, there. {23907}{23935}Want a date? {23939}{23973}How about it? {23979}{24011}A date? {24067}{24098}It sounds good. {24151}{24195}The stress at work is... {24203}{24241}unbelievable. {24372}{24414}May I speak to you in private? {24416}{24483}No, I must watch the floor.|What do you want? {24495}{24582}- I'm supporting a family back east.|- I thought you were divorced. {24584}{24651}I am, but I still have to take care of them. {24672}{24747}Things have been a little lean around here. {24751}{24798}I was wondering if I could get a raise? {24800}{24829}Out of the question. {24831}{24908}I'm an asset to this hotel.|They like me around here. {24912}{24952}You're a nice guy. {24960}{25052}But I can get Leon Spinks|or Buster Douglas for the same money. {25063}{25132}You better get moving.|You're on in five minutes. {25352}{25412}This show's going to get a great rating. {25431}{25462}It's all yours. {25484}{25603}In certain circumstances the proposition|that two and two equals five... {25607}{25651}is entirely legitimate. {25692}{25726}Call me Nathalie. {25736}{25803}And you, do please call me Donald. {25836}{25872}I admire your show. {25931}{25991}Really? You like my work? {26000}{26047}Yes. Very much. {26051}{26083}Why... {26096}{26139}Thank you. {26143}{26185}Coming out of commercial. {26187}{26228}In five... four... {26232}{26272}three... two... {26274}{26356}Welcome back.|We're with Professor Donald Kessler. {26403}{26479}He's the chairman|of the American Academy... {26483}{26540}of Astronautics. {26568}{26600}Professor... {26607}{26688}isn't it weird that we sent|a space probe to Mars... {26692}{26742}and we didn't even find anyone? {26744}{26792}Well, not really... {26796}{26825}Nathalie. {26836}{26892}We didn't get into the canals. {26896}{26945}The Martian canals are canyons. {26951}{27003}Some are over 100 miles deep. {27008}{27124}The Martian civilization has clearly|developed under the planet's surface. {27132}{27217}Their science and technology|must be absolutely mind-boggling. {27236}{27258}So... {27260}{27308}what in your view, Donald... {27324}{27350}Kessler... {27352}{27455}Chairman, are some of the things|the Martians can teach us, Professor? {27515}{27575}Quite a lot about Mars, Nathalie. {27663}{27694}She's flirting. {27700}{27780}But seriously,|this is tremendously exciting. {27785}{27859}The knowledge, the new ideas:|it'll change everything. {27869}{27915}And we must be open to it. {27919}{27981}Maybe they can tell us about our universe. {27983}{28015}How it started. {28019}{28055}Where it's going. {28059}{28113}Perhaps even its purpose. {28131}{28169}It's tremendously exciting. {28171}{28235}It's the most important event since... {28243}{28297}Jesus walked in Galilee- {28313}{28341}Christ. {28345}{28385}What's wrong? {28389}{28419}Go to Camera Two! {28421}{28455}I can't. It's busted. {28457}{28501}Go to One! Go to Four! {28659}{28693}He copped a feel. {28755}{28783}Now what? {29105}{29134}What's that? {29139}{29177}So that's a Martian. {29255}{29289}That's a Martian? {29379}{29415}Oh, my God! {29419}{29442}Yikes! {29505}{29562}I'm not having that thing in my house. {29599}{29631}Sweetie... {29635}{29703}we may have to.|The people expect me to meet them. {29705}{29767}They're not eating off the Van Buren china. {29813}{29849}Look at that brain. {29863}{29901}He must be real smart. {29905}{29953}It's gross! {29971}{30013}Don't forget, Nathalie... {30017}{30079}that we will look equally gross to him. {30199}{30251}He made the international sign|of the doughnut. {30265}{30369}From the limited information available,|I've made three extrapolations. One: {30373}{30441}Our Martian friend|is a carbon-based life form. {30445}{30497}Two: He breathes nitrogen. {30501}{30527}And three: {30529}{30601}The large cerebrum here, indicates... {30613}{30659}telepathic potential. {30669}{30705}You mean they can... {30707}{30745}read our thoughts? {30783}{30819}Potentially, yes. {30823}{30875}What about their intentions? {30879}{30919}Are they friendly people? {30921}{31037}Logic dictates that given|their high level of technical development... {31045}{31091}they're an advanced culture. {31093}{31161}Therefore, peaceful and enlightened. {31181}{31237}The human race, on the other hand... {31247}{31319}is an aggressively dangerous species. {31341}{31415}Now I suspect they have|more to fear from us... {31419}{31457}than we from them. {31477}{31501}Doctor. {31511}{31538}Thank you. {31565}{31657}For many years,|I've been refining a translating computer. {31679}{31749}The results are not perfect, but this... {31753}{31809}may answer some of your questions. {31948}{31986}Green skin... {32004}{32056}800 centuries ago. {32066}{32104}Their bodily fluids... {32108}{32168}include the birth of half-breeds. {32178}{32215}How many centuries did he say? {32217}{32241}Eight hundred, sir. {32243}{32298}Self-determination of the cosmos. {32322}{32384}For dark is the suede that... {32388}{32416}mows... {32422}{32472}like a harvest. {32486}{32533}What the hell does that mean? {32894}{32922}Hey, Mitch. {32924}{32955}Good morning. {32958}{33044}I'm sorry, you can't come this way.|There's a tour in progress. {33260}{33303}Hello, my name is Barbara. {33305}{33345}Hello, Barbara. {33361}{33461}I am an alcoholic,|but I haven't had a drink in three months. {33620}{33700}I'm feeling so optimistic|because of the Martians. {33716}{33774}We're not alone in the universe. {33782}{33830}And it's so perfect... {33834}{33919}that it's happening at the beginning|of the new millennium. {33924}{33970}Our planet was suffering... {33974}{34056}with the ozone and the rain forest and... {34094}{34170}so many people unhappy in their lives. {34188}{34216}And then... {34232}{34318}the Martians heard|our global karmic cry for help. {34332}{34368}People say they're ugly... {34370}{34436}but I think they've come|to show us the way. {34486}{34542}I think they've come to save us. {34613}{34640}Thank you. {34944}{34970}Bye-bye. {34972}{35042}You be careful. Don't get yourself killed. {35046}{35080}Ain't she cute? {35084}{35142}- We're real proud of you.|- Thanks, Dad. {35174}{35208}Let me take this. {35244}{35340}So long, retard. Don't touch|any of my stuff while I'm gone. {35390}{35424}Bye-bye, Grandma. {35428}{35458}Good-bye, Thomas. {35460}{35494}It's Billy-Glenn, Grandma. {35496}{35534}I know, Thomas. {35580}{35612}Bye-bye, honey. {35648}{35684}I must go. {36000}{36037}Take care of my boy. {36304}{36332}He'll be all right. {36334}{36361}I hope so. {36363}{36402}Army trains them good. {36532}{36570}He's gone for a while. {36590}{36650}Why can't you be more like your brother? {36654}{36756}We got lucky with Billy-Glenn.|You can't expect the same luck twice. {36770}{36846}Richie, want to make yourself useful|for a change? {36850}{36876}Sure, Dad. {36878}{36926}Take Grandma back to the home. {37262}{37345}I bet you never thought you'd live|to see the Martians come. {37356}{37402}It's pretty far out. {37452}{37540}But think of all the crazy things|you must have seen. {37552}{37636}I bet people were pretty scared|when they invented the train. {37650}{37716}Come on, kid, I'm not that old! {37800}{37830}Are you okay? {37870}{37908}I want to see Slim. {37912}{37944}I want to see... {37948}{37978}Slim... {37982}{38014}and Muffy... {38024}{38056}and Richie. {38128}{38165}Grandma, I'm Richie. {38202}{38248}I know, Thomas. {38256}{38318}Richie was always the best one. {38413}{38492}Right now the president|is talking to other world leaders. {38494}{38580}They're preparing a list of issues|of common interest to discuss. {38582}{38688}There is a unilateral, concerted,|diplomatic effort being made. {38748}{38766}Jason. {38768}{38786}Thanks. {38788}{38880}If the Martians land,|can the press do interviews? {38900}{38936}Well, that depends. {38938}{38990}We must establish contact... {38994}{39046}work out communication problems... {39048}{39080}establish parameters. {39082}{39140}Then I guess we just see what happens. {39148}{39186}Here's the president. {39242}{39274}Good morning. {39278}{39334}It's nice to see you all again. {39338}{39428}I just have a few minutes for questions,|so let's get started. {39432}{39462}Mr. President! {39532}{39608}Do the Martians have two sexes,|like we do? {40038}{40068}From Hollywood... {40070}{40154}we bring you the "Lawrence Welk Show"! {40280}{40384}Here he is, Mr. Music Maker himself,|Lawrence Welk. {40606}{40698}This pussycat|is the most beautiful pussycat... {40702}{40756}in the whole world. {40760}{40800}That's my Muffy. {40916}{40984}Didn't you ever have|a pussycat of your own? {40988}{41018}Sure, Grandma. {41024}{41066}Music! {41192}{41222}There you go. {41334}{41376}You going to be okay? {41398}{41494}If you need anything,|any doughnuts or anything, call me. {42123}{42155}How do? {42185}{42267}Looks like you ain't got no wheels.|Come on... {42275}{42309}get in. {42421}{42473}I'm going to do you a favor. {42477}{42503}I owe you one. {42505}{42603}I made a ton of money|on your last fight in '73. {42607}{42646}The Quaker in Jamaica. {42665}{42703}I'm glad somebody did. {42707}{42757}Yeah, I know, I know. {42761}{42798}It's rough on jocks. {42811}{42855}You get to a certain age... {42860}{42904}opportunities dry up. {42929}{42971}So here's the deal. {42975}{43075}I got this chum, owes me a lot of money,|needs a wake-up call. {43077}{43131}What I'd like you to do is... {43135}{43205}use that patented left hook on him. {43227}{43297}Just in the ring, Art. Just in the ring. {43301}{43361}Yeah, I'm hip, I'm hip, but... {43375}{43423}I'll give you two grand. {43449}{43487}When you're done... {43491}{43589}all you must do is mosey on|by the office and get the cash. {43595}{43645}Why do you want to come at me that way? {43647}{43703}I'm trying to get back with my wife. {43707}{43765}We had problems with this kind of shit. {43785}{43827}But I've changed, man. {43833}{43859}I found Allah... {43861}{43921}I don't eat pork, I'm a better man. {43947}{44021}I faced that demon|and I don't want him coming again. {44075}{44123}You gave up pork! {44296}{44342}They're sending coordinates. {44485}{44511}Where are they landing? {44513}{44566}Pahrump. It's in the Nevada desert. {44568}{44644}I can have my troops there at 0800 hours,|sir. {44649}{44737}We must not send these people|the wrong message. {44741}{44792}We need a welcome mat, not tanks! {44796}{44905}What are you talking about? You can't|have Martians running all over Nevada! {44909}{44939}You're right. {44941}{45010}- Thank you, sir.|- This situation needs to be supervised. {45012}{45048}Absolutely, sir. {45052}{45088}General Casey... {45093}{45133}can you handle it? {45149}{45175}I'd be proud. {45177}{45236}Good, but keep a lid on it. {45240}{45309}Key media, good cross-section of guests. {45329}{45396}We don't want it to turn|into a zoo out there. {45620}{45682}They don't know what|they're talking about! {45684}{45737}Liberals, intellectuals... {45741}{45797}peacemongers, idiots! {45837}{45893}Would you please keep it down? {45897}{45937}People live here! {46514}{46544}General Casey. {46581}{46657}Yes, I get to greet the Martian ambassador. {46669}{46709}Isn't that great? {46713}{46782}Oh, it's a hell of an honor. {46793}{46902}Didn't I always tell you if I stayed|in place and never spoke up... {46906}{46965}good things were bound to happen? {48573}{48658}I want the Martians to be treated|like foreign dignitaries. {48662}{48725}I want your men alert and majestic... {48729}{48789}with a snap in their step. {48818}{48882}This must look good.|The world is watching. {48884}{48910}Yes, sir. {49034}{49091}Are you positive this thing will work? {49117}{49158}Positively positive. {49162}{49200}We don't want any slip-ups. {49202}{49253}No, no, no, no. Not at all. {49769}{49836}Poppy. All these people. {49856}{49913}All of them here to see you. {49980}{50024}There's Jason, Poppy! {50332}{50368}Okay, let's go. {50421}{50502}The teeming masses have gathered|from who knows how many states... {50504}{50548}waiting and watching. {50553}{50586}Why have they come? {50588}{50645}Curiosity? Or is it something more? {50653}{50718}Or simply to say, 'I was there'? {50729}{50762}'I was there... {50766}{50804}when first man... {50806}{50842}met Martian.' {50857}{50879}Jason Stone... {50881}{50913}GNN... {50917}{50942}Pahrump. {51734}{51762}Some room. {51766}{51809}Give them room. {53053}{53106}It is an awesome sight. {53110}{53181}The giant spacecraft glinting... {53185}{53249}in the Nevada sun like a... {53265}{53297}giant... {53309}{53345}hubcap. {53385}{53425}Something's happening. {53561}{53594}The doorway... {53598}{53628}is opening. {53729}{53774}A silver ramp... {53778}{53814}is coming out... {53837}{53881}like a giant tongue. {54458}{54498}Gee whiz. {55177}{55209}Martians! {55233}{55274}Funny little critters. {56206}{56234}Well? {56257}{56279}Wait. {56369}{56396}Greetings. {56401}{56461}I am the Martian ambassador. {56521}{56585}Everything is fixed now. You may speak. {56589}{56621}Greetings. {56625}{56663}I am General Casey... {56665}{56777}Commanding Officer of the Armed|Forces of the United States of America. {56786}{56849}On behalf of the people of Earth: {56853}{56878}Welcome. {56898}{56932}He did that well. {57658}{57694}We come in peace. {57714}{57766}We come in peace. We come in peace. {57884}{57936}They came in peace. {58012}{58052}We come in peace. {58756}{58782}Open fire! {59540}{59568}What? {60758}{60818}Die, you alien shithead! {60976}{61005}I surrender! {61188}{61250}No, it ain't happening! It didn't happen! {62613}{62665}Holy Mother of God! {62681}{62716}Did you see that? {62720}{62803}We should hit these assholes|with everything we've got, sir. {62817}{62854}Sir, Mr. President,|I know this seems terrible... {62856}{62903}but let's not be too rash. {62905}{62942}We should nuke them! {62953}{63020}We must establish|a line of communication first. {63036}{63077}Set up a town hall. {63081}{63130}We'll get the public's opinion. {63177}{63220}What do you think? {63261}{63304}Kick the crap out of them. {63340}{63379}Ladies and gentlemen... {63381}{63442}it may be a cultural misunderstanding. {63460}{63508}Maybe to them, doves mean war. {63554}{63626}We all saw how they reacted to that dove. {63634}{63670}It frightened them. {63680}{63732}He did say that... {63780}{63832}"We come in peace." {64068}{64118}The new computer's ready. {64122}{64170}Okay, let's do it. {64174}{64236}I know we're making the right decision. {64308}{64344}Ready to transmit. {64394}{64484}This is the president of the United States. {64506}{64550}I'm speaking in the hope... {64554}{64635}that what happened earlier today|in the Nevada desert... {64644}{64720}was a cultural misunderstanding. {64740}{64810}There can be no doubt|that we two peoples... {64814}{64892}have a great deal to offer one another. {64896}{64944}You must be as excited as we... {64948}{65025}to find intelligent life in the solar system. {65052}{65098}Let me make it clear. {65102}{65142}You have nothing... {65146}{65194}to fear from us. {65204}{65280}Our customs may be strange to you... {65284}{65348}but we mean no harm. {67074}{67136}When the investors fly in... {67148}{67212}I would like for them each to be... {67244}{67280}met by a limo. {67304}{67362}Top of the line cars... {67376}{67432}leather interiors... {67446}{67504}Corinthian, if they got it. {67524}{67606}Are you still spinning your wheels|on that cockamamie hotel? {67640}{67670}Hello! {67686}{67734}The Martians have attacked! {67738}{67836}This was no misunderstanding.|I was there. I saw it. {67840}{67898}Look, you're worried about yesterday. {67906}{67954}I'm worried about tomorrow. {67958}{68044}The Martians land on Earth,|they'll need a place to stay. {68048}{68089}Just like everyone else. {68108}{68144}My God. {68176}{68242}Maybe we should all be destroyed. {68266}{68342}The human race doesn't deserve to live. {68510}{68538}Ethel... {68542}{68584}that reminds me. {68588}{68646}I'd like the limos to be stocked... {68650}{68724}with every kind of alcohol|known to man. {68728}{68794}And top it off with a bottle of Dom... {68798}{68834}on ice. {68858}{68936}What confounds me most of all|is the lack of genitalia. {68940}{68986}Down here is the aorta. {68990}{69050}Up here we have the sphinx. {69058}{69134}Notice the highly developed|nerve system here. {69138}{69222}This explains, of course,|the cerebral arteries. {69226}{69314}And if we notice down here,|behind the optic chiasm... {69332}{69382}several glands... {69472}{69516}Very curious. {70538}{70648}"He who believes in me,|though he die, yet shall he live. {70670}{70766}"And whoever lives and believes in me|shall never die." {70794}{70874}Billy-Glenn Norris gave his life|defending our country. {70878}{70924}Why did it have to be him? {70928}{71024}He's a true American hero.|May God rest his soul. {71064}{71108}Ready! Aim. {71146}{71170}Fire! {71204}{71230}Aim! {71238}{71264}Fire! {71568}{71597}Hello? {71601}{71682}Byron! Is everything all right?|You still coming tomorrow? {71684}{71768}Just try and stop me.|That plane arrives at 4:00 p. m. {71773}{71809}Are the kids there? {71813}{71845}Yeah, hold on. {71921}{71961}- Me first.|- No, me. {72048}{72067}Hey, Dad. {72069}{72117}Who's that? Neville? {72133}{72157}How are you? {72159}{72205}We're going to the White House. {72207}{72245}The White House? {72249}{72279}Yeah, tomorrow. {72283}{72331}- Give it back!|- Leave me alone. {72335}{72389}It's a school thing, like a tour. {72393}{72463}So you're still going to school|once in a while? {72499}{72533}Give me your ma again. {72535}{72559}Hold on. {72561}{72581}Mom. {72587}{72653}- You always get to the phone first.|- So what? {72669}{72707}I'm first to the game. {72757}{72831}Why are you wasting this phone time?|I'll see you tomorrow. {72833}{72895}But there's something|I want to say to you. {72899}{72957}Just 'cause I feel like saying it. {72963}{72992}What's that? {73009}{73043}I love you. {73087}{73131}I love you too, Byron. {73135}{73209}Now stop wasting money!|I'll see you tomorrow! {73629}{73665}They're responding. {73745}{73793}A message from the Martians. {73851}{73873}Really? {73875}{73925}They've issued a formal apology. {73971}{74021}This is great! {74039}{74085}I told you this would happen. {74089}{74189}The Martian ambassador feels terrible|and wants to speak to Congress. {74193}{74231}That's good, isn't it? {74235}{74271}You bet. {74285}{74341}It's a victory for our administration. {76129}{76167}Ladies and gentlemen. {76171}{76245}This is a proud day for all Americans. {76259}{76337}This is a hell of a photo-op, Jerry. {76351}{76403}Are you sure I shouldn't be there? {76407}{76497}The Secret Service don't want|the executive branch... {76501}{76575}and the legislative branch|in the same room. {76601}{76673}The Martian ambassador|is going to say a few words. {76687}{76739}Come on down, Mr. Ambassador! {78371}{78412}Mr. Ambassador, please!