{2384}{2526}Хайде Алехандро, сега е мой ред.|Дай да видя. {3239}{3420}- Какво правиш?|- Извинявай. Чакаме Зоро. {3425}{3526}- Вървете си.|- Мислиш ли че ще дойде? {3531}{3582}Някои мислят че ще доиде. {3625}{3757}Джо, Алехандро, веднъж |аз изкопах гробове за вашите родители. {3762}{3863}Не искам да копая и за вас.|Сега, давайте! {4116}{4252}Алехандро, Джо,|Продължавайте по план. {5540}{5612}Дон Монтеро, защо сте още тук? {5617}{5695}Сега, сега, Дон Луиз. Спокойно, Спокойно. {5699}{5800}Санта Анна е на три мили|от града. Трябва да тръгваш веднага. {5805}{5906}Правителството на Испания |би искало да ви благодари. {6110}{6180}Страната е собственост на Испания. {6185}{6315}Ще бъде собственост на Мексико|освен ако не ви я предам. {6320}{6475}Санта Анна ще уважи искането ви. {6480}{6659}Останалото ще разделя по равно|между останалите Благородници. {6782}{6872}Махни децата от площада. {6956}{7021}Децата не бива да гледат|какво правим. {7027}{7132}Искам да видя !|Пусни ме долу. {7320}{7401}Зоро? {7540}{7622}Видях го |Видях зоро. Елате. {7950}{8081}- Кои са тези мъже?|- Кои са те ? Нямам представа. {8085}{8135}Трима селянина. {8495}{8546}Каде е той? {10051}{10101}Хаиде. {11098}{11174}Моите благодарности, господа. {11302}{11426}Сега, ако ме извините,|Изпускам собственото си тържество. {11819}{11869}Убийте го! {12388}{12450}Ти би ги убил за да ме хванеш? {12455}{12562}Бих пожертвал 100 невинни мъже|ако трабва, за да те убия. {12642}{12766}Трима мъже, три трупа.|В името на Мексико, Рафаел. {12771}{12851}За да ти припомня да не се връщаш. {15254}{15398}Tорнадо, мой стари приятелю,|вече си прекалено стар за това. {15403}{15457}Да, аз също. {16088}{16220}- Дали е достатъчно топла?|- Сложих допълнително одеал, сър. {17107}{17247}Добрия принц не се изплаши.|Той се би със 100 стражи. {17251}{17465}И тогава, толкова красив,|той скочи на балкона. {17470}{17598}''Бихте ли убили трима невинни мъже|само за да ме хванете?'' {17603}{17675}''Да.'' {17681}{17792}Тогава блесна светкавица|и гръм разтресе земята. {17797}{17929}Злият крал погледна свирепо|към добрия принц и каза... {17971}{18091}- Нещо много забравям.|- Какво направи добрия принц? {18096}{18242}Ами, той скочи от балкона|на своя верен кон Tornado - {18247}{18389}- и препусна към къщи при красивата си жена,|Есперанца, и дъщеря си, Елена. {18394}{18493}Никога не прави нещо |толкова глупаво пак. {18497}{18569}Тя обича да слуша твоите историй. {18618}{18732}Това е само звук от гласа ми.|Скоро тя няма да има време за тях. {18738}{18827}Никога не ми омръзват.|Защо тя ще? {18994}{19067}Есперанца ... {19211}{19374}Tя вече е силна колкото теб.|Днес тя счупи своя глинен кон. {19379}{19540}Диего ...|Диего, ти ми обеща. {19544}{19637}Няма да седя буден повече нощи. {19642}{19763}Испанците си заминават в къщи.|Днес беше последното яздене на Зоро. {19768}{19881}Oт сега нататък ще стареем |заедно с нашите 5 деца. {19887}{20006}- Пет?|- Даммм. Не са достатъчно? {20011}{20089}Искам те. {20345}{20438}Да? а Де Ла Вега ...|Още си красива както винаги. {20443}{20594}Дон Рафаел, kaква чест.|Имението е моя дом. {20599}{20731}- Останете за вечеря.|- Идвам да се извиня. {20735}{20863}Съжалявам че не успях да защитя |тази страна от селяните. {20868}{21011}Съжалявам че ще трябва да |ви оставя без съпруг. {21015}{21089}Aрестувайте го. {21482}{21572}Кръвта никога не лъже... Зоро. {21577}{21732}Вие сте предател.|Вие и хората ви. Отведете го. {21876}{21931}Чакайте. {22789}{22880}Не! {23324}{23419}Никога не съм позволявал|и косъм да падне от главата й. {23424}{23525}Тя никога не е била твоя за да я защитаваш. {23567}{23631}Eлeнa ... {23859}{23981}Ще живееш с мисълта |че си изгубил всичко. {24032}{24157}Ще страдаш с мисълта че|детето ти е било мое. {24611}{24691}Eлена! {25096}{25224}Дай ми я.|Дай ми я! {25229}{25299}Рафаел! {25305}{25388}Има очите на майка си. {25590}{25699}Рафаел!|Никога няма да се отървеш от мен. {26133}{26252}ДВАЙСЕТ ГОДИНИ ПО-КЪСНО {26562}{26656}Следвайте дирите им|доведете ми ги {26661}{26783}плати ми сега,|'щото ... {26928}{26996}'щото к'во .. ? {27002}{27120}Никой не е упорит като Джак|Никой не е упорит като Джак {27161}{27309}Сега ти се включваш тук.|Пеенето прави по лек товара ти. {27852}{27976}Хаиде, Хаиде всички,|за страшилището в твоя живот. {27981}{28127}Виж прочутите братя Муриета.|Разбойници, Конекрадци, - {28132}{28278}- Бандити, Хора от най лошите.|Ей! Ела тук. {28320}{28454}Гарсия.|Братята Муриета. {28518}{28578}Ела тук. {28722}{28806}Може Аз, приятел? {28890}{29023}Тези мъже сега са в Ареста|на Ефрейтор Армандо Гарсия. {29027}{29147}- Изисквам вашата щедрост в Tlaxco.|- Когато биковете започнат изтощителни дамски гащета. {29152}{29335}- Колко притежаваме?|- Горе долу ... около 200 песос. {29364}{29476}200 песос? Това ли е?|Някакви си въшливи 200 песос на парче? {29481}{29582}- Губим си времето.|- Това са 200 за всеки от вас. {29587}{29675}Какво? Луд ли си?|Не ги взимай, Джак. {29735}{29830}Докосни брат ми отново,|и ще те убия. {29835}{29886}Послушай го, ще го направи. {29920}{30076}- Мисля че сте вързани.|- Това е 'щото си тъп. {30199}{30260}Пусни го. {30438}{30586}- Те имат Сандък в каруцата.|- Знаем. За това доидохме. {30674}{30854}Аз, легендарния трипръст|Джак, дори не съм го споменал. {30859}{30989}Не съм единствения|който планира отвличането на кмета? {30994}{31174}Аз съм гръбнака на тази група.|Без мен, щахте да се разпаднете. {31179}{31274}Адиос, Амигос. {32366}{32418}Давай. {32423}{32464}Хвани го. {32568}{32646}Давай. {32650}{32736}Давай. {33190}{33287}Искам да знаеш|че считам това за чест. {34090}{34193}Зарови тялото. Сложи му торба на главата. {35631}{35712}Разбира се имам усещане за теб. {35717}{35861}Да, да, ама по бързо.|Скрий се в хамбара. {35866}{35948}Идват. {36028}{36176}Какво искате?|Не ме докосвайте. Кой сте вие? {36334}{36422}Дон Рафаел! {37673}{37747}Изслушай ме. {37752}{37917}Ако някой от вас е, или някога е бил,|този маскиран мъж известен като Зоро, - {37921}{38005}- да се разкрие сега. {38010}{38072}Аз съм Зоро! {38078}{38206}- Те ми взеха маската ...|- Тишина, дърт глупак! {38211}{38328}Аз съм Зоро!|Аз съм мъжа когото търсите. {38334}{38464}Лъжец!|Ти си само един самохвалко. {39538}{39661}Ракарайте ги от тук|преди да са се разсмърдяли. {40070}{40152}Намерихте ли го? {40200}{40266}Той е мъртъв. {40270}{40346}Обратно на лодката. Имам нужда от сън. {42895}{42959}Губернатора се върна! {43195}{43321}- Луис ...|- Рафаел, беше прекалено дълго. {43326}{43477}- Прекалено дълго.|- ти свикнал да благосклонност мен повече всичк. {43482}{43610}Consider this a fool's apology|for ever doubting you. {43713}{43826}Come.|A crowd has gathered to greet you. {43925}{44049}- Дон Педро.|- Дон Рафаел, Добре дошъл. {44054}{44153}Дон Хектор.|Дон Хулио. {44158}{44230}Господа. {44380}{44472}Моля, моля. {44477}{44629}You are not happy to see me,|so let us all stop pretending. {44634}{44795}I know that you have been paid,|even threatened, to greet me. {44800}{44907}I understand exactly how you feel. {44911}{45031}Why should you care|about any of your leaders? {45037}{45193}The Spaniards oppressed you,|the Mexicans ignored you. {45198}{45287}And the dons ..? {45293}{45421}The dons seem content|to cheat and lie to you. {45463}{45575}Who, in your entire history,|has ever helped you? {45581}{45686}Zorro!|Zorro fought for the people. {45791}{45871}Yes, Zorro ... {45877}{45978}Where is he now, Padre,|your masked friend? {45983}{46140}He hasn't shown himself in 20 years.|20 years! {46145}{46300}The time has come to take|our destiny into our own hands. {46306}{46440}Not as Spaniards or Mexicans,|but as Californians. {46601}{46710}I stand here before you today|with no mask. {46714}{46858}Only a solemn pledge|that I will never abandon you. {46863}{46955}And you have my word - {46960}{47130}- that I will help you fight|for an independent California. {47376}{47419}Father ... {47546}{47651}Gentlemen, allow me|to introduce my daughter, Elena. {47822}{47881}Thank you. {47919}{48062}- I know the scent of this flower.|- It's called romneya. {48068}{48222}But it only grows in California,|and this is your first visit here. {48880}{48979}More whiskey. {49013}{49130}- Or whatever you call this.|- Money first. {49135}{49211}Money first. {49249}{49290}Wait! {49357}{49427}- What about this?|- Silver! {49432}{49526}Of course, silver.|The finest. {49689}{49800}- Where did you get that?|- It's none of your business. {49804}{49884}Where did you get it? {49925}{50040}It was my brother's.|He is dead. {50106}{50244}- I'm sorry.|- Why should you be sorry? {50285}{50388}Don't trade it|for a mere glass of whiskey. {50394}{50483}You think I could get two? {50628}{50702}Who is that? {50785}{50929}- The man who killed my brother.|- You're in no condition to fight. {50934}{51017}Get out of my way, old man. {51715}{51826}Would you care to try again ..?|You're welcome. {51901}{52011}- For what?|- For saving your life. {52088}{52197}- I would have killed him.|- No, he's trained to kill. {52202}{52326}You seem trained to drink.|You would have died quickly. {52331}{52419}Who then would avenge your brother? {52424}{52570}- I have never lost a fight.|- Except to a crippled old man. {52622}{52750}- What is your name?|- Alejandro. {52800}{52922}''When the pupil is ready,|the master will appear.'' {52927}{53060}If you want to kill this man|I can teach you how to take revenge. {53065}{53234}- And live to celebrate it.|- Why are you so eager to help me? {53239}{53334}Because once, a long time ago ... {53388}{53491}... you did the same for me. {53693}{53907}I can't believe it. I never thought|that I would be standing here. {53912}{54101}- In the lair of Zorro.|- It was devoted to his training. {54139}{54242}Where were you all these years?|I thought you were dead. {54247}{54381}I was dead.|And we will leave it at that. {54544}{54696}I remember the last time I saw you.|You were fighting 1 00 men. {54702}{54822}You were the greatest swordsman|who ever lived. {54827}{54978}Montero was the governor then.|Do you remember him? {55056}{55143}Rafael Montero.|Do you remember him? {55148}{55255}Yes. His soldiers killed many. {55259}{55362}And he was|the sworn enemy of Zorro ... You. {55366}{55478}- Montero has come back.|- Then you can kill him. {55483}{55588}No, there are too many complications|for me to ignore. {55627}{55693}What complications? {55834}{55925}I can see we are not going|to spend much time talking. {55931}{56031}Montero has some design|for California, - {56036}{56128}- otherwise he would not have|hired Captain Love. {56133}{56238}- We must find out what that is.|- And then what? {56242}{56357}If you are ready,|we will both tempt our fates. {56362}{56407}Let's go, then. {56509}{56643}- Do you know how to use that?|- It goes into the other man. {56726}{56809}This is going to take a lot of work. {56860}{57057}This is called a training circle.|It will be your world, your life. {57061}{57242}Till I tell you otherwise,|there is nothing outside of it. {57247}{57342}Captain Love does not exist|until I say he exists. {57460}{57604}As your skill improves you will|progress to a smaller circle. {57609}{57743}Each new circle brings you|closer to retribution. {57785}{57884}- I like that part.|- Shall we? {58393}{58506}Slow. Attack slow.|Attack. {58511}{58589}Slow. Again. Slow. {58593}{58700}Slowly ... Good. {58704}{58784}- Good. That is good.|- Thank you. {58788}{58841}Attack. {58912}{58964}Good. {58992}{59057}Time for a drink. {59323}{59385}Perfect. Do it again. {59801}{59869}One, five, three! {59889}{59945}Six, four, two! {59951}{60016}And lunge. {60266}{60379}Lesson number one ...|Never attack in anger. {60484}{60562}Lesson number two ... {60568}{60704}- Come with me.|- What? {61038}{61174}- So what is lesson number three?|- To get to lesson number four. {61660}{61707}Again? {62239}{62367}- Black Andalusian. Magnificent.|- It looks like your old horse. {63311}{63403}Quiet, quiet. {63627}{63757}Damned horse. What are you doing? {63761}{63837}I'll see you tonight. {64375}{64455}Zorro, you look better than ever. {65092}{65207}Be careful, seтorita,|there are dangerous men about. {65212}{65327}If you see any,|be sure to point them out. {67139}{67315}Listen. I'm going to give you|the great honour of being my horse. {67393}{67449}Quiet, please! {67723}{67809}We are like one spirit. {67952}{68004}Stop! {69363}{69423}Go, go, go! {70160}{70228}Get him! {73068}{73148}Kill him. {73983}{74095}Zorro!|The legend has returned! {75155}{75283}- You don't know me, Father ...|- Zorro! Of course I know you. {75287}{75388}Is it really you?|The years have been kind to you. {75393}{75537}I have no time to talk now.|Father, please, hide me. {75678}{75760}It's just like the old days. {75931}{76090}Padre, is that you?|Is everything all right? {76124}{76252}Don't worry, my dear. You are safe|in the house of the Lord. {76257}{76318}Of course, Padre. {76324}{76406}It has been three days|since my last confession. {76411}{76561}Three days? Come back|when you've had more time. {76566}{76682}- Excuse me?|- Listen, seтorita ... {76749}{76830}Please, go on. {76835}{76961}- I broke the fourth commandment.|- Did you kill somebody? {76966}{77097}- That's not the fourth commandment.|- Of course not. {77102}{77267}In what way did you break|the most sacred of commandments? {77271}{77429}- I dishonoured my father.|- Maybe your father deserved it. {77434}{77587}- What did you say?|- I said, tell me more, my child. {77592}{77715}I try to behave|the way my father would like me to. {77721}{77824}- But my heart is too wild.|- Too wild? {77829}{77941}- Yes.|- Could you be more specific? {77946}{78114}I had impure thoughts about a man.|He wore a black mask. {78178}{78304}- He had a deep voice?|- Yes. {78310}{78473}- Ruggedly handsome?|- His face was half-covered. {78478}{78591}But something in his eyes|captured me. {78596}{78720}I felt warm and feverish. {78725}{78791}Lustful? {78833}{78916}Yes, lustful. {78966}{79043}Forgive me. {79111}{79196}I forgive you. {79259}{79316}Look by the altar. {79376}{79508}Search everything.|The chapel, the rectory, all of it. {79512}{79662}- This is a house of God.|- We'll be gone when he gets back. {79725}{79813}Se?orita,|you have done nothing wrong. {79818}{79929}The only sin would be to deny|what your heart truly feels. {79933}{79997}Now, go. {80079}{80143}Elena. {80243}{80387}- What are you doing here?|- I was confessing. {80391}{80484}To whom?|The priest is here. {80528}{80619}Stand back, Elena. Please. {81066}{81194}Out of respect for Miss Montero,|I'll deal with you later. {81388}{81450}Horse! Come here. {81589}{81694}Blackie! Thunder! Storm! {81698}{81783}Stupido! Get over here now! {81817}{81947}I warn you.|I'll get another horse. {83575}{83632}So? {83637}{83711}What do you think? {83776}{83929}Sir, I got the black stallion,|I carved a ''Z'' ... {83969}{84038}People know Zorro is back. {84044}{84198}You think stealing a horse makes you|worthy enough to wear that mask? {84245}{84317}Be careful. {84368}{84484}You're a thief, Alejandro.|A pitiful clown. {84489}{84574}Zorro was a servant of the people,|not a seeker of fame like you. {84579}{84641}A buffoon. {84712}{84829}- Zorro did what was needed.|- Now he is needed again. {84834}{85023}I didn't ask for your help, but I|came here to learn how to fight. {85029}{85111}To have your strength, your courage. {85117}{85216}Now when I try to use them,|you slap me down? {85221}{85355}Let me tell you something.|I am tired of your lecturing. {85359}{85471}I am tired of waiting for you|to tell me I am ready. {85476}{85626}I have my own scores to settle,|a new life to find. {85631}{85751}I thought I could do it here,|but I was wrong. {85773}{85835}Alejandro! {85841}{85911}En garde! {85983}{86060}Choose your weapon. {86501}{86625}Montero has invited every don|in California to a banquet. {86630}{86737}If you want to be of service,|you can join them as a spy. {86762}{86940}- I think I do not understand, sir.|- Your skill is growing, Alejandro. {86945}{87041}But I must give you something|which is beyond your reach. {87047}{87171}- What is that?|- Charm. {87205}{87279}And what is that? {87338}{87418}Convince Montero|that you are a gentleman - {87423}{87522}- and he will let you|into his circle. {87565}{87635}Me? {87640}{87714}A gentleman? {87718}{87874}- This will take a lot of work.|- Yes ... {88321}{88455}Look at me. This is the most|stupid thing I have ever done. {88459}{88546}- I doubt that.|- We will never get away with this. {88552}{88694}Yes, we will. A nobleman just|says one thing and thinks another. {88700}{88818}- What if Montero recognises you?|- Montero is a true nobleman. {88824}{88935}He will never look a servant|in the eye. Listen to me. {88940}{89017}Listen to me! {89022}{89198}Most important thing of all, do not|let the dons leave without you. {89245}{89344}- Good luck tonight.|- Thank you. {89349}{89456}Stand up straight.|Charm. {89461}{89549}Charm. {89929}{90084}Don Rafael Montero?|Don Alejandro del Castillo y Garcia. {90090}{90211}The formal Spanish greeting.|I have not seen that in years. {90216}{90323}- My father was very strict.|- Who is your father? {90328}{90475}- Don Bartolo del Castillo.|- Unfortunately, I've never met him. {90506}{90626}I arrived last week from Spain. {90631}{90730}I am inspecting|my family's holdings. {90828}{90964}Queen Isabella of Spain|has been very generous to us. {90969}{91048}Very impressive.|What brings you here? {91053}{91224}I heard you were back in California,|and the Queen speaks highly of you. {91287}{91458}I thought I fell out of favour with|the court when California was lost. {91616}{91677}Only in certain circles. {91683}{91817}Her Majesty knows those unfortunate|events were no fault of yours. {91823}{91947}She told me this is still a land|of opportunity for a man of vision. {91952}{92093}- And you are a man of vision?|- I am a man in search of a vision. {92162}{92312}But my timing is unfortunate.|Perhaps I could call again? {92352}{92443}No, it would honour me|for you to join us. {92448}{92518}No, it would honour me. {92524}{92642}Please allow me to introduce|my daughter, Elena. {92703}{92798}Charmed. {92840}{93004}I'm afraid I have brought no gift|for the hostess, but wait a moment. {93286}{93362}- Thank you.|- A pleasure. {93455}{93591}Bernardo, pick up your feet.|Se?orita. Caballero. {94194}{94260}Don Alejandro. {94265}{94430}- We would like you to join us.|- I would be delighted, seтorita. {94733}{94809}Ah, Don Alejandro. {94814}{94958}Gentlemen, allow me to introduce|Don Alejandro del Castillo y Garcia. {94963}{95116}This is Captain Harrison Love.|Not a don, but a kindred spirit. {95155}{95269}Are you not the man|who was chasing a legendary bandit? {95275}{95357}- He was hardly legendary.|- Was he caught? {95363}{95508}- It's only a matter of time.|- The bandit may have escaped. {95513}{95628}But the rest of us will think twice|before going to confession. {96161}{96237}Thank you. {96318}{96425}Don Hector, I disagree.|Until these people are free - {96430}{96542}- I think we will see|many more Z's carved into walls. {96580}{96681}Don Alejandro, what do you think? {96686}{96800}I think ...|Sheep will always need a shepherd. {96805}{96935}But not this Zorro creature. {96940}{97071}He probably wears the mask|to hide his bald head. {97145}{97257}- Some would call him heroic.|- Heroism, a romantic illusion. {97262}{97350}- Much like nobility.|- Elena, that is enough. {97355}{97435}Heroism is something to aspire to,|not sneer at. {97441}{97559}All that shooting guns,|racing around on horses - {97565}{97695}- gives me a frightful headache.|It's hardly the work of a gentleman. {97701}{97771}What is?|Climbing in and out of carriages? {97777}{97963}No, but increasing one's holdings|so as to provide comfort to ladies. {97969}{98018}Such as yourself. {98172}{98296}A woman's grasp of politics.|What can I say? {98330}{98468}We are at a party, aren't we?|May I have the honour of this dance? {98545}{98623}I would be glad to. {99743}{99893}- Were you looking for something?|- The miraculous in everyday life. {99899}{100049}Oh, really? Look someplace else.|We were trying to dance. {100054}{100178}You were trying.|She was succeeding. {100183}{100290}Forgive me, Captain.|A shameless joke. {100294}{100434}I hope it will not be the last.|Don Rafael wants you back. Now. {101540}{101668}Should we try something more robust,|or do you feel unequal to the task? {101672}{101724}No, on the contrary. {101729}{101841}I think only of your distaste|for perspiration. {103958}{104126}That is the way they are dancing|in Madrid these days. {104130}{104204}Your daughter is a spirited dancer. {104208}{104355}''Spirited''. Thank you|for putting it so delicately. {104429}{104565}- I apologise if you're offended.|- No, no, no ... {104570}{104673}She is young and impulsive,|but her beauty is beyond compare. {104677}{104788}And she has her father's|commanding presence. {104811}{104893}Don Rafael ..! {104946}{105050}As an advisor to the Queen|in matters of finance, - {105054}{105192}- it would be my pleasure|to introduce you both at court. {105393}{105505}Join us in the courtyard. There is|something I want to share with you. {105510}{105590}A vision. {105819}{105889}Fellow dons ... {105893}{106005}All of us can recall the years|when we ruled this country. {106009}{106121}We commanded respect|and amassed a great deal of wealth. {106126}{106266}But we never determined|our own destiny. {106302}{106451}The time has come to claim|what always should have been ours. {106456}{106524}My friends ... {106530}{106680}I give you the independent|Republic of California. {107035}{107192}Every man here owes you something.|The land we got made us wealthy. {107197}{107306}But we must question your motives. {107311}{107385}The day you arrived,|you made us look like fools. {107391}{107564}- I was merely playing to the crowd.|- And what are you doing now? {107568}{107661}You want us to raise arms|against Santa Anna. {107666}{107831}- You know we couldn't defeat him.|- I wasn't suggesting a fight. {107835}{107905}I was suggesting that we buy it. {107909}{108042}Santa Anna is waging an expensive|war with the United States. {108047}{108208}Even if we combined our fortunes|we could not buy this country. {108213}{108364}- I already have a deal with him.|- You are living in a dream. {108409}{108510}And why don't we all|live in the same dream together? {108855}{109021}Meet me here tomorrow for a journey|that will lay your doubts to rest. {110303}{110416}My friends, I give you ...|El Dorado! {110671}{110855}Fortunately, Santa Anna is unaware|of the existence of all his gold. {110860}{110996}These bars have been marked|with the Spanish seal. {111039}{111109}Is it becoming clearer to you? {111113}{111225}Two days from now we will buy|this country from Santa Anna. {111231}{111301}With gold dug from his own land. {111562}{111706}- Where did you find these people?|- Anywhere we wanted. {111711}{111791}Brilliant. {111906}{112049}It's part of the mining process.|First we picked it up, now we blast. {112403}{112531}So,|this is the future of California? {112535}{112626}This is my vision, yes. {112692}{112814}Up here.|Ain't you a sight for sore eyes! {112819}{112944}Full-grown vultures|walking around like real folks. {112949}{113039}Welcome.|Welcome to hell's outhouse. {113044}{113199}They call us the disappeared ones,|but we ain't exactly disappeared. {113204}{113334}- We're just hard to find.|- Wait! You. I know you. {113338}{113447}You bet you do, peckerwood.|I'm Three-Fingered Jack. {113451}{113534}And you're a bunch of murderers - {113539}{113644}- dressed up in fancy,|sweet-smelling doodads. {113648}{113718}Ignore him. He's a common thief. {113723}{113865}As common as they come.|But nothing compared to you. {113869}{114048}I steal gold and money.|But you steal people's lives. {114053}{114200}So damn you!|And damn the horse that brung you. {114625}{114703}Peckerwood? {115693}{115792}Is there something amusing, Captain? {115796}{115862}Strange, I'd say. {115867}{115984}I have twice shot this man|while he was flying through the air. {116156}{116274}Don Alejandro!|I need to speak to you alone. {116279}{116429}- Some other time, perhaps.|- Today. Alone. {116989}{117068}Good afternoon, Bernardo. {117072}{117140}Good afternoon, seтorita. {117145}{117271}- Your voice is so calming.|- He's high-spirited. {117277}{117363}Yes, I understand. {117368}{117456}How long have you served|Don Alejandro? {117461}{117547}Sometimes it seems interminable.|Sorry. {117552}{117649}Do not worry, Bernardo.|He will not hear it from me. {117654}{117774}Don Alejandro confuses me. {117779}{117919}Sometimes he seems|so arrogant, so superior. {117923}{118056}And yet the way he looks at me|and the way he dances with me ... {118060}{118169}As if he were|two completely different men. {118361}{118506}- You look so much like your mother.|- How would you know that? {118511}{118653}Well ... I don't see|much of Don Rafael in you. {118718}{118796}My father wishes|I acted more like her. {118800}{118932}- She was very proper.|- Is that how he describes her? {118936}{119057}- Yes. But I don't believe it.|- She was more like you. {119112}{119252}Perhaps.|It would be a way of knowing her. {119311}{119443}My ni?era told me that the departed|can see you in the moonlight. {119448}{119599}When I was young I sneaked out|at night and rode across Andalusia. {119604}{119719}I would wave at the skies|so she would know it was me. {119823}{119913}- How did she die?|- Giving birth to me. {119963}{120098}My father rarely speaks of her.|I think he finds it too painful. {120103}{120193}Yes ... {120288}{120400}I know what it is like|to lose a loved one. {120444}{120534}A daughter. Long ago. {120593}{120746}When I see you, I remember|what it felt like to be a father. {120807}{120941}- Your mother would be proud of you.|- Thank you. {121008}{121120}I have to ask you ...|Have we ever met before? {121125}{121189}No, why would you think that? {121231}{121345}It's strange ...|Your voice seems so familiar. {121350}{121486}I haven't been to Spain|since before you were born. {121490}{121639}Of course.|Well, it's a very pleasant voice. {121677}{121736}Thank you. {121741}{121815}- Good day, Bernardo.|- Good day ... {121954}{122033}... Elena. {122362}{122562}Did you know that the Compa Indians|used to cannibalise their enemies? {122566}{122683}The eyes were most sought after. {122722}{122868}To be able to see through the eyes|of an enemy is a valuable thing. {122980}{123082}Where are my manners? Would you|care for something to drink? {123245}{123381}No?|A different vintage perhaps? {123585}{123684}You're a very sick person. {123688}{123849}Heads and hands in jars|must strike you as odd, I suppose. {123874}{123967}You ought to fire your housekeeper. {124122}{124214}- Who is he?|- An enemy. {124251}{124370}He has a brother|who will share the same fate. {124412}{124484}I wish you luck. {124575}{124666}- To your health.|- Murrieta's brother or not ... {124672}{124752}You are more than you pretend to be. {124756}{124923}Maybe someday I will see|what I look like through your eyes. {126026}{126111}It is beautiful. {126457}{126540}How much does it cost? {126678}{126759}It is a gift, she says,|in honour of your mother. {126871}{126980}- She loved your mother.|- She must be mistaken. {126986}{127061}My mother died long ago in Spain. {127331}{127453}She says you are the daughter|of Esperanza and Diego de la Vega. {127458}{127610}She was your nanny.|She hung flowers on your crib. {127671}{127759}I'm sorry, I cannot accept it. {128194}{128262}Alejandro ... {128268}{128398}Listen to me. Can you find|your way back to the mine? {128434}{128502}No. {128508}{128602}The windows were all covered. {128608}{128701}- He didn't trust his own dons.|- Nor would I. {128706}{128811}You must break into the chest|in Montero's study. {128816}{128935}- Find out what his plans are.|- People in the mine are dying. {128940}{129073}And all I can think of is ...|Captain Love. {129077}{129178}He will come into your circle|soon enough. {129225}{129367}- I miss my brother.|- Your brother's dead. Put it aside. {129372}{129448}How? {129485}{129656}How can I do what is needed|when all I feel is ... hate? {129694}{129758}You hide it. {129786}{129850}With this. {130100}{130184}Santa Anna has agreed to|the transfer the day after tomorrow. {130189}{130278}He insists we deliver the gold|five miles north of town. {130386}{130510}It's a safe distance from the mine.|I don't foresee a problem. {130515}{130643}Tell him we agree.|You have done well, Luiz. {130728}{130809}To the independent|Republic of California. {130904}{130960}Don Rafael! {131555}{131660}You sent men to the hills?|Doubled the guard at the wall? {131815}{131964}- After all, it's only one man.|- It isn't just one man. It's Zorro. {131969}{132088}And he knows about the mine.|Otherwise he wouldn't be here. {132093}{132169}- How could he possibly ...|- It doesn't matter how. {132174}{132330}If Santa Anna finds out about this|he will have us butchered. {132335}{132430}Do you understand? {132464}{132625}Then we should destroy the evidence.|Set explosives. Bury the mine. {132630}{132744}- And the workers?|- We destroy all the evidence. {132932}{133018}Make sure|those papers are locked up. {133419}{133460}Guards! {133671}{133807}- The much-debated Zorro.|- No. The legendary Zorro. {133875}{133974}Put down your weapons!|Tell them. {133979}{134058}Do as he says. {134174}{134211}Allow me. {134359}{134464}Come. Stop. {134469}{134531}Face the window. {134545}{134656}Now, bend down and touch your toes. {134685}{134753}Bend over! {134776}{134904}Excuse me, Captain Love.|Thank you. {138346}{138391}Kill him! {139075}{139120}Good morning, seтor. {139226}{139315}- Good morning, seтorita.|- Give it back. {139320}{139454}Whatever it is you have stolen|from my father, give it to me. {139459}{139512}No. {139661}{139744}Come on now. {140040}{140154}I don't have the time|to give you the proper instruction. {140160}{140274}I have had the proper instruction|since I was four. {141554}{141607}Not bad. {141656}{141699}Not bad at all. {142245}{142348}This will make it more difficult.|Se?orita ... {142944}{143025}Don't move. {143505}{143606}- Do you surrender?|- Never. {143610}{143740}- But I may scream.|- I understand. {143745}{143830}Sometimes I have that effect. {144499}{144567}Excuse me. {144616}{144677}Goodbye, seтorita. {144952}{145122}- What happened?|- I fought Zorro and he left. {145126}{145291}- Did you recognise him?|- No, but he was young and vigorous. {145297}{145400}- He was very vigorous, Father.|- Vigorous? {145405}{145465}Yes. {146388}{146448}Let's go! {148264}{148305}Go! {150083}{150204}Here. This is the canyon.|That is where the mine is. {150209}{150333}They have 25-30 guards at most. {150338}{150453}- Nothing that Zorro can't overcome.|- I'm not going with you. {150458}{150563}I'm not going with you. {150568}{150671}There's something I must do.|It's a personal matter. {150693}{150786}- And the prisoners?|- There's nothing more I can do. {150791}{150927}- Nothing you will do?|- I gave my life to them. {150932}{151102}My wife was murdered before my eyes,|and my child was raised by my enemy. {151135}{151191}Montero? {151253}{151337}Elena ... {151342}{151472}- She's your daughter.|- She was. {151571}{151683}So,|you will simply take your revenge. {151688}{151793}No, my daughter. And don't pretend|she means nothing to you. {151797}{151921}She does. But you taught me|to see beyond personal feelings. {151926}{152034}- Was that all a lie?|- You are too young to understand. {152039}{152138}To understand what? Betrayal? {152142}{152237}All the work, all the training,|all the wise words, for what? {152242}{152368}To smile in the face of a killer|while you make your own plans? {152431}{152532}I taught you|everything you need to survive. {152536}{152626}Now I must look to my own heart. {152632}{152755}Elena is all I have left.|I am not going to lose her again. {152808}{152919}What about California?|What about the people? {152923}{153017}They still have Zorro. {153665}{153803}Every inch of the countryside|is covered. If he shows himself ... {153807}{153970}- Are you all right?|- Is your army ready to fight? {153975}{154050}- No, sir.|- Then I'm not all right. {154055}{154170}I'm beginning to wonder if you want|this operation to succeed at all. {154175}{154315}I think my horse could run this army|better than you. {154412}{154546}I said I'll find him.|That means I will. {154632}{154724}Perhaps I can save you the trouble.|Go on, reach for it, Captain. {154792}{154887}- Who are you?|- I warned you long ago, Rafael. {154930}{155011}- You would never be rid of me.|- De la Vega. {155118}{155233}- Rafael ...|- It wasn't you I saw last night. {155238}{155331}- That was Don Alejandro.|- Yes. {155336}{155408}But many|would proudly wear the mask. {155413}{155549}Either way, events have been set|in motion that you cannot stop. {155555}{155676}I'm not here to stop you.|Call for Elena. {155785}{155859}Call her. {155881}{155967}Captain ... Bring my daughter to me. {156022}{156073}Bring her to me! {156279}{156394}You cannot imagine|how I have dreamed of this moment. {156399}{156496}Night and day, 20 long years. {156500}{156607}Really?|I didn't give you a second thought. {156611}{156790}- If I die, the truth dies with me.|- We shall see. {156852}{156940}- Bernardo, what are you doing?|- Tell her, Rafael. {156983}{157089}- Tell me what?|- Tell her who her real father is. {157123}{157220}What is he saying? {157239}{157419}This man lost a daughter once|and now he seeks to claim you ... {157493}{157567}Tell her how her mother died. {157659}{157804}Your daughter is lost, de la Vega.|You cannot have mine. {157809}{157887}De la Vega ..? {157891}{157980}A woman in town, she told me ... {157985}{158091}Diego de la Vega? {158128}{158189}Father? {158194}{158297}His name is of no consequence. {158339}{158460}I was told my ni?era used|to hang something on my crib. {158465}{158548}Yes,|she had her hang fresh flowers. {158554}{158638}No! {158778}{158951}Let us finish what we started|the night Esperanza died. {158956}{159095}Drop your sword or I will have|no choice but to have you shot. {159099}{159181}Even in the presence of my daughter. {159230}{159283}Please. {159636}{159731}They were flowers. Romneya. {159879}{159937}Rafael ... {159976}{160064}She knows. {163111}{163172}Water! {163993}{164050}Lock them up! {165369}{165443}The fuses are burning.|Hurry it up. {165541}{165605}Let's go! {166120}{166186}Wait here! {166386}{166466}Secure the wagon, stay alert. {168596}{168674}- De la Vega.|- Rafael. {170445}{170523}Only one question. {170594}{170677}Really? What is that? {170760}{170854}How would you like|your remains displayed? {172982}{173099}- Now I'm free to kill you.|- No! {173231}{173330}Drop the sword. Drop it. {173551}{173663}You really think|l would have killed my own child? {174228}{174277}Did you miss me? {174830}{174896}Elena! Get them out! {175060}{175214}- ''M'' ... for Murrieta.|- Two men. One dead. {176710}{176838}You're doing well. Your brother|would have shot himself by now. {179589}{179661}Alejandro. {181451}{181630}- Is it finished?|- Yes, Don Diego. It's finished. {181662}{181817}Not for Zorro. There will be|other days, other battles to fight. {181822}{181911}It is your curse and destiny. {181957}{182038}My beautiful Elena ... {182078}{182179}The world is a strange place. {182183}{182332}- Now I'll lose you again.|- You will never lose me ... {182352}{182426}Father. {182581}{182664}You are like your mother. {182670}{182724}Same eyes. {182729}{182785}Same mouth. {182790}{182879}Same spirit. {182956}{183017}Alejandro ... {183064}{183144}... Elena. {183591}{183708}And so it was.|Lightning split the sky. {183713}{183869}Thunder shook the air.|And then all was quiet. {183875}{184045}The great warrior|known as Zorro was gone. {184050}{184162}The people of the land|gave him a hero's funeral. {184168}{184314}They came from far and wide to|say farewell to the brave champion. {184400}{184546}But, little Joaquin, whenever|great deeds are remembered, - {184552}{184734}- your grandfather will live on.|For there must always be a Zorro. {184739}{184865}And someday, when he is needed,|we will see him again. {184870}{185038}On Tornado, riding like the wind.|His sword blazing in the sun. {185066}{185210}Leaping, jumping ...|Fighting like a lion, like a tiger! {185215}{185281}Fighting ... {185423}{185507}... as safely as possible. {185513}{185633}Is this your idea|of putting the baby to sleep? {185757}{185829}Sleep tight, my son. {185973}{186121}When I sleep,|I will dream of Zorro. {186126}{186210}But what face shall I give him? {186215}{186378}He has been many different men,|but he has loved you as all of them. {186478}{186573}How can I refuse such a man? {186578}{186768}- Do you know where he might be?|- Zorro could be anywhere. {187165}{187239}There, there, my darling.